Go and do your own Flashback Friday! Go to Linda's Blog, yeah that's right click the blue linky things within this scentence! Go! This weeks Flashback Friday prompt:
Did you play many games when you were growing up? What were they? (Include outside games as well as board & card games.) Who did you generally play with? Did your entire family play games or just the kids? Were there any traditional games your family always played? What were your favorites? Are they still around today? What about puzzles? Was that a popular pastime at your house? Were puzzles saved for holidays or did you do them any time? Were they set out for anyone to work or just one person?
Games, well the memory that really sticks out, was a day when Mom and I came home from something around 5:00, we came home in the middle of a pretty bad thunder storm, and when we got home we had electricty for maybe 10 seconds and then it went out. We waited for it to go back on as we grabbed the candles, propane camping grill thing, flashlights, and matches. Once everything was assembles, we light the candels around the dinning room table, we had about 5ish candles going on the table, which produced enough light and a couple candles in the kitchen. When the power didn't come back on in a hour, and I was getting tired from reading my book, I asked Mom if we could play a game, she said yes. So we got, I think it Monoply
Playing board games with the family is mainly a Mom, Bro #1, and I thing. Dad doesn't like board games that much, I don't know why, but he hates them. He'll play dominos and card games (only Rummy 500 most of the time). We attempted to have game nights as a family, but they didn't really work that well because of all of our schedules and Dad couldn't gaurentee that he would be home for dinner every Friday night, or whatever night that we wanted to have the family game night.
Mom loves to do puzzles, I think they're a waste of time when you get past that 2 hour mark on a 1000 pice puzzle
Your puzzle comment about "1000 piece pick me up" made me laugh.
My dad never cared for games much either. He liked 42, and he would sometimes play chess with my brother or sister. I thought chess was totally boring and took way too long!
Enjoyed your memories. Love the comment about puzzle pick up. lol I guess I was pretty lucky, my dad and mom were always ready to play a game on the weekends. Good memories!
until next time... nel
Linda- I'm glad, they frustrate me to no end! I love ches, it's such a stratagey game! Very educational!!
Nel- Mom's alright with games, but dad not so much!
Thanks for your comments!
Cae ♥
You're fortunate to have a specific memory attached to playing games--I'm sure you've noted that most of the rest of us have spoken in generalities. It doesn't take long to lose the specifics in the vague mist of "we played a lot of this or that" :-)
I enjoyed your post!
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