I want to know how long everyone is on the computer daily. See my DM has this rule for one hour on the computer daily, but I would like to see her practice what she preaches. She is on me for being over by 10 or so minutes, but see I think she should try to use only 1 hour on the computer daily for a month. She and I use it for roughly the same thing: email, blog, house (for me it is IMing with my friends). So mom here is your challenge – You need to practice what you preach and only use one hour on the computer for a month.
The difference, dear C, is that my chores and my homework is done. I also use the computer to balance our checkbook, pay bills, go grocery shopping, plan Sunday School lessons, and yes blog and look for houses for our family to live in. I help with DH's website for work and email my work. I write articles for the local paper & magazines. I will take your challenge to heart and try to do better, but I think there is huge differences in our usages and our ages.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Pink's New Hat
I have got to show you what DD thought was worth $15.00 at the fair this weekend.

I’m sure she will be depressed to find that I found it online for less than $10.00. I must tell you though that this is a very Pink thing. I don’t mean that it is pink, although it is, but instead I am referring to DD. Since an infant, I have dubbed DD in Pink aka Pink-ree, Pink-sree. (Please note this was long before Pink
ever hit the airways) How this nickname became even I don’t know, but why do parents nickname their kids anything. So given her name (and her attitude), this hat is perfect for her. I’ll try to get a picture of her in it for you to see.

I’m sure she will be depressed to find that I found it online for less than $10.00. I must tell you though that this is a very Pink thing. I don’t mean that it is pink, although it is, but instead I am referring to DD. Since an infant, I have dubbed DD in Pink aka Pink-ree, Pink-sree. (Please note this was long before Pink
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Survivor - Gabon
Watch CBS Videos Online
I figure we better get to know them, because I am sure this will be a huge part of our blog over the next few months. DD has been a fan since the very first episode. She would put off doing things in her "real" life to make sure that we were home to see her show (thank goodness for the internet and On Demand Cable - now we can live and still see Survivor). Some people questioned if she was too young to watch the show when it first came out, but not only have we found it to be a good family show. On those occassions that the content becomes questionable like nudity for peanut butter or Johnny Fairplay's Grandmother game, we have had some very good ethical behavior conversations. So I warn you all, don't call our home from 8-9pm EST on Thursday evenings - at least not for the next few months. And on those evenings that we have Girl Scouts first, moms, you better do your talking to me before the meetings, because I am under strict instructions to get home ASAP.
Is anyone else a Survivor Fan out there?
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Marc Jacobs - Shoes and Bags
Mom, It’s just Marc Jacobs Signature they always look like drug addicts girls, or guys they ALWAYS look high. I don’t know why he does it, but I still luv his shoes & bags…… lol :-p
By: C <3
By: C <3
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Mom Got A New Job
My mom got a new job!!!! She went for an interview and got the job offer at 3:00pm. The only problem is that the car we have right now is as old as my Brother!!!!!!! Let me tell you he isn’t 5. My mom is now freaking out looking for a new car with good MPG, but still has a lot of room for me and all of my friends.
By, C
Wow! She learned a new skill on HTML. How cool.
By, D
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Early Bird No More

I must be slowly migrating to a night owl, because it is 10:43 pm on Saturday night. I can’t sleep. I’m in my jammies and I just did all my homework including Latin (come on - - - that tires me out during the day!!!!). I’m not even tired. I don’t know why, but I’m not. I even just finished babysitting too!!! I used to be an early bird; up at six and be done by 12, but now I HATE mornings and LUV nights. I think I am turning into my mom and brother (They have always hated mornings and luved nights. I wouldn’t be surprised if my brother is still up.). I really need to go to bed . . . off to get some warm milk.
Are you an early bird or a night owl? What is your secret to falling asleep?
Are you an early bird or a night owl? What is your secret to falling asleep?
By, C
Friday, September 19, 2008
Freaky Friday
Ok - C and I both agree that this one is freaky. The sad part is that we have actually tested to make sure that it is not a cyber fake out. Mentos and Diet Coke actually shoots quite high. If you want to check out the science of it, Mythbusters has quite a show on it. This video is a blend of science and art. Check it out . . .
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Quick, Clean! - We have a showing!
Selling the house puts a lot of pressure on everyone. When we got the call yesterday for a showing, only DD and myself were home. We had just cuddled up on the couch to read when the call came in. We had less than a 1 ½ hours to get ready for the showing. I was possessed. DD was doing everything she could to help and yet I seemed to pile on more or find one more dust bunny where she had already cleaned. Sometimes it is hard to break the way you grew up yourself. Instead of critiquing, I should have been applauding her for helping at all. There is no way that I could have gotten it done without her. I am very lucky to have such a hard working and generally responsible daughter.
So here it is publically - - - Thanks C for your help. Love, D
So here it is publically - - - Thanks C for your help. Love, D
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Apple Cider Hearkens in Fall
C and I love our tea breaks, thus the name of our blog. We enjoy our chias. I appreciate my flavored coffee, especially at night after the kids have gone to bed. BUT nothing really compares to hot mulled cider. I think that it is more that the flavor and the warmth, I think it is the season that comes with it. If you are from New England, you know that fresh apple cider also means crisp air and colored leaves are on their way.

