Sunday, December 26, 2010
Waking Mom and Dad Up
Every child dreams of getting up at the crack of dawn on Christmas morning, waking thier parents up, and then ripping open the presents! The 25 days before Christmas, the average child plots on how to wake their parents up, should it just be the simple "Mom, wake up" or should it be as compleax as making breakfast and bringing it up to them to wake them up!
Yesterday I topped every plan that a teenager could even plan on doing. Well on Christmas Eve, I stated that I wanted to open the presents up the second everyone was up, or when the first person was up! My mom said that it would be after eight, and I grumbled, but whatever. Dad then said "When you get up at 6:30, you can clean out the wood stove, start a fire in it, start the coffee, start the fire in the living room, and then start the bacon for breakfast. That should keep you busy until eight or nine." I grumbled again, what teen wants to do all of that? Being the nice daughter I am, and the fact that it was Christmas morning. I got up and started on the wood stove. I cleanned out the stove, and then I started the new one. Brought some wood in, and it was all good. I then started the coffee, that was easy, no big deal. Then came the building a fire in the living room. So I started on the fire in the living room, all was going well, and I was running ahead of schedule! It was only 7:45/8!! So I did everything, put the paper and cardboard under and around the wood, and light the paper. All of a sudden I noticed smoke coming, and I didn't think anything of it.
Well, not until the smoke alarm started blaring "WARNING SMOKE, WARNING SMOKE, EVACUATE, EVACUATE, WARNING SMOKE, EVACUATE" in my head I went "Oh crap! I forgot to open the flue" so I open the flue, the fire wasn't that big or that hot, so I quickly open the flue and started with all of the windows, then I realized that my parents are now up - - - Oops, there goes my plan of letting them sleep in. So Mom comes running down, the dog in tow (freaking out), and my father making his way slowly down. Well, we eventually got the whole fire alarm to stop blaring and waking the whole neighborhood up, and we started our Chrismtas morning!
Please note that this was not planned; Bro #1 stayed in his bed knowing that everything was alright; and Cathy, from the foster company we work with. said we had to test the smoke alarms, so I did it for her :)
All in all, that is the best way to wake your parents up on Christmas morning :)
Thursday, December 23, 2010
The Reason for the Season

This is J with her full personality showing, she is always doing weird things :)

This is them all, all of my old JR choir singing for J! Absolutely love them!
So I just got a text from AJ saying that Mr. G forgot the camera, and that J was so happy to hear them sing. I'm beyond a mess right now, but for AJ and the Jr. Choir to think to bring the concert to J, is amazing. It just shows what the real reason for this season is!
Merry Christmas
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Christmas Hodgepodge
1. Share your Christmas Eve traditions.
Christmas Eve can be two different traditions. The oldest one is we go down to our Aunt N's and all of that side of the family is there, and we talk and eat and laugh. Then Santa Clause will show up and every kid will sit on Santa's lap and tell him what they want for Christmas and then Santa will give them one present.
One Christmas, Bro #1 was about 2 or 3 years old and it was his turn to sit on Santa's lap, and that year Santa was being played by either cousin Dan or Jayson, we don't remember which. Well when Santa asked Bro #1 what he wanted for Christmas Bro #1 responded "I want polar bear legos!!" Now my mother and grandmother exchanged looks, because they've never heard about this legos until tonight, and Santa goes "Okay, I'm sure you'll find that under your tree!" Mom had no clue on how to get these legos now! Well Grandma stopped on her way home and still couldn't find them, so to get around the dismantlement of Bro #1, Mom told him that Santa left it at the wrong house, and that he left it at grandma's - - - -That gave Mom & Grandma a good week to get this toy and wrap it for him.
2. What was the best book you read in 2010? (we're not going to include The Bible here)
I absolutely loved The Clearing by Heather Davis
3. Do you have pets and if so do you allow them on the furniture?
We have Max, the dog, and Bandit, the cat. Bandit rules the house, so he dose whatever pleases him, while Max well. We're bigger and better then him, so he needs to listen to us. We started out with not allowing Max on the couches and bed, but Mom decided to get soft and allowed him on, which really annoyed Dad because the rest of us didn't want Max on the couches, but lo and behold now two years with have Max, he sleeping in Bro #1's bed, and is always on the couch :/
4. What event from 2010 are you most thankful for?
Does getting a job count as an event? If, not I would be most thankful for summer camp this past summer! I made so many friends, and the counselors helped me become a better person, all in all I enjoyed my time there as a CIT1, and I'm planning on going back!
