I was at camp for a whole month over the summer and I fell in love with everyone! I was a CIT and let's just say we are not normal! I was looking through an album on Facebook of camp and I found one of Me, K, K, and E. I absolutely loved it! Well here are some pictures of the CITS, some counselors, and us being weird ;)
Friday, October 29, 2010
30 Days
Mom turned on the tv this afternoon when we got back from volunteering at a blood drive at church. It's called 30 Days and is produced by Planet Green. Now 30 Days takes a person and have them live in someone else's family for 30 days. The episode that Mom watched took an Atheist and put her into a strong devout Christian family. During the Bible Study they were talking about heaven and if the Atheist believed in heaven, she said that she didn't. The Bible Study group said that they did, and that although no one has come back from heaven they still believe in it.
Well NEWSFLASH Bible Study, read your Bible and learn someone did come back from heaven, who you ask? JESUS! He died and then rose again, He lived with his father in his father's house. God's house is heaven, so Jesus was in heaven and came to the earth, so someone needs to fact check their argument.
Well NEWSFLASH Bible Study, read your Bible and learn someone did come back from heaven, who you ask? JESUS! He died and then rose again, He lived with his father in his father's house. God's house is heaven, so Jesus was in heaven and came to the earth, so someone needs to fact check their argument.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
A couple months ago, Mom was reading one of her homeschooling sites and a comment came up from a mother stating that her husband works a lot and is very rarely home, and that her daughter (around my age) misses him and she was looking for help. I looked at Mom and said "Tell her to suck it up! I've lived with it for most of my life, she can live with it also! Or tell her to make a pillow from old jeans from her father." Mom laughed and she understood my reaction. My father is very work oriented, I have been accustomed to not seeing him in the audience at a play, or sitting in the pew for my confirmation. I used to attempt to figure why he would be in FL instead of CT for my birthday, or why he would be in SD at a meeting instead of watching me get confirmed, or why he would be somewhere in New England while I had a lead role or a solo in a performance of mine. I've finally come to peace with this, I no longer care. I know that it would be nice to have my father there watching me and clapping for me, but there are times that he needs to be somewhere, and a lot of these times are important and if he didn't go it could cost him his job.
My father most recently missed my confirmation, he had to be in SD for work. I can't really be mad at him, but it does make me wish that he was sitting in the pew next to Mom, but I guess you can't have everything. I have to say Dad has missed some important things in both my life and Bro #1's life. Dad felt bad for not being able to see me get confirmed, but I told him he's finally even. He missed Bro #1's baptism, so he can miss my confirmation.
As I get older I learn that although I would want me father with me, but if he isn't there in person, he's always there in spirit.
Cae ♥
My father most recently missed my confirmation, he had to be in SD for work. I can't really be mad at him, but it does make me wish that he was sitting in the pew next to Mom, but I guess you can't have everything. I have to say Dad has missed some important things in both my life and Bro #1's life. Dad felt bad for not being able to see me get confirmed, but I told him he's finally even. He missed Bro #1's baptism, so he can miss my confirmation.
As I get older I learn that although I would want me father with me, but if he isn't there in person, he's always there in spirit.
Cae ♥
Friday, October 22, 2010
Who's Da Boss - Flashback Friday
How was your family structured when you were growing up? Did you grow up with both original parents in the home? If your parents divorced, did you go back and forth between them? Whether divorced or widowed, did your parent remarry? How old were you? Was yours a multi-generational household with grandparents living with you? Did your mom work outside the home, and if so, was it full-time or part-time? Was there a clearly delineated division of labor between your parents (or parent and step-parent) and how traditional was it? Did your parents believe in child labor?! That is, how structured were chores? What responsibility, if any, did you have for things like doing your own laundry, fixing your own school lunch, etc.? Were your parents do-it-yourself-ers or did they hire people for repairs, painting, etc.? Is your current marriage/family structure similar to the way you were raised? What do you do differently than you did then?