Today, we had our first warm apple ciders of the season. Not only does it taste delicious, the house smells oh so good.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Certified Bow Hunter
DD is now a certified bow hunter too.
I remember when she was so young and cute. I wanted her so badly to continue to be cute, but also be able to kick the butt of anyone that took advantage of the cuteness. You know fathers sometimes joke about putting the boyfriends in place, but I figured we could only do so much and eventually she would be on her own. When she was in 1st grade, I signed her up for karate. She continued for several years and even competed. Eventually, her interest in theater overtook the karate, but I have always been glad that it is in her background. Three years ago, as I have mentioned, the kids started shooting competitively. Now she is certified to hunt with both a gun and a bow. Hopefully with such credentials, all her future boyfriends will think twice about behaving badly. Plus, I have always found in my life, that having / being something just a little unexpected, has suited me well and I hope that it will her too.
By, D
I remember when she was so young and cute. I wanted her so badly to continue to be cute, but also be able to kick the butt of anyone that took advantage of the cuteness. You know fathers sometimes joke about putting the boyfriends in place, but I figured we could only do so much and eventually she would be on her own. When she was in 1st grade, I signed her up for karate. She continued for several years and even competed. Eventually, her interest in theater overtook the karate, but I have always been glad that it is in her background. Three years ago, as I have mentioned, the kids started shooting competitively. Now she is certified to hunt with both a gun and a bow. Hopefully with such credentials, all her future boyfriends will think twice about behaving badly. Plus, I have always found in my life, that having / being something just a little unexpected, has suited me well and I hope that it will her too.
By, D
Saturday, September 13, 2008
When the Boys are Away
When the boys are away, the girls will play . . .Of course I don’t think that this quote originally defined “playing” as Horseopoly
and Life
. I think DD is starting to enjoy when the men travel: She and I spend “Girl Time”. This weekend was cut short due to Board of assessment appeals, a sleepover at a friend’s, and her Bow Hunting Course.
I think later we are going to do a foot soak and then maybe I’ll redeem my foot massage coupon.
Foot Soak Recipe
Pan or Bucket that your feet fit comfortably in
Several towels
Very warm water that covers your feet
Several Tbs of Dry milk
Couple drops of Almond Extract
Put the water, milk, and extract in the pan. Soak feet as long as you wish. Rub with your favorite cream when you are done.
PS I won Horseopoly
and she beat me in LIfe
I think later we are going to do a foot soak and then maybe I’ll redeem my foot massage coupon.
Pan or Bucket that your feet fit comfortably in
Several towels
Very warm water that covers your feet
Several Tbs of Dry milk
Couple drops of Almond Extract
Put the water, milk, and extract in the pan. Soak feet as long as you wish. Rub with your favorite cream when you are done.
PS I won Horseopoly
Friday, September 12, 2008
Freaky Friday
C wants us to start a new weekly topic - Freaky Friday.
C thinks this is pretty freaky . . . especially when the horse jumps and twirl
By, C
D thinks that C is right that the above is pretty freaky, but totally not my style. My style is reflected in the following freaky quiz. I came out as . . .
Who are you?
By, D
C also wants you to know that there are other versions of Charlie the Unicorn that you can watch on YouTube . . . Don't all rush there at once : )
C thinks this is pretty freaky . . . especially when the horse jumps and twirl
By, C
D thinks that C is right that the above is pretty freaky, but totally not my style. My style is reflected in the following freaky quiz. I came out as . . .
Who are you?
By, D
C also wants you to know that there are other versions of Charlie the Unicorn that you can watch on YouTube . . . Don't all rush there at once : )
Thursday, September 11, 2008
First Cell Phone