5. What did you do in 2010 that you'd never done before.
Ride a horse bareback. I had never ridden a horse bareback until I started volunteering at CNEER, and just a couple months ago was I finally able to ride Monty bareback :D
6. Brussel sprouts...friend or foe?
Firenoe - - - - Depends on how they're cooked. Sometimes I like them, other times I hate them!
7. Who would you nominate for man/woman of the year?
I'll get back to this question, because I really have no clue!!
8. It is not good to be so busy, that you forget about a simple hair cut!! That was my issue yesterday, I've been so busy with Christmas and getting everything ready and making sure all of my presents are in or coming in and are wrapped, that I got a message from my hair stylist A saying "Hey Cae, just wanted to let you know that you had a hair appointment at 3:15", A sent this at 3:18, if I had my laptop I could have biked down, but I didn't so I felt really bad when I completely forgot about! So now I'm trying to reschedule it today - - - Anyways, enjoy this music video by Straight No Chaser! Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 20, 2010
1st Grade Teacher :)
So last night I had a dream that involved my 1st & 2nd grade teacher and most of the other teachers that worked with me through my two years in elementary school. So this morning when I woke up, I decided to see if I could find her email through the school district and send her an email - - - Luckily I knew her last name, but for whatever reason I couldn't remember her first. So I searched the website to see if somewhere it was listed. About thirty minutes into it, I finally found a whole list and found my first grade teacher, we'll call her Mizz B ; ) Well I found Mizz B's email and decided to send her an email, let me tell you, I haven't seen or talked to her in at least 8 or 7 years. So I sent her a little email saying "Hi Mizz B, it's Cae, you had me in your firs and second grade class in 2000 (man am I old). I just wanted to see how you were doing, and have a merry Christmas!"
I waited all day for a response to this email, and I finally got it when I came home from work. Being in contact with Mizz B, made my whole day :) She was an amazing 1st & 2nd grade teacher, and she probably still is. I remember when Mizz B would play the guitar for the class, and she also told us a story about the Christmas Crow, which I still remember to this day.
I'm hoping that she'll find her way here, since I emailed her the link.
Merry Christmas,
Thursday, December 16, 2010
The American Government - Homework Assaignment
There are three branches of the US Government. You have the Executive Branch, Legislative Branch, and Judaical Branch. We have these three branches so that our government doesn't get too strong and powerful. The branches of the government use a check and balance system to make sure that each branch is doing everything right. Below I'm going to explain the different branches, who's in charge, and their power within the check and balance system.
The Executive Branch

The Executive Branch is the branch which holds the President, Vice President, and the President's Cabinate. The Executive Branch is in charge of enforcing the laws of America.
The president currently is Barak Obama, he was elected November 2008 and took office January 20th, 2009.
The Vice President is Joe Biden.
The cabinate of the President is the vice president and fifteen executive department heads.

These fifteen departments and heads are:
-Department of State, Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton
Checks and Balance of the Executive Branch
-Can veto laws
-Can call special sessions of Congress
-Can send messages to Congress
-Leader of his party
-Can nominate judges
-Can grant reprieves or pardons for Federal offenses
The Legislative Branch
The Legislative Branch is the branch that holds our House of Representatives and House of Senate. These two houses also make up Congress. The House of Representatives is controlled by the Speaker of the House, Majority Leader, and Minority Leader, while the Senate is controlled by the President of the Senate, Majority Leader, and Minority Leader.
The House of Representative
Speaker of the House is currently Nancy Pelosi, but since the House of Representatives is now controlled by the Republicans speculation thinks that John Boehner, currently the House Minority Leader, will become the Speaker of the House.
Majority Leader of the House is currently Steny Hoyer, but since the House is now controlled by the Republicans the new House Majority Leader is going to be Kirk Cox.
Minority Leader of the House is currently John Boehner, but the new House Minority Leader is speculated to be Nancy Pelosi.
The House of the Senate
President of the House is Vice President Joe Bieden
Majority Leader of the Senate was and will be Harry Reid.
