Okay, so I might not be complete Irish, okay I don't even have a drop of Irish blood in me, but I am Irish! My mom was adopted and her adopted father's side is all Irish, so I've grown up Irish. Today is Saint Patrick's Day, one of my non-Irish father's favorite holidays. He loves Saint Patrick's Day, because he gets his corned beef and cabbage dinner. Although dad's traveling on Saint Patrick's Day, we'll be having it on Thursday, but to all the Irish people reading the blog. Happy Saint Patrick's Day!!!!!!!
Oh ya, and don't forget to wear ORANGE! (Yes I'm Irish Protestant)
Cae ♥
This weeks Random Dozen!!

1. On a scale of 1-10, how superstitious are you, honestly? About a 6ish
2. Julius Caesar is quoted as saying, "I came, I saw, I conquered." Which circumstance or experience of yours does this saying best describe? Reading?? Maybe Confirmation class.
3. If I peeked in on your day like a mischievous little leprechaun, at what time would I most likely find you blogging? Which day might I ask? Basically whenever I can fit it in. . .So around midnight ;)
4. Re springing forward for Daylight Saving Time, is there anything you've ever been really early or really late for? Nope, just lack of sleep
5. What are you most looking forward to concerning Spring? The sun!
6. Shamrocks are the national flower of Ireland and are picked on St. Patrick's Day and worn on the lapel or shoulder. Do you wear green on St. Patty's Day? Nope! ORANGE ALL THE WAY! Go Protestants!!!!
7. One of Caesar's assassins, Casca, said, "But, for my own part, it was Greek to me," which of course means he didn't understand something. Probably his own lines in the play. Anyway, what is something that is "Greek to you," something incomprehensible or indecipherable? Sterotypes on homeschoolers
8. Is March behaving more like a lion or a lamb where you live? More like a dog who thinks it is a cat. . .The weather/March is confused ; )

9. "An extra yawn one morning in the springtime, an extra snooze one night in the autumn is all that we ask in return for dazzling gifts. We borrow an hour one night in April; we pay it back with golden interest five months later." -Winston Churchill. If you had one extra hour per day every day, what would you do with it? Ha! Clean, sweep, check my email, write a blog, work.
10. Legend says that every Leprechaun has a pot of gold hidden deep in the Irish countryside. Aside from real gold or money, what material item would be in your dream pot of gold? Books!
11. "The best things are nearest: breath in your nostrils, light in your eyes, flowers at your feet, duties at your hand, the path of God just before you." Robert Louis Stevenson. Look around you right now and tell us about something essential or beautiful very near you that you take for granted every day. My laptop, hairbrush, t.v., family, pens, work permit, phones, nature, and my life, oh ya and BOOKS!
12. Just for a bit o' fun, click here (www.blogthings.com/irishnamegenerator/) and then report your Irish name. Mine is "Aislin O'Mahony."
I'm an Aislin, too. Explain the orange thing, I've never heard that before. My son will love it--orange is his favorite color!
Beverly-Irish Protestants wear Orange, because it's our color. I guess
Happy St. Patrick's Day...love the blog decor! I'm suffering from lack of sleep, too, due to daylight savings time. Ugh! I enjoyed your answers. Kathy
Enjoyed your answers.
great answers I love your WEAR ORANGE!! how fun...
Kathy-Thanks a bunch! I know, this whole Day Light Savings day, why did Germany ever adopt it first???
Linda-Thanks a bunch :)
Pam-ORANGE RULES!!! I've confused 4 people today at the library on why I'm wearing Orange and not green!
Entertaining answers! Orange is a great color, but I gotta wear green on St. Patty's Day! Blessings to you!
Lea-Got to love green. . .I would wear green if I were Catholic, but I'm not so orange it is for me :) Glad you enjoyed my answers!
Enjoyed reading your answers... I totally agree with #5...
Have a blessed day!
Hello Aislin! ;-)
Happy St. Patrick's Day. Orange is my favorite color and I'm Protestant, but I still find some green.
Thanks for sharing your random answers. Check out my blog, I have a giveaway going this week.
Elizabeth- YAY! Someone else who likes the sun!!! I'm going to wear shorts tomorrow!!!
Robin- Yup : ) I got all the patrons in the library confused on why I was Irish and wearing orange :)
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