My mom just got off the phone with Mrs. T. She talked for 64 minutes!!! (My mom was complaining about my friend, Eva, calling everyday). I looked at Mom as she hung up and asked, “How long was that?”
“64 minutes. Why?”
“And you are complaining about me and Eva?”
“Ya, but I don’t call 7 times!”
“She was seeing what she could do with her new cell phone.”
“You know what it - - -Hold on. You haven’t had a phone until that one?!?!?! No way!!!!”
It was so funny. My mom being sooooooo old and not having a cell. OMG
By C
To read my version of the story, go here.
By D
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Update - I Need a Babysitting job
Ok, how ironic that dd got a call for babysitting tonight. She now has enough money for her beloved Nintendo and another babysitting job to boot. She hasn’t has a babysitting job in several months so this really was surprising. (Note: the call was from regular friends of ours, not related to the post itself)
Don't they say if you write what you dream it is more likely to occur. Well, it sure appears to be true in this case.
Don't they say if you write what you dream it is more likely to occur. Well, it sure appears to be true in this case.
Certified Hunter
I just recently went to the local shooting club for a hunter safety course. It was two days long and at the end we got to shoot a .22 caliber rifle and a 20 gauge shotgun.
My brother and I do a Junior rifle club at a shooting range one town over. He and I have been shooting since 2oo5. My brother goes out with his friend, Chris, every Thanksgiving holiday hunting. So far he has only been able to be with Chris while Chris hunts. This year my brother can hunt with him.
Well, my dad, brother, and I went to the last class and went to the shooting part. We all did trap (you shoot clay pigeons). My brother hit 1 out of 3. My dad hit 1 out of 3. Me, I was scared of the kickback from the 20 gauge, but I hit 2 out of 3!!! I was so happy. After we all shot the .22 long rifle, we went inside the hall to take the test. The test had 100 questions: 50 true / false and 50 multiple choice. When we were done, we had to wait for everyone else to be done. As we waited, my dad was freaking out saying that he failed. My dad was the 2nd one done with the test. They called out the first person to get their scores – it just happened to the first person that had been done with the test. Then they went on without calling my dad’s name, 5 minutes later they called my dad. He got 99 correct. I told my dad that he did a great job failing. You need an 80 or better to pass. We all passed. I got an 85. Jake got an 84.
Once we got in the truck, I told my dad that I wanted a 20 gauge . . . I also want to shoot trap.
To learn more, go to http://www.ct.gov/dep/site/default.asp or www.nra.org.
This weekend, I’m off to take the Bow Hunting Safety Course.
Of course that means the only one in the family not certified is Mama. I can only shoot you with a camera and I'm ok with that.
My brother and I do a Junior rifle club at a shooting range one town over. He and I have been shooting since 2oo5. My brother goes out with his friend, Chris, every Thanksgiving holiday hunting. So far he has only been able to be with Chris while Chris hunts. This year my brother can hunt with him.
Well, my dad, brother, and I went to the last class and went to the shooting part. We all did trap (you shoot clay pigeons). My brother hit 1 out of 3. My dad hit 1 out of 3. Me, I was scared of the kickback from the 20 gauge, but I hit 2 out of 3!!! I was so happy. After we all shot the .22 long rifle, we went inside the hall to take the test. The test had 100 questions: 50 true / false and 50 multiple choice. When we were done, we had to wait for everyone else to be done. As we waited, my dad was freaking out saying that he failed. My dad was the 2nd one done with the test. They called out the first person to get their scores – it just happened to the first person that had been done with the test. Then they went on without calling my dad’s name, 5 minutes later they called my dad. He got 99 correct. I told my dad that he did a great job failing. You need an 80 or better to pass. We all passed. I got an 85. Jake got an 84.
Once we got in the truck, I told my dad that I wanted a 20 gauge . . . I also want to shoot trap.
To learn more, go to http://www.ct.gov/dep/site/default.asp or www.nra.org.
This weekend, I’m off to take the Bow Hunting Safety Course.
Of course that means the only one in the family not certified is Mama. I can only shoot you with a camera and I'm ok with that.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Nientendo DS - $8 away
Well, yesterday I got my bank statement for my “spending” account (I also have a savings account that I can’t touch.) My brother and I both like Pokemon
and with the new handheld games, they change the episodes. New games go the new handhelds. Well, my brother has a GameBoy Advanced
– SP, but Pokemon Diamond and Pearl are only in Nintendo DS
.I have just enough money to zero out my account, but I am part of a credit union, and my mom says that I should keep it in their since it is hard to get into one. I looked at my balance. I only needed $8 more dollars to keep my my account upon and buy a DS, Pokemon, trading case, and charger.
I almost blew up . . I just need one hour of babysitting. Now I need $8 to that DS for my brother and I. I can’t wait until I get enough money. My brother will be happy 2 : )
I almost blew up . . I just need one hour of babysitting. Now I need $8 to that DS for my brother and I. I can’t wait until I get enough money. My brother will be happy 2 : )
Monday, September 8, 2008
For those of you that were concerned about dd being confirmed in “Her Church”, the house hasn’t sold yet and so we signed her up on Sunday. We got special dispensation from the Reverend to allow her to take the class a year early and so she will start on the first Wednesday of October.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Marc Jacobs Fashion

