It's that time again!! This week is the Random Dozen from Lid's amazing blog 2nd Cup of Coffee!!! Today's theme is: "One", uh oh there will be a disclaimer for me on this one! Well enjoy and make your own Random Dozen and link back up to 2nd Cup of Coffee!!!
**Disclaimer: Cae will have a really hard time with this weeks theme, One, it is very hard for Cae to actually do/think/talk about one thing at a time, just ask anyone who is friends with her. So Lid and readers I'm going to apologize because this one (haha no pun intended) I really had to think and control myself and try to put only one answer up!**
1. What is one really fast, know-by-heart "go-to" meal to fix in a pinch? Ramen Noodle Soup
2. What is one item you won't leave home without. (Purse and license do not count.) Keys!!! If I ever left home without my house keys (or work keys depending on the day) it would be very bad! If Keys don't count, my mini calendar
3. Where is one place you never tire of visiting? The library!!! If that doesn't show I'm a geek, I think the next best thing is a huge sign pointing to me saying "Geek"
4. Share one factoid of your family's history. My mom was adopted many moons ago, and now I have a ton of family (does that count?). Okay, let me think of a better one. On my mom's adopted fathers side (followed me?) the family rented out a cottage at Hawk's Nest Beach in Old Lyme, CT. The Hurricane of '68 was devastating to CT and the coastline especially. Our family cottage was blown completely off of the plot and into the swamp. The father went out to retrieve the families stuff, and so did the son. The son got sick with Scarlett Fever. On the day that the son died the father killed himself (before his son actually died). Or I could put up a boring story from dad's side, or a really cool story from mom's birth side (her birth family and adoptive family are all really cool, I could go on and on with stories from them!)
5. Complete this sentence: "Once upon a time I ...." Fell off of Geffrey, my Belgian Draft Horse, onto the only rock in the indoor rings. I landed on this rock on my back, and I had a huge bruise! Jenn, my riding teacher asked me if I was alright, I was. Then offered if I would like to keep the rock to show my friends. I declined and said that I will show them the bruise. The End ☺
6. If you could win a one year's supply of anything, what would it be? STARBUCKS COFFEE
7. "One quirky thing you may not know about me is ...." I shelve all of the hold books at the library and when I organize my books at home they are all put in order by height then alphabetically (dose that count as quirky or just weird?)
8. You have one dollar in your pocket. What will you buy? Nothing, I would put it into my bank account and have it earn interest (smart idea!). Oh, if I had to buy something I would go to McDonald's and buy my daddy two Cherry Pies, since they're his favorite!
9. "One thing that always makes me laugh is ...." My boss S or my Best-Guy-Friend A.J! The two of them I know will make me laugh/smile every time I come in contact with them :D Love you guys ♥
10. What is one thing you could do today to help yourself reach a personal goal? Read another chapter in the Bible
11. What is one thing you could do today to bless someone else? Hmmmmm, okay so I'm answering these on a Tuesday to think of a Wednesday. . .Well I wouldn't calling blessing someone, maybe payback. But the library board is going to sing Happy Birthday to S today (Wednesday)!!
12. What is one thing you're looking forward to soon? Work tomorrow?? Ummmm, there is a state of the town meeting tonight, but that might not be a good looking forward to. . .Oh how about play rehearsal? Or maybe just a cup of coffee? Lidna!!! I can't choose just ONE thing for this!!!
If you enjoyed today's Random Dozen, go check out Lidna's blog 2nd Cup of Coffee!!
Cae ♥
I love your answers! Oh how I would love to win a one year supply of Starbucks but is that based on their idea of what one year supple is or mine?
Great job!
Intriguing factoid. I had scarlet fever a number of times as a kid because i didn't exhibit standard strep symptoms until i was already into scarlet. I am sorry for the loss within the family though.
Happy Wednesday!
I don't think you'll get much interest on $1 :p
Loved your disclaimer!
ineverhavetheanwer-Thanks, oh and it would be based on my idea!! Lol ;)
Going Cerbral-Oh, wow. I never had Scarlet Fever, and although I shouldn't be kind of fascinated with the fact of the story, I kind of am.
Teresa Dawn-If it's over $.00 then I made money. Money that I didn't have before the interest.
Linda-Lol, thanks I just had to give up with this weeks Random Dozen, and had to write a disclaimer with this weeks RD. I loved the video and answers you had!
Thanks for visiting guys!
Cae ♥
@Cae, yes I suppose that is true, but at most banks around here it would take an entire year to make 1 cent on a dollar as that's what the rate is haha. In fact I'm not sure you'd get anything, because they divide that 1 cent per year into 12 and give it to you in monthly installments, so 1 cent divided by 12 would give you nothing at all.
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