1. Define a great relationship. Hmmmmm, I donm't know. . . A relationship that not only involves two people who love each other, and have committed themselves together for the rest of their lives, but also includes God and Jesus. So the relationship needs to have a strong Christian base. Both people need to love each other wholeheartedly, laugh a lot, and have fun together. I think that's about it.
2. Why is it called a "drive-through" if you have to stop? (Real question: What was the last food/drink you purchased at a drive-through?) Ummm, I don't remember it was probably some chicken nuggets and a drink.
3. As I type this, the Butler Bulldogs are getting ready to play in the NCAA championship game. Every Hoosier is hysterical about this except me. So in honor of the Bulldogs ... what is your favorite breed of dog? (I tried.) PBGV (Petit Basset Griffon Vedeen) or a West Highland Terrier.
^ PBGV ^

5. If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be? I wouldn't change anything, sure I've complained a lot to my parents about not having this or that, but I don't need that item. . .I just would want it.
6. Who's the funniest person you know? Ummm, most of my friends can make me laugh, funniest I have no clue.
7. Did you get enough sleep last night? Nope, Buffy kept me up. . .
8. What's the first thing you thought about this morning? I need to do the dishes, and finish the craft for story time, and then not choke on my coffee like I did Monday.
9. Grilled or Fried? --HONESTLY- - -I love fried chicken, but I usually eat grilled.
10. Are you afraid of the dark? Nope
11.When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? A Vet, Fashion Designer, Minister, and horseback rider.
12. If you had one word to describe yourself , what would you choose? Insane
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