Minority Leader of the House was and will be Mitch McConnell
Checks and Balance of the Legislative Branch
-Can override veto by two-thirds vote
-Can impeach officials
-Controls appropriations
-Can reorganize executive department
-Senate approves treaties
-Senate confirms appointments
-Can impeach judges
-Senate approves appointments
-Can increase or decrease number of judges
-Can regulate the jurisdiction of courts
The Judicial Branch
The Judical Branch is the branch that houses the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is the highest court in America, it is run by one cheif justice and eight associate justices. Justices are appointed by the president of the United States of America and then are voted in by the Senate. Justice Elena Kagan is the 112th justice.
Checks and Balances of the Judicial Branch
-Can interpret laws
-Can interpret treaties
-Can decide on constitutionality of laws
Chief Justice John G. Roberts, 2005 - present, appointed by George W. Bush
Justice Antonin Scalia, 1968 - present, appointed by Ronald Regan
Justice Anthony Kennedy, 1988 - present, appointed by Ronald Regan
Justice Clarence Thompson, 1991 - present, appointed by George H. W. Bush
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 1993 - present, appointed by Bill Clinton
Justice Stephen Breyer, 1994 - present, appointed by Bill Clinton
Justice Samuel Alito, 2006 - present, appointed by George W. Bush
Justice Sonia Sotomayor, 2009 - present, appointed by Barack Obama
Justice Elena Kagan, 2010 - present, appointed by Barack Obama
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Χριστούγεννα συνονθύλευμα (Christmas Hodgepodge)
Καλώς ήρθατε στην Τετάρτη αυτής της εβδομάδας συνονθύλευμα! Συγγνώμη για τηνελληνική, αλλά και να απολαύσουν τις απαντήσεις μου και να συνδεθούν σε αυτό Από την πλευρά της λίμνης και να πω ένα γεια σε Τζόις! Απολαύστε :)
English: Welcome to this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge! Sorry for the greek, but enjoy my answers and link up at From This Side of the Pond and say hi to Joyce! Enjoy :)
1. What does it mean to have the 'holiday spirit'?
To have holiday spirit means that you decorate for the holidays, enjoy the time you spend with your friends and family, and also keep the reason for the season in mind. Holiday spirit may come in many forms, it may be just doing a dance when you realize that it's snowing for the first time, putting up your Christmas tree with your family and realizing that you'll only have a couple more years until your nest is empty, maybe it's having Christmas Eve at your place with friends and family all around, enjoying a nice Midnight Mass at your local church on Christmas Eve, Having a cooking swap with your daughter and your friends and enjoying the time spent, or maybe it's just having your immediate family under one roof and enjoying the Christmas season together.
Note: Man, would that be an awesome SAT essay, maybe I'll send the idea in, and possibly have an epic SAT score!!!!!
2. What sits atop your tree (s)? Why?
We have an angelic angel, which has been on the top of the tree since I could remember! Mom says the only reason that we have one on our tree is because she grew up with it on hers.
3. When was the last time you gave yourself a pat on the back?
A what? ;) What for? I tend not to give myself a pat on the back, mainly becasue it'll go to my head - - - Ha, the last time. Yesterday at work the internet wasn't working, so I had to call my boss because I didn't know how to fix it, so when she finally answered she told me it was in the "attic" (note: attic really means an unfinished crawl space with insulation and then the internet). So I got the ladder from the bathroom and lined it up to the little ceiling tile to push up. I looked at my heels and then looked at the ladder and how high I had to go on the ladder.
So I diteched the heels, and climbed the ladder bare foot. So I'm on the top step and I'm looking around the crawl space/attic thing and find the box thingy. I then look down, big mistake! I looked at the thing and realized that it was too dark to actually accomplish something, so I climbed down and put the tile back in place and everything on the ceiling, because I was just going to call my boss and go "S, I can't do it. When you get back form Worcester can you save me?" but I went out of the bathroom and realized I had a patron waiting, so I looked for a flashlight, which we don't own. I finally went back into the bathroom and said "I'm going to do this". So I got up and did it, I climbed up and pulled the first plug that I hit, because there was like 12 in the back of the thing! I hoped I pulled the power, and I did :) Then I had to put it back in, which involved seeing how much pull I had of the wires and getting some light to shine upon the back so I can put the power plug back into it. Eventually I accomplished it all and climbed down the ladder and put my epic shoes on, but after I called S to let her know 1. I did it and 2. I now know why P & C wouldn't do that, I gave myself a pat on the back, because that was pretty scary!!