Well my family is a dictatorship with a slight side of democracy. Dad's the head of the house, below him Mom, below Mom, myself & Bro #1, below us the animals- - -I actually think the dog is above the cat, anyways. Most of the time when discussing Bro #1 and I can ask questions and we can slightly figure out what the parents are talking about, but they get to make the decision in the end, but we can add in put. Mom and Dad worked full-time until Bro #1 and I were pulled out of school, then Mom might have gone to part-time, but I don't really remember. Dad is still working full time and doesn't work on a 9-5 schedule, for example he came home last night at 10:30 from a bid opening somewhere in CT. Mom currently is a SAHM, but is applying for jobs.
Child Labor? What's that? JK! I know what it is! When Bro #1 and I were first homeschooled, Mom and Dad worked for the family business so we would help somehow, I would file, send faxes, shred papers, or the most boring and worse job we could get. Organizing the parts room and figuring out how much we have, there is a fancy word for this, but it's 7 and I'm really tired! Anyways, Bro #1 and I have grown up always doing something, if we weren't working at work then we had chores at home to complete, and if there weren't chores to do then Dad would find something for us to do instead of watch tv or play the computer. I joke that when I become a mother that I will raise my children completely different from how mine raised me, but I don't know how or if I'll follow through with that threat that I've said multiple times to Mom.
Cae ♥
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Lidna Power! Random Dozen
This weeks Random Dozen comes from Linda over at Mocha with Linda, she helped out Lid from 2nd Cup of Coffee this week, and now we have a Random Dozen right before our eyes, so thanks Linda :)

1. Do you prefer to read the book or see the movie? Read the book, then watch the movie if it was a really good book and the previews look really good.
2. What is your favorite holiday and why? Thanksgiving, because it's a time to give thanks to God for what you have and realize that if you have a roof over your head, a bed to sleep in, and heat to keep you warm, you're doing okay.
3. Which do you like better - the mountains or the beach? For vacation the beach, to live the mountains preferable the verde montis (green mountins) over in Vermont, such a beautiful view.
4. If money were no consideration, what vehicle would you drive? My baby, a 1968 Stingray Corvette, red of course.
5. What is your favorite cold-weather beverage? Mocha Hot Chocolate, mix some coffee with the hot chocolate and you're all good. Or some hot apple cider from one of the many local orchards, yummy :)
6. How do you communicate most often with your friends: phone, email, text, face-to-face, or Facebook? Most of my friends would be Facebook or email, then again most of them are all in CT. My MA friends usually face-to-face, phone call/text, or an email it all depends
7. How do you receive your mail? Mailbox on the porch, at the end of the driveway, down the street, or post office box? Oh, well in my lovely stupid town we clearly don't believe in mail delivery, so we have to get our mail from the post office, at our po box, stupid, I know!
8. Of the four basic personality types - sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic, and choleric - which is your strongest? Which is your least evident? (See definitions below.) Can I state that these are all SAT words? Well I'm going to, these are all SAT words! Anyways, I'm most sanguine, even though it's definition is cheerfully optimistic, I'm most sanguine than any of the other, but my personal favorite is phlegmatic ;)
10. How long from the time you get up, does it take you to get ready to walk out the door in the morning? It depends what I'm doing in the morning, if I have to leave maybe 10 minutes, if I have some time about an hour depending how long it takes me to dry my hair.
11. Who handles the car maintenance and pays the bills in your family? Ha, Mom does all of that fun stuff :)
12. For those in the US, how many states have you visited? For those outside the US, how many provinces/other countries have you visited? I'm around 24 give or take a couple states, I can't really remember ;)
If you enjoyed this weeks Random Dozen stop by Linda's blog and answer your own and then link up!

1. Do you prefer to read the book or see the movie? Read the book, then watch the movie if it was a really good book and the previews look really good.
2. What is your favorite holiday and why? Thanksgiving, because it's a time to give thanks to God for what you have and realize that if you have a roof over your head, a bed to sleep in, and heat to keep you warm, you're doing okay.
3. Which do you like better - the mountains or the beach? For vacation the beach, to live the mountains preferable the verde montis (green mountins) over in Vermont, such a beautiful view.