Marc Jacobs, what were you thinking? This advertisement is scanned out of my daughter’s copy of Teen Vogue. May I emphasize “Teen”. How does using a cross dressing man as a model sell clothes? Frankly, I have seen cross dressers that wear clothes better than I do, but this is NOT one of them. Does his advertising team think that this advertisement is attractive? Does he really think this model does his fashions justice? Does he think our daughters will want to run out and buy his clothes? Or is he hoping for our sons? If there is any beauty in these dresses, it is lost on the model.
Of course the other side of this question is why does Teen Vogue accept advertising like this? Doesn’t an advertisement like this annoy more readers than attract. I’m all for cutting edge fashion, but isn’t there some moral obligation about what you show when you are marketing to such an impressionable age?
Of course the other side of this question is why does Teen Vogue accept advertising like this? Doesn’t an advertisement like this annoy more readers than attract. I’m all for cutting edge fashion, but isn’t there some moral obligation about what you show when you are marketing to such an impressionable age?
Saturday, September 6, 2008
What's for Dinner?
I went camping as a helper with a younger troop. The first thing and the last thing on the agenda is “What’s for dinner?” It was either to be a pork roast or tacos. Most of the troop went for tacos, but the moms & a few girls, including myself, went for the pork roast. Therefore, we are having pork roast with potatoes and carrots. The troop leader, Mrs. S is a great cook especially with cast iron
(my dad and brother, who camp with her in Boy Scouts, rave about her cooking). But tonight the girls will be making dinner with her help. . . I hope it is good.

The question always comes up though (yes, I say it too), “What’s for dinner?” My mom says that I always eat . . . which I do even when I’m bored. Which is to say, when I’m bored, I ask, “What do we have to eat?”. Which is easier to do than say “What can I do?” The problem with that is that it is hard to stop eating with boredom. However, even at the Girl Scout camp with nothing going on except writing and hanging out, I don’t find myself asking this question. I’m not hungry because I know dinner will be done. Maybe I just need a planned time to eat and I’m good . . .I guess . . .for more about the camp, check out some of my other posts.
I think the difference is that at camp you know there is no other food available. Of course, if the answer is really knowing the schedule and plan of all meals, I will happily turn over meal preparation.
I will admit our dinner schedule is a little crazy because of my husband’s schedule. We kind of joke that we should live in Europe where a late dinner is the norm.