4. Which of your senses is most sensitive this time of year?
I would have to say my sense of smell!
5. What do you have too much of in your kitchen?
Spices!! We have two full cabinets filled of spices, and now these aren't normal spices. No these are spices that we can only get in our old home town, why? Because my mom fell in love with these type of spices. Luckily I've found the same spices at a local store, well more local then CT, so Mom can still get her fill!
6. What do you do for meals on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day? Big meal? Breakfast tradition? Open the cookie tins and have at it?
Christmas Eve we go to my Aunt's down in CT, but this year it's going to be at my cousin Dan's new house, so I can't wait. We always have an assortment of food, but there is always Aunt Judy's famous jello, Pumpkin Pie, deviled eggs :), beer bread (usually from Kristi or Nicole, I think), and I can't think of anything else that we always have!
Christmas Day we usually have a brunch at our place, last year it smelled so good that I felt like i was about to throw up, seriously this whole being a women thing isn't working out for me. Anyways, we always have eggs someway somehow, then there usually bacon or sausage, some fresh fruit :) and some bagels, maybe something else, but that depends on who's cooking and if Bro #1 wants to make something or if I want to make something.
7. What is the best thing about winter?
Snow! I love when it's snowing, it just makes everything that much prettier! Especially the first snowfall is amazing :)
I also love the many days spent in front of the fireplace with Christmas carols playing throughout the house, and if you add a nice book to that picture, it is that much better :)
8. Γράφοντας στην ελληνική γλώσσα είναι πολύ διασκεδαστικό, για τυχαία σκέψη σημερινή /σχόλιο Πάω να γράψω για Giles.
Βλέπετε, Giles είναι, ήταν η μασκότ της βιβλιοθήκης και απεβίωσε το Σαββατοκύριακο,όχι ευτυχώς για το ρολόι μου! Καλά Giles Ήταν ένα υπέροχο ψάρι, και ήταν μεγάλη εταιρεία. Αν και ποτέ δεν απάντησε όταν τον ρώτησα ερωτήσεις, πάντα με έκανε ναφαίνεται λογικό, γιατί ποτέ δεν μιλούσα στον εαυτό μου, πάντα μιλάμε για αυτόν! Καλά, υποθέτω ότι αυτό είναι κάτι περισσότερο από ένα αφιέρωμα στο Giles. Θα πρέπει να χάσετε στη βιβλιοθήκη και που κατέχει μια ξεχωριστή θέση στην καρδιά μου.
Ήσουν θαυμάσια στη βιβλιοθήκη Giles, ο καθένας θα χάσετε! Μπορείτε ζήσει μια μακράζωή και η φροντίδα από μια υπέροχη μητέρα! Πάντα ήταν μεγάλη για την εταιρεία καιέφερε χαρά και την ευτυχία στις ζωές όλων μας!
Θα πρέπει να χάσετε Giles!
English: Writing in Greek is much fun, for today's random thought/comment I'm going to write about Giles.
You see, Giles is, was the library's mascot and he passed away over the weekend, luckily not on my watch! Well Giles was a wonderful fish, and he was great company. Although he never responded when I asked him questions, he always made me seem sane, because I was never talking to myself, always talking to him! Well, I guess this is more of a tribute to Giles. He will be missed at the library and he holds a special place in my heart.
You were wonderful at the library Giles, everyone will miss you! You lived a long life and was cared for by a wonderful mother! You always were great for company and brought joy and happiness into everyone's lives!
You will be missed Giles!
Lots of Love,
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian
Hello All!
You've guys have seen me and my family go through a move, become a foster family, me getting a job, loss of friends and family, friends getting married, and fundraising!
Well I've poised a new obsticle for me and for my family! My goal is to change my lifestyle and to loose some weight! Now I'll post how much I've lost in a week, starting this Sunday. My goal is to lose 50 - 60 pounds. To become healthier I'm also going to change my eating habits, I'm going to become an lacto-ovo vegetarian.
Lots of Love,
Friday, December 10, 2010
12 Days of Christmas
What was Christmas like at school when you were growing up? Were there parties, programs or other activities? Did students exchange gifts? Did you have a part in a Christmas play? Did teachers decorate their rooms? Was it permissible to refer to the holiday as Christmas? If you attended church, what special things did your church do? Were you or your family involved in any of those programs, cantatas, or activities? Have you ever gone caroling? Did your parents ever host Christmas parties?