4. If money were no consideration, what vehicle would you drive? My baby, a 1968 Stingray Corvette, red of course.
5. What is your favorite cold-weather beverage? Mocha Hot Chocolate, mix some coffee with the hot chocolate and you're all good. Or some hot apple cider from one of the many local orchards, yummy :)
6. How do you communicate most often with your friends: phone, email, text, face-to-face, or Facebook? Most of my friends would be Facebook or email, then again most of them are all in CT. My MA friends usually face-to-face, phone call/text, or an email it all depends
7. How do you receive your mail? Mailbox on the porch, at the end of the driveway, down the street, or post office box? Oh, well in my lovely stupid town we clearly don't believe in mail delivery, so we have to get our mail from the post office, at our po box, stupid, I know!
8. Of the four basic personality types - sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic, and choleric - which is your strongest? Which is your least evident? (See definitions below.) Can I state that these are all SAT words? Well I'm going to, these are all SAT words! Anyways, I'm most sanguine, even though it's definition is cheerfully optimistic, I'm most sanguine than any of the other, but my personal favorite is phlegmatic ;)
9. What do you miss the most about being 20? Can I do 10? I'm not 20 yet, so I'll do 10! Ummm, not caring what the world was doing around me, and of course horseback riding!!
10. How long from the time you get up, does it take you to get ready to walk out the door in the morning? It depends what I'm doing in the morning, if I have to leave maybe 10 minutes, if I have some time about an hour depending how long it takes me to dry my hair.
11. Who handles the car maintenance and pays the bills in your family? Ha, Mom does all of that fun stuff :)
12. For those in the US, how many states have you visited? For those outside the US, how many provinces/other countries have you visited? I'm around 24 give or take a couple states, I can't really remember ;)
If you enjoyed this weeks Random Dozen stop by Linda's blog and answer your own and then link up!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Cancer Strikes Again
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Jill and I, with Jill's most famous quote while singing. |
I've stated how cancer has affected my life, for the good or bad, well today I recieved news that wasn't as good as I wanted it to be. Mom got a call from a friend down in CT, saying that J, my old choir director and a second mother, was diagnosied with an aggressive Stage 3c Breast Cancer. This news hit me like a ton of bricks, J has always been there for me, she helped me through moving, she was always there when ever I needed a hug, and she was just always there is needed. She was my first S in my life, and man do I love J. Her Facebook Status are always funny, for example the one she posted yesterday was "The reason there are so few famous skeletons is that they are a bunch of no bodies", J is always making me smile.
Mom and I have already sent an email to E, J's husband, letting him know that the two of us will help them out no matter what! I've also been debating about donating my hair to Locks of Love, well I'm going to do it and I will have short hair! I'm also going to make a Bottle of Hope for J.
Please keep J in your prayers
Saturday, October 16, 2010
I used to ride horses when I was about 10, and I stopped when I was 12 because life got way to busy, and horseback riding was the newest thing that I started, so it was cut first. Fastforward to October 2010, it's been too long of a time of me not riding a horse, but I have been working at the horse rescue up my street, so I've been cleanning stalls, falling in love with the horses, grooming, and playing with the horses of course. Well last Tuesday I walked up to the horse rescue and Vicky, the owner of the rescue, asks me to finish cleanning the stalls and then says that I can groom Monty and put some ointment on his booboos, after I groomed Monty, Vicky asked me if I wanted to ride him bareback. I said of course, and grabbed my helmet. So I rode Monty, for the first time on him and for riding bareback, and I fell in love. Come Tuesday night, I was "walking like a cowboy", but the pain in my cobwebbed muscles, is a good pain, and a pain that I'm all right with, and can't wait until next Tuesday :)
Enjoy some pictures of my on Monty!
Enjoy some pictures of my on Monty!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Money, Money, Money! Flashback Friday
Flashback Friday go and link up to Linda's Flashback Friday, and let the wole world know your flashback on money!

