It's not snowing yet, but it will be. I don't really plan on having work tomorrow (I'm writing this post on Tuesday). The sad note is that our snow blower is not here with us, so who will be shoveling the long driveway? Bro # 1 and I!!!!!! GRRRR!!! Well if you have five feet of snow or no snow, you can always join me and Joyce from This Side of the Pond with the Wednesday Hodgepodge! Have a wonderful day, and keep warm if you have any snow!!
Snowy Update!! It's beyond snow filled, bleh! So please enjoy my puppy, Max, who is currently part of the snow ;)
What word or phrase would you like to see banished from our everyday vocabulary in 2011? You can choose one from the 'official list' or you can get creative and come up with your own.
I was reading through every reason on under BFF, the woman goes, "These chicks" Okay, that should be banished!! Even chicks, should be banished, unless we're referring to the animal, which I don't think we are, but it gets very confusing for a girl like me (no I'm not blond!) Another word that I would love to be banished would be "Because" in the use of an answer. When I ask why, I don't want the answer "because", because you're not giving me an answer!
2. Do you consider opportunity something that comes to you or something you create for yourself?
Depends on the opportunity, sometimes it's the work of you, but then there are sometimes when unsee-able forces get involved and create a huge opportunity. For example, being able to work at the library. I think it was my working for going to volunteer, but it was God's working for making me go to the specific library and having me go at that time and have me get the job and all of that :)

3. Since we're all eating healthy this month, ahem, what's included in your favorite salad? Is there dressing?
In my post on January 1st, I wrote about this Carlton Salad that I had at the Cheesecake Factory that was oh so heavenly!! The Carlton Salad, which is romaine lettuce, feta cheese, avocado, cranberries, pears, oranges, and pecans all tossed in a balsamic vinaigrette (it does have chicken, but I ordered it without the chicken). Another salad I love is from Perk on Main, in Durham, CT. It's called Katie's Classic, it has baby greens, dried cranberries, feta cheese, caramelized pecans, and balsamic vinegarette (wow, they're almost the same). Both are very very very very good :)
4. The fourth Monday in January is said to be Blue Monday...aka the most depressing day of the year. The date was calculated using many factors including weather, debt level, time since Christmas, time since we've failed at our new year resolutions, low motivation and feeling a need to take action. Do you get the blues this time of year and if so what is something you do to lift your spirits?
Not usually, mainly because I'm too busy! You can't be depressed and watch a two year old, work, go to school, and work at the horse barn. It just doesn't work. If I am depressed any of the items that I just listed will cheer me up :)
5. Do you wear a watch? Any other everyday jewelry essentials?
No I don't wear a watch, unless you count my cell phone in my pocket ;) I always have three bracelets on my left wrist and two on my right :D I have my "I read banned books" bracelet, my "Monty" bracelet, and a friendship bracelet made by my friend Kat on my left wrist, and then I have two silly bandz, one's a moose and the other is a bear from my friend Krista, and I sometimes have a hair band on my right wrist :)

6. What is something useful you learned in high school?
So far, I've learned how amazing astronomy is - - - I absolutely love that part of science. Also, that make sure you remember every little detail about one section because they will ask every question possible on that section, then you may forget about it ;)
7. Do you use an accountant when completing and filing your income tax returns or do you attempt to muddle through all by yourself?
Nope :) This is going to be the first year I actually will have to file taxes, because I have a job, but because I'm a minor they go on my parents taxes, so technically my mother will be doing the taxes :)
8. Insert your own random thought here.
So I just saw this video, and let me tell you. This play is absolutely amazing!! It is so funny, and I love the look on the other team. It's pretty funny!
That football play is hysterical. I can't believe it worked!
I've seen that football clip a few times and it is hilarious still!
We have our driveway plowed but my hubs is traveling so I have to go deal with the walkway. We have a snow blower but I only (reluctantly) learned to use it this weekend. Stay safe and warm!
Cathy - I love it! It is too cute!
Joyce - We had a snow blower, but it decided to get injured, so it's sitting in a warm shop right now, awaiting for a part >:|
Stay safe and warm!!
Love the trick football play!
What a funny football play! We have about 2 inches of snow here in MO, we have not even ventured out of the house. It has been so cold!
until next time... nel
The salads you listed sound amazing! I will have to check that out the next time I'm by a Cheesecake Factory.
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