1. What was the last thing about which you procrastinated? Last thing, I still am!! I'm trying to write an article to my paper about what a library should be, but with the current library stuff it's hard for me not to write names!! So I'm kind of putting that article off :(
2. How long does it take you to fall asleep, and do you sleep through the night? It depends how long it takes me to fall asleep, it depends on what I did for the day, how much I slept the night before, how many cups of coffee I consumed, and for the most part I sleep through the night baring any weird dreams, false fire alarms, or anything else.
3. Which decade would you choose to exemplify your favorite fashion styles? I like this decades styles, just because I'm a teenager and I don't remember the ones before me ☺ I have to say the 60s were really cool.
4. What is your personal best dish to feed a crowd? A crowd? Like a lot of people? Well hmmm, I can't think of one, actually I can make Apple Crisp, but if that doesn't count. I can make a mean Fettichini Alfredo with Pea and Ham for dinner guests!
5. Are you an impulse shopper? What was the last thing you bought on impulse? No usually, probably my purse, which I bought at a Marshall's, and I could of bought a cheeper one, but stupidily I watned the brand name! Note to self: Don't buy brand name, yes the name looks cute, but think of how many hours you worked to buy that purse!
6. What is one wish you have for your own funeral? I would say to have everyone be happy and not to grieve over me, but knowing my family they heal better after they grieve. To invite my librarians and current board, because they are amazing and deserve to come, and also to have a shadow box which includes everything I love, pictures of people I loved, books, horses, animals, the library, clothes, shoes, etc.
7. If it's true that joy is in found in the simple things in life, what does your joy look like today? Reading, walking, emailing Mrs. T, and work ☺
8. What is your favorite type of bread? White bread or Cinnamon Raisin Bread
9. What trait do you fear developing the most? (Laziness, greediness, grumpiness, etc.) I would have to say grumpiness, I don't like grumpy people, and if I ever turn into one I give my friends and family full permission to do something about it!
10. What trait would you like most to develop? Spelling count as a trait? I would want to be nicer to my brother.
11. Which room in your house best reflects your personality? Why? My bed room, because it has everything I love in it! It has my piano and sheet music, books, pictures of friends and family, horse models, and it has my accomplishments all over the room, Oh and there are quotes all over my wall :)
12. How do you maintain balance in your life regarding, work, family, church, other organizations and activities, and blogging? Um, Lid can you see my blog isn't as active as yours. . .I wish I knew because I'm starting to feel bad for my blog, since I no longer find time to blog, and when I do have time to blog it's blogging for my library and not for this one, and if the library blog is done, then I don't have a post for this one! How my mom can accomplish living like this I have no clue, because I need coffee to help me through my daily life!
Check out Lidna's Blog 2nd Cup of Coffee and do your own Random Dozen!!!
Cae ♥
Perhaps for the library paper, just replace the names of real people with fake names?
I also said Cinnamon Raisin bread, and I read your bedroom answer wrong at first and thought you said you kept a horse in the bedroom haha, had to do a double take!
I love cinnamon bread too.
You are a teenager?
WOW..like my daughter....
You sound very mature...
Mine is here
Nice to meet you.
Happy Wednesday!
Teresa Dawn-I can't unless the person I'm writing about would have their life in danger it is illegal to change the persons name in a newspaper, but it's slowly coming along. I wish I had a horse in my room, I wish I owned a horse period! I love Cinnamon Raisin bread is amazing!
Shakira- Yes I am a teenager, thanks :) Cinnamon Rasin bread is amazing! Nice meeting you also!
Cae ♥
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