Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Giving Thanks Challenge
Thursday, November 25, 2010
It's Not Just Thanksgiving
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Wednesday Hodgepodge
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Me: Hello
F: Hi, is Cae there?
Me: This is, who's calling?
F: This is F, I'm sorry for misbehaving today, you're a really good babysitter and I won't misbehave again. I'm sorry.
Me: That's good to hear F, because I really like babysitting you. You'll be at church Sunday, right?
F: Yeah
Me: Okay, I'll see you Sunday then. I still love you, bye
F: Bye Cae
This phone conversation just made my whole day! Oh, how I love these kids :)
Week Recap
Thursday, November 18, 2010
B10C3457DWL – Wireless Internet Passwords
Who here has wireless internet? Who loves wireless internet? Well, I’m one of them, I enjoy my wireless internet and absolutely love the whole idea of wireless internet, but let me tell you, if you have a password for your wireless internet, like I do, please, and I mean please have a good password!! Don’t make it words that connect to your location, unless you want people to hack into it. Why am I telling you this, you ask? Because I’ve mastered this, of course it’s been places where I know the people, but still! A specific fire department has wireless internet. I was delightfully waiting during Bro #1’s meeting working on my story, of course I got bored without my music playing, so I noticed that there was wireless internet, and I decided to test it. I started typing FD, Townname FD, Firedepartment nothing was working, I was just about to start my way through all of the brands of fire trucks that they have housed in their FD, but in my brain I go “Hey, I wonder if they would be stupid enough to have it as ‘firetruck’” so I tried firetruck, and guess who got into the internet? Yup, you’re right. Me! Clearly they need better internet security.
Today, Mom and I were dropping Operation Christmas Child boxes off at a Congregational Church, and we got there earlier than the OCC drop off would start taking donations, so I fired the laptop up and noticed that the church has secured wireless internet, so I decided to test their security and Mom says “It’s probably Jesus Loves You” I laughed, but I already knew what I was going to try, Jesus. Well I tried jesus and it didn’t go through, so I tried Jesus, and guess who got into the church internet? Yeah, that would be me - - - again.
So I beg of you, when you are thinking of an internet password, please, please, please make it hard, make it something that only you will know unless you hand it out, please don’t make it “Jesus” or “firetruck” or “Smiths” because if you make it something so easy, then you’ll have bored teens like me trying to learn your internet password.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Wednesday Hodgepodge
Snow covered trees by *kaikaku on deviantART
Monday, November 15, 2010
God Works in Mysterious Ways
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Equine Affaire 2010
I was also able to catch the Shire Exposition!! Which is amazing, I absolutely love Shires. They are just so pretty!
Anyways, after the Shires, Chris Cox came out to train a bucking bronc, and let me just tell you he is pretty good :) I loved watching him! After Chris, Leda and I went back to the CNEER barn and helped Vicky and the crew out with Whiskey Lullaby & Beam my Up Scotty, both of them were just amazing horses!! I was even able to bring Whiskey out of Barn C and walk him around for a little bit, Mary was with me, and some brilliant guy decided to let his ramp to his trailer drop - - -Whiskey did not like that! Whiskey is very trailer shy and just the noise freaked him out, so Mary and I had to comfort Whiskey for several minutes. Other than that, it was fun! I absolutely loved it! I can't wait until next year!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
The English Cae
Friday, November 12, 2010
Elf Yourself!!!
I couldn't get a better picture of my father, so you guys get the picture of him wearing my sunglasses and not looking at the camera, mainly because he was driving. Hope you enjoy :)
Flashback Friday
This weeks prompt:
Were/Are either of your parents or other family members active military personnel or veterans? What branch? When did they serve; was it during wartime or peacetime? Did they share much about their experiences with you or others? When you were growing up, was the USA (or your country, for those outside the US) involved in a war? What do you remember about it and how did it impact you? Are you, your spouse, or any of your children veterans?
Neither of my parents are/were in the military, but I've had a lot of family before them that is/were. The most recent one would be a cousin, Bill. He was retired at the time, but was then asked to come back in, to fight the war on terror. Bill did, and well Bill's always prepared, but he forgot a major part when he went to training. He forgot his gun, it was the joke for the family, all of us had to imagine Bill with a plastic gun, not his own. Bill came back a couple years ago, and is doing well.
