these are just the people I had to call. I had three overflowing boxes to check in
So that's what greeted me this morning, after a morning of work at the barn with cleaning sticks up that were thrown across the path to the riding ring from Irene, and catching Little Lulu. I walked into work, walking my bike in because my bike lock was in mum's car. No one ever said I was bright ;) Anyways, I noticed the three full, overflowing, boxes that were sitting going "HA! You came in later than usual. Pay backs a bitch, aint it. I want to see you get this all done before Mrs. M comes in at 3!"
Needless to say, when I shoved my bike into the office, I turned and saw that my boss bought some of the books for the YA section I recommended her to buy. I was happy :) I now have something to read!! Of course, come next Thursday and I start my first college class, German, I don't really know how much time I'll have, but I'll make it work somehow.
Well, I walked out and attempted to carry all three boxes to the desk, yeah that failed. I'm pretty sure ya'll knew that, but just wanted to say. I fell, and books, bins, and movies went flying. The fall also didn't help my injured ankle, but I got back up, quickly shoved the books and movies back into the bins and took one bin by one bin over to the desk, so I could start checking them in.
When I finally started checking them all in, and noticed that a lot of them were either for the library on the other end of town or are holds. I realized I would be making a lot of phone calls today. . .I was determined to get everything done by 3 though.
Although the piles of the books to be shelved, books going to the other library, and books that are holds surrounded me and were at least a couple feet high and frankly looked a little daunting. I knew that I may be able to at least get my piles down to half by 3. I slowly, but confidently, attacked each pile. While listening to Adele's album 19, it came in for me :). I was floating around the library like a little hummingbird. Shelving a Stephen King book here and an Sara Dessen book there. I knew that maybe, I'd be able to get through this long day.
Lo, and behold. Not only did I shelve everything, get the holds called, and fixed the books going to the other side of the town. I also found all of the 19 holds, checked them in, and was able to help the handful of patrons that decided to come in right at noon.
Needless to say, work has surely missed its fellow librarian, while she was out partying at camp for 6 weeks, and then the beach for half a week. I do have to say I miss it too. Although work can cause me countless headaches with patrons not returning the cd with the case. All I need is a patron to come in and ask me how my day is going to make working at the library all the worth.