Were you prone to accidents and injuries when you were growing up? Did you ever break a bone? Knock out any teeth? Get stitches? Have you ever ridden in the back of an ambulance? Did you ever have surgery or spend any time in a hospital? How did your folks treat injuries and illnesses? With lots of TLC or by telling you to get a stiff upper lip? Was there a particular home remedy that your mom (or dad or whoever!) used or any "traditions" involving injuries or illnesses? What's the worst injury (or illness) you had when you were growing up?
My Flashback:
My first major injury was when my mom was still quilting, she no longer quilts, probably for this reason. Well I was only about four or so, and my mom had her quilt in her bedroom, it was all together, mom just needed to sew it, so it there were a lot of pins in it. My mom said "Make sure Johnny (our cat at the time) doesn't go on the quilt!" I told mom okay and if Johnny got on the blanket I would get him off. Well one day I was playing on the water bed, which was conveniently located in my parents bedroom and a lovely cat comes running in and onto the quilt, so thinking I was safe and would kneel on any pins I crawled on the quilt. Needless to say I got a pin stuck upside down in my left knee (gross I know!). Mom found a stick horse, took the head off of the pole and tied it to my leg. I was rushed to Connecticut Children's Hospital in Hartford, when we got there it gets all fuzzy, they do get it out and when they go to clean it my mom needs to leave the room because they cleaned it with betadine and mom doesn't do so well with it, she passes-out, but I got Barbie chocolate from my grandmother AND Johnny did get off of the quilt. Mission: Accomplished
My second major injury happend in 2004, of course after both UCONN Men & Women win the NCAA Tournament (remember this comment). Well it was a beautiful day in Conneticut, which it should be there was a parade in Hartford (remember this) and my best friend was watching it, she said that it was busy and a lot of the roads were blocked (remember this also). I decided to scooter on my new red Razor
Well, the positive thing is both injuries happened on my left leg, so I can be a leg model for only my right!
My next major health issue was when I was younger, maybe six-ish. I was really tired when I was at work with mom, and I usually didn't take naps in the day, it just isn't me. Well mom started tracking everything, and before I knew it I was at the doctors having them talk about Iron and somehow I ended up taking little green, nasty pills! I was anemic, and had to raise my iron (ew). . . Okay the pills were very bad when you chewed them, I guess that's why you were supposed to swallow them, but I didn't like swallowing pills at the time. I finally actually did get better, so I guess I'm not anemic since I don't have to eat the little green pills.
I guess that concludes the novel about Cae's injuries!
Cae ♥
I thought the quilt story was going to result in the pins also puncturing the water bed!
Great stories!
Interesting stories! I just knew that a pin was going to get stuck in your foot! Loved the part about not getting blood on dad's interior. LOL
I am thinking you are lucky the quilt only put one pin in you! I am also thinking neither a pin in my leg or a skinned knee would have earned me a visit to the emergency room. My family was pretty much into "do it yourself" medicine.
Glad you survived your childhood. Sounds rather painful to me.
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