1. Is there a word which you initially mispronounced? Were the circumstances in which you made the faux pas embarrassing? By the way, that's not "foax pass." (I know you know that. Just jokin' with ya.) Oh, there have been a few, luckily it's only been with my family for example my mom's running mate, John Szewczyk, well I sounded it out, and let me just say it dosen't work for his last name, it's properly pronouced shef-shick, go figure!
2. How do you feel about the use of texting shortcuts and trends? (ex: "I've got ur notes. Get them 2 u 2morow.") It depends on the person that I'm texting or talking to, for example if I was talking to my boss, I'll go to the point of proper punctuation, but if I'm talking to one of my friends then I'll usually slip in some shorthand, but nothing like: ily! c u 2moro? k ttyl.
3. Tell me about your high school senior picture. Please feel free to post. This question makes me laconic (ah ha! Anothe SAT word, laconic means disposed to using few words), since I'm not even a Senior yet, sorry!
5. Share a high school or college homecoming memory. Oh! There was as Flashback Friday done for this one! I'll make the story short, and then link to my blog with the enlongated story. Well I wasn't allowed to go to my homecomming with my boyfriend, because I was homeschooled. I was indomitable (SAT word usage number 3, holla! Indomitable means unable to be conquered it) that night, I had my own homecomming! To read the whole blog post, click here!
6. Linda at Mocha with Linda wants to know: "Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?" Sunsets for some reason are so much more beautiful, they are breathtaking!
7. Lea at Cici's Corner asks, "What is something you have not done that you desire to do?" Travel abroad, I would love to take a month in England & Ireland, go to France and Italy, make a stop in Germany & Austria, and of course own horses!
8. Carol at Wanderings of an Elusive Mind ponders, "If you could come back [in another life] as an animal, which would it be?" A horse, specifically a black fresian mare, fresians are so pretty and so eloquent. I would love to be a fresian, as a long as I got a good owner :)
9. Joyce from The Other Side of the Pond is curious: "Where were you 10 years ago?" Please feel free to elaborate more than just your physical location. I was in my old hometown, in kindergarten with an awesome teacher, whoms name escapes me currently, and would probably be coming home to my grandmother and grandfather since both parents work full time. It would be a time of joy and simplicity that I miss dearly.
10. When you are proven to be correct in any contentious discussion, do you gloat? It depends who I was talking to, if it was with Mom, of course be we always need to refer back to Cae's three rules, "Rule number 1, I'm always right, Rule number 2, if I'm wrong please refeer back to rule number 1, and rule number 597 if I'm still wrong please go back to rule number 2,"
11. What is your favorite food which includes the ingredient "caramel?" Well I love Caramel Apples, but I also love a Maple St. Crepe from the cafe in my old home town, but my by far favorite drink containing caramel would be. . . Drum roll please. . . A Grande Caramel Applce Spice from Starbucks!
12. From my 17 year-old daughter to you: "If you could be part of any fictional family, which family would you choose and why?" (She's so cute. And clever.) The Addams Family!!! I would love to be Wednesday!!! But other than that, I would prefer to keep my own even though the boys are immature and annoying over every boy that looks at me, I still love them and would never trade them, except on occasion!
You can go and answer your own questions and then link up at 2nd Cup of Coffee!
Cae ♥
Oh, how I am laughing right now.
I am a high school English teacher, and this is my first year teaching.
I've got my 11th and 12th graders blogging. They are also learning very difficult SAT words. I always tell them that I will give them extra credit if they use the vocab on their blogs or in their essays. So, your little "plugs" for the words cracked me up!
Loved your answers! Keep up the good work!!
Loved the homecoming post! And good luck on your PSAT. (vocab was always my favorite). I just pulled my daughter from her large high school and moved her to a charter school. She'll take her ACT in December and after that will get dual credits: high school and Johns Hopkins University. Ooo la la!
Auburnchick - Ha, thanks :) I'm glad it made someone laugh, considering the PSAT didn't use any of the ones I knew!! They didn't even use Phlegmataic! What's wrong with that?! Making your 11st & 12th graders blog, that's a good idea :) I would love to read thier blogs :)
Pam - Thanks, and vocab is fun, even though I don't enjoy it I've come to see that Latin is helping me and that I will use some of the words every day. Let her know good luck on the ACT, my goal by December is getting my results back from my PSAT, and seeing if I passed my Basic Library Techniques in November.
Thanks for the comments :)
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