How old were you when you got your first (paying) job? Did you work during the school year? What stipulations, if any, did your parents put on spending, saving, etc.? What types of jobs did you have before you were, oh, 21 or 22? Did you go to college or a technical/trade school? If so, did you work while you were pursuing your post-high school education? What were your favorite -- and least favorite, if you wish to share! -- jobs? What did you learn from those early jobs?
Oh Linda, I'm apologizing for this post since I'm still young and the flashback will be a flashback to like a couple months ago.
My first job, I got when I was 11, I was a Mommy's Little Helper for a friend of my parents. She had two kids E age 5 and C age 3. I worked with Rho for two years until they had to move out to MO. I worked every day got paid $2.00 an hour and worked about 5ish hours a day, so I was racking in the cash with that job. After they moved I did some babysitting here and there, but nothing like I did with Rho, so I was low on money (and did I hate it!). I then started volunteering at my old towns library and fell in love with being a librarian (I know, I'm such a nerd)! So when I moved up to MA, I immediately started volunteering for the library up here. I've been volunteering at the library up here since May 2009, but in the beginning of April 2010 (I think) my boss called my house and asked if I wanted to take her desk hours! So my first official job is my current job being a Librarian. I have to say I love being a librarian and even though yesterday was my first actual stress-filled day at the library, I still enjoyed it! For college I'm planned to go to a college in the area for my undergrad, then I would go and get my Masters in Information & Library Science (in a dream I would be going to Simmons College in Boston for my MLS) and then work at a small town library (hopefully the one I'm working at today) and be a librarian for the rest of my life.
One thing that I've learned from having my job, is when your boss is happy your happy (Love you Mrs. T!!). I recently had to inform my boss that Giles (our library mascot & Beta Fish
) was on his last leg (or should I say fin?) and that if he's dead it's not my fault! We do have plans to find another Beta fish when Giles dies, but Giles is well he's Giles!!!! I'll have to get a picture of him for you guys tomorrow when I'm at work! I have also learned that not all bosses are old, mean, grumpy bosses. For example my boss (and second mother) Mrs. T. (or S) is amazing! She is probably the most amazing-slightly-insane-phlebotomist-motherly boss that I have ever and will ever have in my life! She is just plain amazing!!! (I'll have to get a picture of her and I up here, okay I just need a picture of her, but when I get one I will add it to the post!)
(E is all the way on the right in his "dress")
If Linda, you don't mind I'm going to include a little flashback to my little 7 year old self. I figured since I'm not at wise as most of you guys posting on this Friday that I might as well add a couple jobs that I have always dreamed of doing. You all know of E, my old minister right?
Well if, not and your just reading this blog post. E is my old minister and he was huge with the kids! He was amazing, and for some reason he was just plain-out amazing! E is a walking encyclopedia also.
(I'm the one in the purple dress with the lace-This was the first grade play)
So my little 7 year old self was not only in love with being a minister, and how E always traveled to these awesome places and knew just about everything in the Bible, but I was also in love with fashion design and Horses! Okay, what 7 year old wasn't in love with horses? So I dreamt of being a traveling minister (like E, I could go to amazing far away places) on horseback (see I fit in my horses) and a fashion designer. My mom always laughed how I could have such different ideas of what I wanted to be when I grown up, a minister, a fashion designer, and a horseback rider/something to do with horses. I also wanted to fit in singing/acting in their also (I would be a very busy adult).

Picture;; I'm on the right and V is on the left
Enjoyed this Flashback Friday? Well check out Linda's blog Mocha with Linda, and do this weeks Flashback yourself, or check out the other bloggers who participated with Linda and I in this weeks Flashback!
Thanks for stopping by!
Cae ♥
What a fun post! I always thought being a librarian would be fun. I need multiple lives to do what I'd like to do!
Linda-Librarians are always fun, my library is never quite ;) I would need to also!
always wanted to be a the quiet!
I wanted to be a librarian, but I fell in love with my undergrad studies and stopped at my B.A. I am a reading teacher, but you can see how that fits in with my love of books.
Skoots- I hate to tell you, but a library is very rarely actually quite, and when it is, it isn't a good thing.
Quilly, that is really cool! A reading teacher sounds like an awesome job!
Cae ♥
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