My parents used to do Xmas parties, I don't know what stopped them, but I remember being like 5 and seeing all these people and the Christmas Tree, but other than that I don't remember when they stopped or why?
Mom and I have been very active with church and Xmas, I would always be in the Xmas pageant, I was also a part of the Jr. Choir in my old church, so I was always singing something Xmasy when it was Xmas time (sorry for all of the Xmas, but I'm painting my nails and I have one hand done and Christmas is too long to write). The video below is a Xmas song that we did at my old church, I was with in Jr. Choir, so I'm one of the small people below. This was Xmas 2006, so I'm still cute in this video ;)
Our choir also did a Xmas Cantata which was amazing, and I was doing that too, but I think by then I was in the Sr. Choir & Jr. Choir. I've been the star in the Xmas pageant for a couple years running now, which is just amazing :)
My mom & I are actually planning the Xmas pageant and directing it for our church up here in MA this year, which is pretty awesome! I'll have to get a video of the whole thing and upload it :)
My Aunt Nancy was always the one that would do the Xmas party, we would go every Xmas Eve to her place and eat, talk, and catch up with family. Santa would come and we would get one present from Santa and then we would get the rest of the presents from all of the family. It was all very fun :) One year, Bro #1 was sitting on Santa's lap, which was probably cousin Jay that year, and when Santa asked what Bro #1 wanted he replied "I was polar bear legos Santa!" and what did Santa respond? "Sure, you can find that under your tree!!"

My parents and grandparents had no freaking clue what polar bear legos were, and Bro #1 has never said anything about these legos until that night, Xmas Eve! My grandmother and grandfather stopped on the ride home to try and find these polar bear legos, they were no where to be
found! Bro #1 did get them, just a couple weeks late, my parents told him that "Santa left them at the wrong house", Santa decided to leave them at my grandparents house instead of ours, needless to say that was Bro #1, I was never that dumb! I would always ask for a Candy Apple Red Corvette, and yet it never showed up under my tree :(

Cancer - My Chemical Roamance
This song bring tears to my eyes every time I listen to it!
Turn away,
If you could get me a drink
Of water 'cause my lips are chapped and faded
Call my aunt Marie
Help her gather all my things
And bury me in all my favorite colors,
My sisters and my brothers, still,
I will not kiss you,
'Cause the hardest part of this is leaving you.
Now turn away,
'Cause I'm awful just to see
'Cause all my hairs abandoned all my body,
Oh, my agony,
Know that I will never marry,
Baby, I'm just soggy from the chemo
But counting down the days to go
It just ain't living
And I just hope you know
That if you say (if you say)
Goodbye today (goodbye today)
I'd ask you to be true (cause I'd ask you to be true)
'Cause the hardest part of this is leaving you
'Cause the hardest part of this is leaving you
12 Days of Christmas - Straight No Chaser
I heard this song for the first time when we were coming home from my grandmothers (I think) and I absolutely love it!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
No Thank You
I'm almost done with my Christmas shopping! There are still some people that I need to buy or make for, but my boss is one that I have no clue to get her! Well last year she said $1,000,000 this year she made it a little bit more reasonable and wants world peace.
I've become better at my Christmas lists, they now look like a grocery list of things that I need to buy. Well I saw this post from Joyce From This Side of the Pond, which she linked back to Provocations, so I deiced to do this, plus it seemed pretty cool!
“whatever you do, DON’T buy me _________.”
- CD (or artist): I have to agree with Joyce on this, No Justin Beiber please. Just, no, it's just not good. It's almost painful to listen to him.
- Cologne/Perfume: I hate overpowering flowery scents,
- Book (author): Nancy Pelosi has a book? I'm agreeing with Joyce on this too, but another one I won't read would be - - - Hmmm I need to think of this - - - Oh I hated Sense and Sensebility!!! Couldn't get into it!
- Restaurant Giftcard: Burger King - bleh!
- Retail (Mall) Store Giftcard: Hollister, please no.
- Starbucks drink: What?! One bad Starbucks drink? There isn't a bad Starbucks drink! Ummmmmmm, can I do Dunkin' Donuts instead? Okay, I hate Dunkin' Donuts' Vanilla Chai
- Tool /gadget: Does a Snuggie count? It's a bathrobe on backwards!!!