Money in my house is an open subject, Mom thinks it might be too open, because we do talk about bills and we know when we don't have the money to buy that extra pair of shoes, but yet they still do. It's a good thing in my eyes, especially since I opened up my checking account I know how to balence it, and I'm not spending my money like it grows on trees! Mom is the one who balances the family checkbook and pays the bills, Dad's a little senseless when it comes to money and what we have in the bank account, so we joke, Mom can't die because we wouldn't know how to pay the bills and everything, which I'm slowly attempting to learn especially since I'll be off on my own in a short time! I used to have an allowence of $2 for a clean room and accomplishing all of my chores, I never liked the whole fact of that and I tried to get my allowence raised, but Mom never did. I've had a bank account since I was in 1st grade with school banking, and I didn't start opening account until I was about 12/13 when I had a Mommy's Little Helper job and was raking in the dough! I actually opened up two or three CDs (Certificate of Depostits) which were $500 each, there is now two with a lot more in them, and they continue to grow! I actually closed out my stock, because it never made much money in 13 years and I'm still looking into investing into a stock. I just opened up my checking account a month after I got my job up here in MA, and with that I got a debit card.
Since getting a job, I've realized how much money I really get, since I have taxes and then I need to tithe, and pay my bills! I never realized how much is taken out of one little pay check! Mom and Dad both tithe to the church in MA, and I tithe to the church once in a while, I try to donate money to as many charities that I believe in, for example Girl Scouts, the church, Animal Haven, LINKS, etc. I actually can't wait until I'm off on my own, because that's when everything will test how much I've actually learned and if I can handle it, and worse comes to worst if I ever need help Mom's always there to give me a helping hand!
If you enjoyed this weeks
How was money handled in your family when you were growing up? Were your parents savers or spenders? What are examples of ways they saved or splurged? Who paid the bills? What, if anything, did they teach you about money? Did you have an allowance? Whether received as an allowance or through other means such as gifts, when you had your "own" money, were there restrictions on how you spent it? Were you paid for making certain grades on your report card? Did your parents tithe or give money to the church on a regular basis? What about other charities? How old were you when you got your first checking account or credit card? How has the way you were raised impacted your handling of financial issues today?
Money in my house is an open subject, Mom thinks it might be too open, because we do talk about bills and we know when we don't have the money to buy that extra pair of shoes, but yet they still do. It's a good thing in my eyes, especially since I opened up my checking account I know how to balence it, and I'm not spending my money like it grows on trees! Mom is the one who balances the family checkbook and pays the bills, Dad's a little senseless when it comes to money and what we have in the bank account, so we joke, Mom can't die because we wouldn't know how to pay the bills and everything, which I'm slowly attempting to learn especially since I'll be off on my own in a short time! I used to have an allowence of $2 for a clean room and accomplishing all of my chores, I never liked the whole fact of that and I tried to get my allowence raised, but Mom never did. I've had a bank account since I was in 1st grade with school banking, and I didn't start opening account until I was about 12/13 when I had a Mommy's Little Helper job and was raking in the dough! I actually opened up two or three CDs (Certificate of Depostits) which were $500 each, there is now two with a lot more in them, and they continue to grow! I actually closed out my stock, because it never made much money in 13 years and I'm still looking into investing into a stock. I just opened up my checking account a month after I got my job up here in MA, and with that I got a debit card.
Since getting a job, I've realized how much money I really get, since I have taxes and then I need to tithe, and pay my bills! I never realized how much is taken out of one little pay check! Mom and Dad both tithe to the church in MA, and I tithe to the church once in a while, I try to donate money to as many charities that I believe in, for example Girl Scouts, the church, Animal Haven, LINKS, etc. I actually can't wait until I'm off on my own, because that's when everything will test how much I've actually learned and if I can handle it, and worse comes to worst if I ever need help Mom's always there to give me a helping hand!
If you enjoyed this weeks
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
PSAT? Nope, sorry Random Dozen First!
Well, I really should have been studying yesterday instead of answers my questions to the Random Dozen, because right now, if you're up at like 7:30 and are reading my blog. I'm stuck in a High School class room taking my PSAT! On the brightside I started my day off yesterday with a PSAT word curtousy of Linda, Amalgam is a SAT word and is currently on my vocab ring. It means a combination of different substances into one mass and it is a noun. Anways this conversation is a little vaccuous (vaccuous means dull or lacking substance), don't you think?

