2. What is the greenest/most organic thing about you or that you do? I attempt to eat all organic, does that count? Well my cereal isn't organic, but it used to be. I loved puffins cereal
3. Tell me about a recurring dream that haunts you. A recurring dream that haunts me, well that would involve some past history of Cae's and well she's not going to share that on the world-wide web, but I can tell a recurring dream, it just doesn't haunt me. Okay, my recurring dreams for some odd reason. Usually involve the libraries, we have two in town, and the bad blood between them. And of course Cae needs to mess it up by dating someone- - -Isn't that fun? Well the night I had it first, it freaked me out, but compared to the actual one that haunts me, it's not that bad.
4. Have you ever missed a flight? What were the circumstances? Within all the times that I've traveled I don't think I ever have, even with the stupid layovers that only give you like 15 minuets to go from one end of the air port to the other.
5. What do you consider your best feature? My personality ;) What type of question is this Linda?! Ummm, seriously, well I don't know! I don't think about my best feature!
6. What was the last concert you went to? Randy Travis, several years ago at a fair.
7. Describe the most embarrassing church moment you ever experienced. Can I say, that I don't have one? I don't really think I have one, well I'm usually behaved in church and always controled, so embarrassing moments wouldn't happen when I'm like that. Sorry :)
8. Are you a whistler, hummer or singer? Singer, by far, I'm pretty sure not everyone sings while they're board or while they're finding the hold list at work ;)
9. George Washington Carver said, "I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in." What is God saying to you through nature today, or this very minute? "I know how much you love to go to work in the rain, so I'm going to have it rain today and FRIDAY! *evil God laughter here*", Umm no, I don't think he's saying that, but it sure feels like it! So he's probably saying "The sun can come out even when it's raining, just look at your sunflower," now that's more like what God would say ;)
I couldn't find my sunflower picture, so you get Black Eyed Susan! Same difference, right?
10. On September, 1, 1752, the Liberty Bell arrived in Philadelphia. What memorable event will take place in your life on September 1, 2010? WORK! Other than that, there isn't anything- - -Wow, I have such a dull and boring life.
11. Taco Bell or the Liberty Bell? (You must choose.) Like as in the Liberty Bell, like the one in Philadelphia? No brainer I would take the Liberty Bell, like really I don't feel like getting e. Coli any day soon ;)
12. Do you believe men and women can have purely platonic friendships? Platonic, now that's a word that beat the SATs, HA! Take that SAT book, I found a word that isn't in you! How do you like that? I'm thinking you don't, do you! Okay, sorry about that back there, Cae is working on getting her PSAT this October so in her stupid brain she gets an SAT book, because it must be harder, so if I can get a good score on the SAT then all is good. So Cae has been doing vocab for the past couple days, and thinks her brain is mush now. Anyways, back to the questions, do I believe men and woman can have purely platonic friendship? Yes I do :)
If you liked my answers, then go and write your own and then link up at Linda's blog 2nd Cup of Coffee! Yes, that's you, go right now!
Cae ♥
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