I know that it is a little early for many of you to think about Christmas, but guess where we are today . . .
We'll let you know how it went.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
What should I be when I grown up?
I know we must all get asked this question at least once in our life, “What are going to be when you grow up?” And yes the answer changes throughout the years as you get closer and closer to college, where you finally decide. Well, I want to know this answer. I have too many options and I’m good at too many things. Tonight, I got compliments on my fashion design (option one) and that I should go into college for fashion, but then I have my love and talent of horses (option two). I just love the animal. Then acting (option three) is also something I have always loved and would love to just go out and accomplish. Then I would love to be a minister (option four and final option). I just love the places my minister goes and I think it would be cool to do. I want to know what you answered the question as a kid.
What would you like to be when you grow up?
By <3C
What would you like to be when you grow up?
By <3C
Friday, November 7, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
10 Steps to Being Organized
I walked into my kitchen and opened our newly organized junk drawer, only to find people can’t open a plastic bag!!!! It took me hours to organize it – HOURS!!!! And they can’t even open a plastic bag?? So now I’m introducing a new rule. If you don’t put it away in the right place in the junk drawer, then you lose one hour of computer time. Let’s see if they will organize now!!! Mwhahahaha (aka diabolical laugh)!!!!LOL
My top 10 Organizational Hints
1. Take everything out of the space your are trying to clean.
2. Throw away things that don’t work or you don’t use
3. Put like things with like things
4. Find something to put them in i.e. plastic bags, organizers etc.
5. Put them back in with them organized
6. Put things you use more frequently in front
7. Spread out the work. Take on different project each week.
8. Organizing helps you clean.
9. Keep it organized as much as you can.
10. Have fun with it. The more fun you have, the easier it is to organize. Just don’t get off topic and forget what your goal is.
1. Take everything out of the space your are trying to clean.
2. Throw away things that don’t work or you don’t use
3. Put like things with like things
4. Find something to put them in i.e. plastic bags, organizers etc.
5. Put them back in with them organized
6. Put things you use more frequently in front
7. Spread out the work. Take on different project each week.
8. Organizing helps you clean.
9. Keep it organized as much as you can.
10. Have fun with it. The more fun you have, the easier it is to organize. Just don’t get off topic and forget what your goal is.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
How Much TV Should Kids Watch?
My DF (dear father) wants my brother and I to graph our computer, tv, and phone time. Computer – ok. We’re only allowed on for an hour (whole different story). Phone – OK. I’m the only one that uses it and I am only allowed 30 minutes per time (one hour total). But – TV –I don’t watch that much non-educational tv – maybe 3 hours on Thursday (Survivor is a must!), but other than that it is the news or music choice. I feel that Dad wants to limit us even more. I already don’t have time like all my friends do, nor do I have that cell phone that everyone else does (excluding my brother, he is still in that age group that doesn’t need one), but why limit me on tv? It is usually news and music, but I don’t watch music. It’s not like I don’t ask to go and use it, but when I do it is only for 2-3pm or 3-4pm for A Haunting on Discovery Channel and on Thursday 8-9pm on CBS for Survivor. I always ask and my mom always has the right to say “no”.
What is your view on this?
Note: At this time, there is no judgment of what DH is going to do with this information and frankly, I think it will be interesting to everyone to see what the truth is of their viewing habits.
What is your view on this?
Note: At this time, there is no judgment of what DH is going to do with this information and frankly, I think it will be interesting to everyone to see what the truth is of their viewing habits.
Obama Wins Election
Well, it looks like Obama is coming out with the lead. Right now at 10:43pm, 207 electoral votes for Obama and 135 for McCain. My own state went with Obama. There are still six more states to close (Alaska, Hawaii, California, Washington, Oregon, and Idaho). The house is Dem for the next four years (again) 54 Democrats to 38 Republicans at 10:46pm. I might need to pull and all-nighter if the polls don’t work out.
“Will.I.Am” is on CNN right now via hologram it looks sooooooo cool. Too bad he is an Obama supporter (:(). I wish I could add an update as they come in but two problems; 1. I lost computer 2.I don’t have an account on blogger, to add me as an author for the blog, so I’ll just write it all down. California is closing in 5 in (11:00pm), so are the other 5 states (hmmmmm…….Let’s guess how Alaska is voting). If McCain wins, he would be the 20th Republican President, If Obama wins he would be the 30th(I think) Lawyer to become President. Virginia hasn’t gone Dem since L.B. Johnson (Obama won VA).
Just in, at 11:00pm Obama is elected president 297 electoral votes to McCain’s 139. This is CNN’S calculations, Alaska & Idaho went Republican, and the other 4 went Dem. Well now there is only one more issues to solve….Is he really the first African-American President? Obama in the beginning said he was not African-American, but once he wins he says he is African-American President….How does this work??? Life isn’t a One Way Street. It is exciting to have the first black president. Maybe next it will be a woman (C for President in 2028!). Obama will be sworn in Jan. 20th, 2009.
As I told my brother this morning “today will either be the best day, or the worst.” Seems like it is the worst. I hope people fight for the right to bear arms (I will be one of them), because Obama doesn’t believe in it. I hope Obama’s supporters enjoy their feast to night.