1. Is there a word which you initially mispronounced? Were the circumstances in which you made the faux pas embarrassing? By the way, that's not "foax pass." (I know you know that. Just jokin' with ya.) Oh, there have been a few, luckily it's only been with my family for example my mom's running mate, John Szewczyk, well I sounded it out, and let me just say it dosen't work for his last name, it's properly pronouced shef-shick, go figure!
2. How do you feel about the use of texting shortcuts and trends? (ex: "I've got ur notes. Get them 2 u 2morow.") It depends on the person that I'm texting or talking to, for example if I was talking to my boss, I'll go to the point of proper punctuation, but if I'm talking to one of my friends then I'll usually slip in some shorthand, but nothing like: ily! c u 2moro? k ttyl.
3. Tell me about your high school senior picture. Please feel free to post. This question makes me laconic (ah ha! Anothe SAT word, laconic means disposed to using few words), since I'm not even a Senior yet, sorry!
5. Share a high school or college homecoming memory. Oh! There was as Flashback Friday done for this one! I'll make the story short, and then link to my blog with the enlongated story. Well I wasn't allowed to go to my homecomming with my boyfriend, because I was homeschooled. I was indomitable (SAT word usage number 3, holla! Indomitable means unable to be conquered it) that night, I had my own homecomming! To read the whole blog post, click here!
6. Linda at Mocha with Linda wants to know: "Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?" Sunsets for some reason are so much more beautiful, they are breathtaking!
7. Lea at Cici's Corner asks, "What is something you have not done that you desire to do?" Travel abroad, I would love to take a month in England & Ireland, go to France and Italy, make a stop in Germany & Austria, and of course own horses!
8. Carol at Wanderings of an Elusive Mind ponders, "If you could come back [in another life] as an animal, which would it be?" A horse, specifically a black fresian mare, fresians are so pretty and so eloquent. I would love to be a fresian, as a long as I got a good owner :)
9. Joyce from The Other Side of the Pond is curious: "Where were you 10 years ago?" Please feel free to elaborate more than just your physical location. I was in my old hometown, in kindergarten with an awesome teacher, whoms name escapes me currently, and would probably be coming home to my grandmother and grandfather since both parents work full time. It would be a time of joy and simplicity that I miss dearly.
10. When you are proven to be correct in any contentious discussion, do you gloat? It depends who I was talking to, if it was with Mom, of course be we always need to refer back to Cae's three rules, "Rule number 1, I'm always right, Rule number 2, if I'm wrong please refeer back to rule number 1, and rule number 597 if I'm still wrong please go back to rule number 2,"
11. What is your favorite food which includes the ingredient "caramel?" Well I love Caramel Apples, but I also love a Maple St. Crepe from the cafe in my old home town, but my by far favorite drink containing caramel would be. . . Drum roll please. . . A Grande Caramel Applce Spice from Starbucks!
12. From my 17 year-old daughter to you: "If you could be part of any fictional family, which family would you choose and why?" (She's so cute. And clever.) The Addams Family!!! I would love to be Wednesday!!! But other than that, I would prefer to keep my own even though the boys are immature and annoying over every boy that looks at me, I still love them and would never trade them, except on occasion!
You can go and answer your own questions and then link up at 2nd Cup of Coffee!
Cae ♥

1. Is there a word which you initially mispronounced? Were the circumstances in which you made the faux pas embarrassing? By the way, that's not "foax pass." (I know you know that. Just jokin' with ya.) Oh, there have been a few, luckily it's only been with my family for example my mom's running mate, John Szewczyk, well I sounded it out, and let me just say it dosen't work for his last name, it's properly pronouced shef-shick, go figure!
2. How do you feel about the use of texting shortcuts and trends? (ex: "I've got ur notes. Get them 2 u 2morow.") It depends on the person that I'm texting or talking to, for example if I was talking to my boss, I'll go to the point of proper punctuation, but if I'm talking to one of my friends then I'll usually slip in some shorthand, but nothing like: ily! c u 2moro? k ttyl.