And now, here’s your ONE wish request… IF someone wanted to spend exactly $50 on you, what would you want more than anything else? Try to be as close to the ‘retail’ price of $50 (and no donations to charity, world hunger, missions trip, peace on earth, goodwill to men, etc… we ALL want those things, of course!).
Two Filing things, Two SD Memory Cards, 1/2" Hair Curler, and Red Nail Polish for a little over $50 OR a Troxel Helmet which is just around $50
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Wednesday Hodgepodge
1. Have you ever been on a real sleigh ride? How about the warm weather version - a carriage ride? I've been on a hay ride, does that count? I don't know if I've been on a real sleigh ride, but oh well! I get to ride an ex-carriage horse!!
2. What's your policy on 'chain mail' know, the emails you receive that are often some sort of poem/blessing/good wish that ask you to send it on to 10 or 12 friends? Do you delete without opening, read and trash, read and trash and then worry you won't be blessed/lucky/protected? Do you delete the sender from your contacts or just go ahead and send the love onward? It depends on the chain email, there are some that are really cool, and if they have facts in them I automatically go to to make sure it's true, but then there are some that are just cute that my boss will send to me, that just make me start my day off right :) I absolutely love some, but the ones saying that "you'll die if you don't- - -" I delete them usually, don't even read them!
3. Who is your favorite character in any of the Christmas movies and why? My favorite character(s) in a classic Christmas movie would be Mr. Heat Miser & Mr. Snow Miser from The Year Without Santa because the two of them in their songs are just so awesome!
In one of the newer Christmas movies, I like the boy in Christmas Shoes, because he's sweat and all he wants is to buy these shoes for his mom that's dieing, because he wants her to look pretty if she meets Jesus that night.
4. Share a favorite quote. Just one? Okay, I'm giving you a couple because I couldn't just give you one!
"There were six churches:
The Methodist, which had a warm and friendly pastor
The Presbyterian, whose minister was a very proper person
The Episcopal, whose pastor was a born actor
The Lutheran, whose pastor was rigid and pompous
The Baptist, which had a simple, but like-able pastor
The Catholic, whose pastor was aloof and inflexible"-Joshua by Joseph F. Girzone
The Methodist, which had a warm and friendly pastor
The Presbyterian, whose minister was a very proper person
The Episcopal, whose pastor was a born actor
The Lutheran, whose pastor was rigid and pompous
The Baptist, which had a simple, but like-able pastor
The Catholic, whose pastor was aloof and inflexible"-Joshua by Joseph F. Girzone
"Imagine life is a game in which you are juggling 5 balls. The balls are called work, health, friends, family and integrity. And you are keeping all of them in the air; but one day, you finally come to understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. The other four balls, family, health, friends and integrity are made of glass. If you drop one of these, it will be irrevocably scuffed, nicked perhaps even shattered."-Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas by James Patterson
"Hillary Clinton was quoted as saying "It takes a village to raise a child." Well, I have seen the village and I don't want it raising my child" ~Unknown
5. What's your favorite holiday scent? I love the smell of pumpkin pie and apple pie cooking, or the one that is always in my house a fire (love the smell) or our homemade chex mix. I absolutely hate the smell of pine! BLEH!
6. Does the Christmas season stress you out? In what way? Sometimes, the whole gift buying process is always stressful, especially when it's coming down to December 20th, because then you realize you only have five days to get everything bought, wrapped, labeled, and shipped (okay I usually ship mine like a week before Christmas). Then you have the whole family part, if your family is anything like mine then you'll want to spend Christmas with one, but you'll have to spend Christmas with the other - - - That usually happens here, and you always have the stress of cooking when you have family coming over (especially if it's your in-laws coming)
7. What's the best thing about your life right now? The best thing about my life? Oh, well everything! I have a wonderful family (a few nuts in the extended family, but hey we all do right?), both of my jobs are amazing, my boss is sweet and too nice to me! My friends are amazing and are a great support in my life. My two church families are amazing, they're always there for support if I ever need it. The horses are great and are like my four legged family. My life is pretty great (if you asked me this last Christmas, you wouldn't have gotten such a long list) and I've been blessed into a great family, and although we're not rich and live lavishly, we have the right amount, and it's just perfect!
8. Unkown at the current moment - - - My brain has taken the Christmas holiday off, but a little too early.
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