~.:April 19, 2009:.~
I woke up early, sat up on my mattress (my bed's in storage). Today mom is going to give the sermon today at church. I grabbed a pair of jeans, my dark blue & white stripped shirt, and my hot pink wedge heals out of the blue travel duffel bag. We left for church at 9:15. I wasn't singing in the choir today, because I knew I was going to cry, so I sat next to Jill instead. I waited in the narthex for Squid. I was always asked about the house, if I liked it, and if I wanted to move from people who knew my family. Squid never showed, so around 9:50 I walked over to the pew next to the organ. i sat on the red pew cushion, and waited for Jill. I kept my composure, until my mom went up and started her sermon."People use the phrase bittersweet to explain such a time of change in one’s life, but perhaps for us it is a little more bitter than sweet. But such a move is just another part of our faith journey." My mom said. Jill gave me a tissue then said "Cae, look at the congregation. . .They're crying. Cae, your dad is crying."
"Jill, my dad doesn't cry, he never cries," I said as I looked, sure enough some of the members of the congregation were crying. I looked across the church and looked up to the balcony. Sure enough my dad was crying, I lost all of my composure when I saw my dad crying, he never shows emotions. After church Erika took some photos of the family with Jill & Elven, the As, and the Ts.

We were just about to leave at 12 when mom said she needed to head to the market. She went over and saw Mrs. A (Squid Moms). Squid was with Mrs. A, so she and I hugged and cried in front of the church. "Cae, don't cry, because then I'll cry" Squid said as I cried and hugged. "Too late" I said as we hugged. "I'm going to miss you" I said as we hugged more. Finally when we were semi-composed we said goody. Once back home, I was sad, but as mom said "bittersweet"
~.:April 20, 2009:.~
I got dressed, pulled out jeans, hot pink wedge heals, My blue v cut short sleeve shirt, and my pink University of Hartford sweatshirt. Mr. Dattilo (our Realtor) came to the house around 8:00 as we were trying to pack the vehicles up and find our cat. At 11:00 the house was completely empty, well except for one basket and our cat. Just as we left the home owners pulled in to do a last walk through. We drove to Perk on main, to have a visit with Erika & her mom. Squid left a gift for me, since she had a horseback riding lesson. I opened my first and it was a pair of lounging pants with the towns name on the left pant leg. After mom and I went back to our house, to see that Bandit (our cat) came out, so mom got the cat and I changed into my new pants. We made it up to Massachusetts by 1:00 we had my grandfather follow us up, with stuff in his car. When we pulled into the driveway my new next door neighbor came over with her mom."Hi, I'm Meagan," Megan said "Hi, I'm Cae" I responded I just stood. Meagan and I talked until Meagan's mom said that they should let us unpack. Once I knew that there was a girl my age next door to us, I knew that we moved to the right place.
~.:April 19, 2010:.~
My hair was in two braid from last night. I took the braids out, and my hair was immediately wavy. I found a pair of jeans, my 3/4 sleeve shirt, and a pair of flip flops. I had work today until 5. It was also Patriot's Day (the day that messed up the whole house buying process up here), so it was a slow day at the library. I spent the day doing stuff I loved, reading, writing, cooking, and watching Survivor! I went for a long walk down my street, realizing what I gained up here in Massachusetts.~.:April 20, 2010:.~
I woke up and dug around my closet for a pair of jeans, and a tee-shirt. Once those were found I went and took a shower. I got dressed and quickly braided my wet hair, and walked downstairs. Today is a boring day, not doing much of anything. I went on another long walk down my road, just thinking about moving and that since moving here, it was a really good thing for me, and that since moving I've been able to do much more things than, when I lived in Connecticut. I spent the rest of the day reading and playing outside with my next door neighbor. Compared to last year, this year was a lot more easier, and less stressful.Since moving, I have learned a lot of things about life, and my relationship with God. Most of it because I moved, and it was hard on the teenager I am. I also have been able to excel in thing, and be able to do stuff that I wouldn't be allowed to do in Durham. I've gotten a job, written a book, made new friends, and gained a whole second hometown.
When I first moved to Massachusetts, I just about found something wrong with everything, and when I couldn't find something wrong with it I could just say "It's not like Connecticut" and I would be right. I have now realized that Massachusetts isn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, I've been able to grow in many ways, and I love it here!
Cae ♥
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