3. Tell me about your high school senior picture. Please feel free to post. This question makes me laconic (ah ha! Anothe SAT word, laconic means disposed to using few words), since I'm not even a Senior yet, sorry!
5. Share a high school or college homecoming memory. Oh! There was as Flashback Friday done for this one! I'll make the story short, and then link to my blog with the enlongated story. Well I wasn't allowed to go to my homecomming with my boyfriend, because I was homeschooled. I was indomitable (SAT word usage number 3, holla! Indomitable means unable to be conquered it) that night, I had my own homecomming! To read the whole blog post, click here!
6. Linda at Mocha with Linda wants to know: "Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?" Sunsets for some reason are so much more beautiful, they are breathtaking!
7. Lea at Cici's Corner asks, "What is something you have not done that you desire to do?" Travel abroad, I would love to take a month in England & Ireland, go to France and Italy, make a stop in Germany & Austria, and of course own horses!
8. Carol at Wanderings of an Elusive Mind ponders, "If you could come back [in another life] as an animal, which would it be?" A horse, specifically a black fresian mare, fresians are so pretty and so eloquent. I would love to be a fresian, as a long as I got a good owner :)
9. Joyce from The Other Side of the Pond is curious: "Where were you 10 years ago?" Please feel free to elaborate more than just your physical location. I was in my old hometown, in kindergarten with an awesome teacher, whoms name escapes me currently, and would probably be coming home to my grandmother and grandfather since both parents work full time. It would be a time of joy and simplicity that I miss dearly.
10. When you are proven to be correct in any contentious discussion, do you gloat? It depends who I was talking to, if it was with Mom, of course be we always need to refer back to Cae's three rules, "Rule number 1, I'm always right, Rule number 2, if I'm wrong please refeer back to rule number 1, and rule number 597 if I'm still wrong please go back to rule number 2,"
11. What is your favorite food which includes the ingredient "caramel?" Well I love Caramel Apples, but I also love a Maple St. Crepe from the cafe in my old home town, but my by far favorite drink containing caramel would be. . . Drum roll please. . . A Grande Caramel Applce Spice from Starbucks!
12. From my 17 year-old daughter to you: "If you could be part of any fictional family, which family would you choose and why?" (She's so cute. And clever.) The Addams Family!!! I would love to be Wednesday!!! But other than that, I would prefer to keep my own even though the boys are immature and annoying over every boy that looks at me, I still love them and would never trade them, except on occasion!
You can go and answer your own questions and then link up at 2nd Cup of Coffee!
Cae ♥
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Cramming for the PSAT
Tomorrow is my PSAT, I'll be up early in the morning to be over at the high school to take the test. Dad's going to bring me to the test and Mom's going to pick me up, and then after the test I get to go to work! Yay! Doesn't that sound fun? Well, today I've been cramming for the PSAT, I've read through the whole math section in my SAT book, I'm working my way through the 50 SAT Skills for a Top Score for Critical Reading and Writing. I'll be going through my vocab ring and all of the vocab words in the SAT book, and maybe possibly I'll have a chance of getting a good score tomorrow. Well come Thursday, after I've recovered of PSAT Syndrome, I'll let you all know how well I think that I did and well I really should get back to attempting to learn stuff. Oh well, maybe I might die from studying, you do know that Studying = Student + Dying.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Here Comes the Bride
Yesterday must have been international wedding day or something, because I knew of two weddings (of friends) that were getting married, and I could only accomplish one of them. So my family and I all traveled up to Randolph, Maine, next to Gardiner, if you know Maine. To attend the wedding of not only my dad's salesmen, but also of two great friends, Dave & Mel. The service was beautiful, and the reception was really fun! Check out the slideshow!! Bro #1 is featured in here, usually with his headphones on because he was watching Karate Kid on the car ride up, or with a picture with Moi :) And the boy I'm dancing with is Dave's son, Sam, who's my age.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Prime Rib Dinner Take Two!
