There are three branches of the US Government. You have the Executive Branch, Legislative Branch, and Judaical Branch. We have these three branches so that our government doesn't get too strong and powerful. The branches of the government use a check and balance system to make sure that each branch is doing everything right. Below I'm going to explain the different branches, who's in charge, and their power within the check and balance system.
The Executive Branch

The Executive Branch is the branch which holds the President, Vice President, and the President's Cabinate. The Executive Branch is in charge of enforcing the laws of America.
The president currently is Barak Obama, he was elected November 2008 and took office January 20th, 2009.
The Vice President is Joe Biden.
The cabinate of the President is the vice president and fifteen executive department heads.

These fifteen departments and heads are:
-Department of State, Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton
Checks and Balance of the Executive Branch
-Can veto laws
-Can call special sessions of Congress
-Can send messages to Congress
-Leader of his party
-Can nominate judges
-Can grant reprieves or pardons for Federal offenses
The Legislative Branch
The Legislative Branch is the branch that holds our House of Representatives and House of Senate. These two houses also make up Congress. The House of Representatives is controlled by the Speaker of the House, Majority Leader, and Minority Leader, while the Senate is controlled by the President of the Senate, Majority Leader, and Minority Leader.
The House of Representative
Speaker of the House is currently Nancy Pelosi, but since the House of Representatives is now controlled by the Republicans speculation thinks that John Boehner, currently the House Minority Leader, will become the Speaker of the House.
Majority Leader of the House is currently Steny Hoyer, but since the House is now controlled by the Republicans the new House Majority Leader is going to be Kirk Cox.
Minority Leader of the House is currently John Boehner, but the new House Minority Leader is speculated to be Nancy Pelosi.
The House of the Senate
President of the House is Vice President Joe Bieden
Majority Leader of the Senate was and will be Harry Reid.
Minority Leader of the House was and will be Mitch McConnell
Checks and Balance of the Legislative Branch
-Can override veto by two-thirds vote
-Can impeach officials
-Controls appropriations
-Can reorganize executive department
-Senate approves treaties
-Senate confirms appointments
-Can impeach judges
-Senate approves appointments
-Can increase or decrease number of judges
-Can regulate the jurisdiction of courts
The Judicial Branch
The Judical Branch is the branch that houses the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is the highest court in America, it is run by one cheif justice and eight associate justices. Justices are appointed by the president of the United States of America and then are voted in by the Senate. Justice Elena Kagan is the 112th justice.
Checks and Balances of the Judicial Branch
-Can interpret laws
-Can interpret treaties
-Can decide on constitutionality of laws
Chief Justice John G. Roberts, 2005 - present, appointed by George W. Bush
Justice Antonin Scalia, 1968 - present, appointed by Ronald Regan
Justice Anthony Kennedy, 1988 - present, appointed by Ronald Regan
Justice Clarence Thompson, 1991 - present, appointed by George H. W. Bush
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 1993 - present, appointed by Bill Clinton
Justice Stephen Breyer, 1994 - present, appointed by Bill Clinton
Justice Samuel Alito, 2006 - present, appointed by George W. Bush
Justice Sonia Sotomayor, 2009 - present, appointed by Barack Obama
Justice Elena Kagan, 2010 - present, appointed by Barack Obama
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