The question always comes up though (yes, I say it too), “What’s for dinner?” My mom says that I always eat . . . which I do even when I’m bored. Which is to say, when I’m bored, I ask, “What do we have to eat?”. Which is easier to do than say “What can I do?” The problem with that is that it is hard to stop eating with boredom. However, even at the Girl Scout camp with nothing going on except writing and hanging out, I don’t find myself asking this question. I’m not hungry because I know dinner will be done. Maybe I just need a planned time to eat and I’m good . . .I guess . . .for more about the camp, check out some of my other posts.
I think the difference is that at camp you know there is no other food available. Of course, if the answer is really knowing the schedule and plan of all meals, I will happily turn over meal preparation.
I will admit our dinner schedule is a little crazy because of my husband’s schedule. We kind of joke that we should live in Europe where a late dinner is the norm.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Not Back to School Picnic without a Bathing Suit
Today, the kids and I spent the day at the beach with fellow homeschoolers. A Not Back To School Picnic, for those of you that don’t homeschool, is a celebration of our freedom to homeschool. We get together to enjoy the sunshine while other children are stuck inside stuffy schools (We always wonder what the other beach goers think when we are there).

Of Course, our house would not be the home with a teenager in it without a little bit strife on our way to the beach. Apparently, she never took her swimsuit out of her father’s truck when we went to Salisbury Beach – ONE WEEK AGO! Grrrrrr! Even in this she has to fight with me, “It’s Fine. I’m not going to swim anyway!” I was going to call the whole thing off, but relented and just had her bring an extra pair of clothes. Good thing too, because she spent most of the day is the water. Proof she is my dear daughter. If mermaids were real, we’d both be one.

Of Course, our house would not be the home with a teenager in it without a little bit strife on our way to the beach. Apparently, she never took her swimsuit out of her father’s truck when we went to Salisbury Beach – ONE WEEK AGO! Grrrrrr! Even in this she has to fight with me, “It’s Fine. I’m not going to swim anyway!” I was going to call the whole thing off, but relented and just had her bring an extra pair of clothes. Good thing too, because she spent most of the day is the water. Proof she is my dear daughter. If mermaids were real, we’d both be one.

Thursday, September 4, 2008
S'more Please
How did s’mores come along? Who created them? Why do we only seem to eat them during campouts? Well, I don’t know, but I would love to figure it out. These are the most delectable food on a campout . . . unless you camp with Mrs. S, who is an incredible outdoor cook and then everything is delectable.

Did it happen like this? One person put a marshmallow and a chocolate bar on a graham cracker and ate it. They gave it to someone else to try and they said “S’more. Can I have s’more?”
Well, now I want to know who made the first one? How did it get its name?
I don’t have most of the answers to her questions, but I do know that s’mores are no longer relegated just to campouts. Have you seen some of the s’more stuff out there.
For goodness sake, Ben & Jerry’s even has a s’more flavor.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
You know how you play MASH and all of your friends make horrible funny predictions about what will happen to you. Well, durring my way up to a Girl Scout camp with a troop and my friend, Audra, and I decided to play MASH. During my turn I got horrible things, but all we did at the end was laugh. We then did one for her mom. It was fun!z! While we were playing I learned that this game makes no sense . . . it was only a game that builds friendships and makes you laugh . . .Trust me. It accomplished that. We laughed forever and we are a little closer friends : )
See - - -All things change and all things stay the same. I remember the very same game more than a few years. I was always thrilled to get a mansion, a ton of kids, a jaguar, and the love of my life and laugh when I ended up in a shack.
See - - -All things change and all things stay the same. I remember the very same game more than a few years. I was always thrilled to get a mansion, a ton of kids, a jaguar, and the love of my life and laugh when I ended up in a shack.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Girl Scout Cookies . . . or Not
In Connecticut all Girl Scout councils have combined to one. I am okay with that, but my mom went the the first SU (service unit) meeting, and they told her that cookie sales this year will be December 19th - 30th. How can I sell cookies during Christmas??? Well, I don't know. How would this sound, "Oh! Thank you Aunt Emily. Would you like some Girl Scout Cookies?" Last time I checked, it will not fly. My mom said that people wanted it earlier. I DON'T WANT IT EARLIER. I WANT IT LONGER!!! Well, I guess I will have to live with it. I hope Mass. has a later cookie date . . .BTW . . .would you like some cookies?
By C
By C
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