Well it's the morning after the Prime Rib Dinner, and well it went so well last night! Everyone came over once Mass let out, then our violinist/fiddler for the night made his way over and was ready to play once he was fed! The atmosphere was great, people were spedning their money on the autographed books, the raffles we had going, and drinks! Even though I wasn't a server this year, I got the next best thing. I was the greeter, and although I compleatly freak out when the first person shows up, by the third I'm having fun, it's really nice.
I have to say, the whole night was really nice, even though I wasn't a server. I actually prefer not being a server, because I was able to walk around and stop at tables and see how they were enjoying thier night, instead of running all over the place! Well check out the slideshow above to see just really how much fun it was!
I have to say, the whole night was really nice, even though I wasn't a server. I actually prefer not being a server, because I was able to walk around and stop at tables and see how they were enjoying thier night, instead of running all over the place! Well check out the slideshow above to see just really how much fun it was!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Prime Rib Dinner Take One!
It's the second annual Prime Rib Dinner for my library! You can check out the first Prime Rib Dinner here! Well, last night all of the board members, Dad, and Bro #1 set up for the Prime Rib Dinner. Of course non of us really remembered how we set up last year, so I deiceded to take pictures this year, that way next year, we can look at the pictures and know how to set it up. Well, last night was long, but fun. I actually can't wait until tonight. I have no clue what I'm doing, but I'm going to be doing something! Well, here's what it looks like and I'll give you a post about tonight tomorrow morning!

Friday, October 8, 2010
I figure that I should let my voice be heard since DD posts way more often than I do and technically this blog is supposed to be both she and I. You all seem to love all her posts and comments, but I have to tell you that you are missing out on the many other positives of DD.
She has actually grown up to be quite a young woman and finds ways to inspire me everyday. In fact, right now she is waiting for me to get my act together so that we can go for a walk.
Having a daughter is an amazing thing - I would say I recommend it highly, but unlike a dog it is not like you can just go out and buy one. . .So what I will say, is that if you have one, enjoy her. Listen to her dreams. Talk to her about her interests. Share in her talents. Having a daughter somehow allows you to stay a little younger than you really are. Somehow, you parent yourself and can be a bit of a child yourself.
So if you haven't yet today, perhaps it is time to sit down and have a cup of tea together. As for me, I'm going to go get my walking shoes on and be prepared to listen for the next couple of miles.
By, Mom
She has actually grown up to be quite a young woman and finds ways to inspire me everyday. In fact, right now she is waiting for me to get my act together so that we can go for a walk.
Having a daughter is an amazing thing - I would say I recommend it highly, but unlike a dog it is not like you can just go out and buy one. . .So what I will say, is that if you have one, enjoy her. Listen to her dreams. Talk to her about her interests. Share in her talents. Having a daughter somehow allows you to stay a little younger than you really are. Somehow, you parent yourself and can be a bit of a child yourself.
So if you haven't yet today, perhaps it is time to sit down and have a cup of tea together. As for me, I'm going to go get my walking shoes on and be prepared to listen for the next couple of miles.
By, Mom
Growing up,
working together
Playing Games and a Puzzling Flashback Friday
Go and do your own Flashback Friday! Go to Linda's Blog, yeah that's right click the blue linky things within this scentence! Go! This weeks Flashback Friday prompt:
Did you play many games when you were growing up? What were they? (Include outside games as well as board & card games.) Who did you generally play with? Did your entire family play games or just the kids? Were there any traditional games your family always played? What were your favorites? Are they still around today? What about puzzles? Was that a popular pastime at your house? Were puzzles saved for holidays or did you do them any time? Were they set out for anyone to work or just one person?
