What were birthdays like when you were growing up? Were they a big deal or understated? Did you have parties? Get to choose what or where the family ate for dinner? Are there any particular birthday traditions that you remember? Is there any birthday that stands out (good OR bad!), either due to the events surrounding it or due to the particular present(s) you received?
Hmmm, The first couple up until about 10 they were a big deal, and then of course turning 13 was a huge deal for me. Of course I had parties!!! I remember that I was turning 6 I think, my mom asked me for a Barbie, and I gave it to her. . . Only to later see my Barbie dissembled, half of her in my cake and the other half on the kitchen counter! They killed my Barbie!!! I wasn't very happy, well until I saw that the cake had pink frosting, so I was happy.
The next main birthday that I remember was my 10th (I think) when I was woken up at 3:00AM. . .Yes you read that time correctly 3:00AM, so we could go down the Flordia. Let me just tell you my birthday lands during the E-One Salesmen meeting, and with my dad working for E-One, I realized that for the past two years my dad has actually been home for my birthday! So I was woken up at 3:00AM, and we (as in Mom and J) went off to Bradley Airport, we actually had my uncle J drive us to Bradley, we made it to the airport around 4:00AM, and we waited. . . And waited. . . And waited. . . .And did I mention we waited? Well it wasn't until around 7:00am that we were told that there was an issue with the plane, so we had to sit and wait (there was the smell of gasoline in the cabin). So guess what, we waited MORE! We then heard word from the stewardess around 9:00 that the plane will not be flying. . .So we now had to find a plane to FL, and my mother had two very tired children with her. We finally did make it on an airplane, just to be embarrassed by mother for letting the Captain know it was my birthday, and guess what it was announced on the whole plane (just what I wanted. . . Not really)! We did make it to FL, and when we made it to the condo in Ocala, I walked into "my" bedroom and saw Kirsten the American Girl Doll sitting on the bed, for me!

Oh, my 13th birthday, the last major birthday I had. . .I actually had basketball that day (yes I actually played sports), okay well the party was the day before my birthday, but you get the idea! So I hinted to mom how much I either wanted a spa birthday, or how I have never had a surprise birthday in my lifetime. I got home all sweaty and there was a sign on the banister saying "Cae's Spa, right this way". So I got not only my spa party, but also my surprise birthday party. . .It was nice :)

Since my 13th party, I've had little get-togethers (okay is that a word?) with some close friends but nothing huge (I'm waiting for my 21st). Now I just chose what place I want to go to for my birthday dinner, or what I would like for my birthday dinner, if we're eating at home.
Check out Linda's blog Mocha with Linda!
By C
Your poor family - getting up in the middle of the night only to sit and sit and sit!
Fun memories; thanks for sharing.
Linda- My poor family! I still haven't let my mother live it down, thanks, I loved your answers too :)
loved american girl dolls...so pretty
3am airports...not so pretty
I would have been mortified to have one of my Barbies dissembled!! Although I did always want one of those doll cakes.
I didn't have daughters, but if I had, I am sure we would have followed American girls. I did enjoy reading some of their books.
I hate when delays happen in flights, and that one was a doozie -- and on your birthday, no less.
The spa birthday sounds neat.
We pretty much just go to the birthday honoree's restaurant of choice these days as well, with cake and ice cream and presents at home afterward, but my youngest (age 16) still likes to have guys over -- usually for pizza and video games, but at his last birthday he and a few friends brought airsoft guns to my middle (married) son's house and stalked each other for hours in the field behind the house. Not my idea of a fun time, but they loved it!
Skoots1mom-THnaks :) 3am is never pretty.
Barabra-Thanks, airsoft guns are awesome
~Cae ♥
Love your birthday memories!
It was fun to read your memories :)
Your mom must have thought you weren't playing with Barbies anymore :(
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