When I was growing up (Flashback here! Cue the awesome music), well I'm still growing up (Oh, well cut the flashback and the awesome music - - - Well you can still play the awesome music), so the most memorable war, is the one that "is over", well at least the combat part in Iraq, not that I think it's over. But it would be the war on terror, as most people called it. I don't really think it effected me, other then I wanted to know what was happening, why, and it was probably part of that and my parents that got me into politics. I actually have a feeling that terrorism is going to exist, until we find a better way to stop it.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Short Hair

Well I did it, I finally cut my hair short. I actually donated it to Locks of Love in Jill's name. You see Jill, my old choir director was recently diagnoised with Breast Cancer, and well I decided to cut my hair for Locks of Love! I absolutely love my short hair! I'm so glad I cut my hair, and it's for a good cause :)
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Wednesday Hodgepodge
Monday, November 8, 2010
English Counselors + Me + Skype = ♥
Yes, you just wasted about several of you life reading about being reuniting with a Camp Counselor!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
The Story of the Black Book
The End
Saturday, November 6, 2010
December 32nd
If we took all of the 31st out of the year, and put them all together, what would you do - -No Taxes, no work, a free week, what would you do?
This comes to my family as we were discussing how the year repeats itself, so come the next leap year, I will not celebrate February 28th, I will celebrate December 32nd or January -1st, don't know which one.
Friday, November 5, 2010
I'm Cae and I Approve This Message - Flashback Friday!
This week's prompt:
What are your memories of politics and the voting process when you were growing up? Did you parents vote regularly? What, if anything, did they teach you about voting? Did you ever go with your parent(s) when they voted? What type of voting system did your town use? What was the first election you remember voting in? Did you or your parents ever campaign for anyone? How does your parents' example/teaching influence your voting today?
Politics! Oh, how much I love them! DISCLAIMER: I cannot vote yet, but I am politically educated (sorry Linda for stating I'm that young!)
Okay, politics. My first major memory would be when Mom ran for 100th District State Rep in CT in 2000, I would campaign with her and we would walk and call and I would check if they were for, against, or undecided. I absolutely loved it! While Mom was campaigning, I met the governor of CT, we have a picture with him, somewhere in the house (I'll have to dig it up). From 2000 as I grew up with my family, everything was about politics, especially during November. I've grown up with two Republican parents, okay one Democrat because he though Mom was a dem, and have followed politics most of my life. I actually can't remember a time when I didn't follow politics. I would love voting with Mom & Dad, especially when CT still had the old voting machines, I loved them! Especially because I could pull the levers down and have them vote for the person they wanted, I also loved the little curtains, that was pretty awesome. Mom lost in 2000 by 1, 232 votes, but she ran a good race and I loved campaigning with her! In 2008 Mom ran again, this time for Tax Collector and was in town, she lost that election by 76 votes, and enjoyed running with her also. During the elections and the months following the election we would always talk about politics, and we still do. You'll hear at least once while at a meal with us something about politics, this morning it was about CT not having a governor, last night it was about the election and how it didn't end up the way we wanted it to. We're always talking about politics, and it's fun to always talk about politics. Just remember that 2026 the first female president will be elected
I'm Cae and I approve this message
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Why I Love Work
It was great to hear this, and it made my day, and it also made me realized why I enjoy work so much. It was just another glory of work and how much I love my patrons.
Cae ♥
*Side note: We could have taken the senate also, if Reid didn't win in Nevada!
Did your state election turn out the way you wanted it too?
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Giving Thanks Day 2
2. I'm thankful for being an American Citizen.
Did you know that it can cost around $15,000 to become an American Citizen, yes you read that number right. $15,000, fifteen-thousand dollars to become an American Citizen. $15,000 can be a down payment on a house! I am so thankful for being born into this country, for being born into freedom, and having a voice and being able to use my voice.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Giving Thanks
I was reading Mocha With Linda and saw this blog post, and I said you know what! I'm going to give it a try! We, humans, need to be more thankful for what we have. Weather it's for people in your life (like S) or for special things (like Girl Scout Cookies) or maybe it's serious (like having a relationship with God). Anyways, if I'm thankful for it I'll put it up on my sidebar, right under the lovely picture that's above and I'll add something I'm thankful for every day of November. If you would like to do this yourself click here!
1. I'm thankful for books!
The Cardturner by Louis Sachar
The Cardturner by Louis Sachar, author of Holes, is about Alton, a teenage boy, who is forced to play bridge with his blind, dying, uncle in attempt to get Uncle Trapp Lester, to add his family into his will so all of Alton's family's money problems would disappear. Alton slowly starts to fall in love with the game of bridge while being Trapp's cardturner. Alton starts playing at home attempting to understand the game and become a better bridge player. When Trapp dies Alton doesn't let the game go, and neither does Trapp. Trapp and his first bridge play, Annabell channel there bridge experience through the children. Trapp talks to Alton, while Annabell talks to her granddaughter Toni. The Cardturner is wonderfully written and not only follow's Alton's life and how he's feeling, but also adds in a little bridge. This is a must read book for all genders, and I highly recommend it!