I hope you went out to vote, and if you didn’t, one thing left:
Final Count: Obama 306 electoral votes McCain 145 electoral votes, well I need to go to bed mom wants me to. 11:29pm and that is the final count.
By: C
“Will.I.Am” is on CNN right now via hologram it looks sooooooo cool. Too bad he is an Obama supporter (:(). I wish I could add an update as they come in but two problems; 1. I lost computer 2.I don’t have an account on blogger, to add me as an author for the blog, so I’ll just write it all down. California is closing in 5 in (11:00pm), so are the other 5 states (hmmmmm…….Let’s guess how Alaska is voting). If McCain wins, he would be the 20th Republican President, If Obama wins he would be the 30th(I think) Lawyer to become President. Virginia hasn’t gone Dem since L.B. Johnson (Obama won VA).
Just in, at 11:00pm Obama is elected president 297 electoral votes to McCain’s 139. This is CNN’S calculations, Alaska & Idaho went Republican, and the other 4 went Dem. Well now there is only one more issues to solve….Is he really the first African-American President? Obama in the beginning said he was not African-American, but once he wins he says he is African-American President….How does this work??? Life isn’t a One Way Street. It is exciting to have the first black president. Maybe next it will be a woman (C for President in 2028!). Obama will be sworn in Jan. 20th, 2009.
As I told my brother this morning “today will either be the best day, or the worst.” Seems like it is the worst. I hope people fight for the right to bear arms (I will be one of them), because Obama doesn’t believe in it. I hope Obama’s supporters enjoy their feast to night.
I hope you went out to vote, and if you didn’t, one thing left:
Final Count: Obama 306 electoral votes McCain 145 electoral votes, well I need to go to bed mom wants me to. 11:29pm and that is the final count.
By: C
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Somebody to Love Sheet Music
The Jr. Choir at my church is great (it would be great even if I wasn't in it . . JK) Well, I think it is time to do something upbeat and challenging. So I asked why don't we do Somebody to Love by Queen. The choir director said fine, if I could find the sheet music - can I tell you how hard this is? I finally (with the help of my mom) found it! I need to buy it still, but at least I know that I can buy it.
I want to do this song!
What is your favorite song?
By C
I want to do this song!
What is your favorite song?
By C
Monday, November 3, 2008
Election Day
Well, we all know that tomorrow is Election Day. We need to get out there and vote. We need to choose our next President. There is one quote I love that says, "If you don't vote, then you can't complain". My friends and I are very political and we do complain. We would vote if we could, but we CAN'T. My friends don't all support McCain like I do, but that is ok. We like the difference. We can go on for hours debating with each other.
This year is major, and we need to get out and vote. So when tomorrow comes around, make sure that you go out and VOTE!!!!!!!

by C
This year is major, and we need to get out and vote. So when tomorrow comes around, make sure that you go out and VOTE!!!!!!!
by C
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Homecoming Dance Update
We successfully found a beautiful dress in record time. . . I should have known that trouble was brewing. The principal of the high school called to Friday around lunchtime to get emergency numbers and confirm that DD was "enrolled in high school". . . I should have never called back! I should have been a rotten mom and not tried to make sure that they had emergency information, but whoops, my rule abiding side made me call. . . what a mistake.
After two calls with the principal and one with the vice principal, DD was banned from the dance. She was 13 and not "enrolled" in their school. At first it was just her age, but when I challenged them that they would have 13 year olds in attendance i.e. Freshman with birthdays in November and December, they then added the phrase "and enrolled in their school". I've got to tell you as a person who pays my taxes in this district but does not use the school system, this answer burned my butt!
So she was super beautiful with nowhere to go, but she handled it like a champ. Even I would have to admit that at her age, I would have slammed the door, flooped on my bed, and cried. She put her earings, necklace, and heals on and danced to music downstairs. She even encouraged her "date" to go without her. As she said, this was his first homecoming and he should make sure that he went.
What did we learn out of the deal:
- she is taller than me when she wears heals.
- we emphasized the reason that we homeschool . . . the ability to make decision on an individual basis and not by "policy"
- that DD really is growing up not just physically but in maturity too
- Mom's kisses can't make everything better anymore
After two calls with the principal and one with the vice principal, DD was banned from the dance. She was 13 and not "enrolled" in their school. At first it was just her age, but when I challenged them that they would have 13 year olds in attendance i.e. Freshman with birthdays in November and December, they then added the phrase "and enrolled in their school". I've got to tell you as a person who pays my taxes in this district but does not use the school system, this answer burned my butt!
So she was super beautiful with nowhere to go, but she handled it like a champ. Even I would have to admit that at her age, I would have slammed the door, flooped on my bed, and cried. She put her earings, necklace, and heals on and danced to music downstairs. She even encouraged her "date" to go without her. As she said, this was his first homecoming and he should make sure that he went.
What did we learn out of the deal:
- she is taller than me when she wears heals.
- we emphasized the reason that we homeschool . . . the ability to make decision on an individual basis and not by "policy"
- that DD really is growing up not just physically but in maturity too
- Mom's kisses can't make everything better anymore
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