Games, well the memory that really sticks out, was a day when Mom and I came home from something around 5:00, we came home in the middle of a pretty bad thunder storm, and when we got home we had electricty for maybe 10 seconds and then it went out. We waited for it to go back on as we grabbed the candles, propane camping grill thing, flashlights, and matches. Once everything was assembles, we light the candels around the dinning room table, we had about 5ish candles going on the table, which produced enough light and a couple candles in the kitchen. When the power didn't come back on in a hour, and I was getting tired from reading my book, I asked Mom if we could play a game, she said yes. So we got, I think it Monoply
Playing board games with the family is mainly a Mom, Bro #1, and I thing. Dad doesn't like board games that much, I don't know why, but he hates them. He'll play dominos and card games (only Rummy 500 most of the time). We attempted to have game nights as a family, but they didn't really work that well because of all of our schedules and Dad couldn't gaurentee that he would be home for dinner every Friday night, or whatever night that we wanted to have the family game night.
Mom loves to do puzzles, I think they're a waste of time when you get past that 2 hour mark on a 1000 pice puzzle
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Spelling Through Songs
Let's spell through singing or count!
1. Glamorous by Fergi
2. Dinosaur by Ke$ha
3. Beautiful from Even Almighty
4. Respect by Aretha Franklin
5. Trouble from The Music Man
6. Hollaback Girl (Bananas) by Gwen Stefani
7. Ridin' Solo (Solo) by Jason Derulo
8. Damaged (Damaged and Heart) by Danity Kane
9. L.O.V.E. by Nat King Cole
10. D.I.V.O.R.C.E. by Dolly Parton
11. The Effect (Flobots, is this a word?)by Flobots
12. 2012 by Jay Sean
13. Gloria by Van Morrison
14. F.E.E.L.I.N.G.C.A.L.L.E.D.L.O.V.E by Pulp
15. U.N.C.O.U.P.L.E.D From Starlight Express
16. L.O.V.E. Machine by WASP
17. Henery the Eight I am! by Hermans Hermit
18. BAD by WASP
19. Pump It by The Black Eyed Peas
20. 3 Words by Cheryl Cole & will.i.am
21. Campfire Song from Spongebob Squarepants
22. Schadenfreude by Avenue Q
23. F.U.N from Spongebob Squarepants
I had to ask for some help from my friends, since I couldn't think of many songs, but with all of my friends on Facebook we made it work. So I'm going to give a shout out to S.C., N.A., I.L.aka The Rev, Rabbit, Pan, Sophie, Sky, Alphabet, Aetheon, Jess, Bro #1 and CH thanks so much guys! Without you I would have a very lame list!
Now for all of you lovely people reading this slightly weird and crazy blog, isn't that list ?
Cae :)
1. Glamorous by Fergi
2. Dinosaur by Ke$ha
3. Beautiful from Even Almighty
4. Respect by Aretha Franklin
5. Trouble from The Music Man
6. Hollaback Girl (Bananas) by Gwen Stefani
7. Ridin' Solo (Solo) by Jason Derulo
8. Damaged (Damaged and Heart) by Danity Kane
9. L.O.V.E. by Nat King Cole
10. D.I.V.O.R.C.E. by Dolly Parton
11. The Effect (Flobots, is this a word?)by Flobots
12. 2012 by Jay Sean
13. Gloria by Van Morrison
14. F.E.E.L.I.N.G.C.A.L.L.E.D.L.O.V.E by Pulp
15. U.N.C.O.U.P.L.E.D From Starlight Express
16. L.O.V.E. Machine by WASP
17. Henery the Eight I am! by Hermans Hermit
18. BAD by WASP
19. Pump It by The Black Eyed Peas
20. 3 Words by Cheryl Cole & will.i.am
21. Campfire Song from Spongebob Squarepants
22. Schadenfreude by Avenue Q
23. F.U.N from Spongebob Squarepants
I had to ask for some help from my friends, since I couldn't think of many songs, but with all of my friends on Facebook we made it work. So I'm going to give a shout out to S.C., N.A., I.L.aka The Rev, Rabbit, Pan, Sophie, Sky, Alphabet, Aetheon, Jess, Bro #1 and CH thanks so much guys! Without you I would have a very lame list!
Now for all of you lovely people reading this slightly weird and crazy blog, isn't that list ?
Cae :)
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Random Dozen!

This week's Random Dozen theme is: Questions from Us! You! Whoever does the Random Dozen! It was Lid's birthday, Happy Belated Birthday Lid! So she asked us to think of questions for her!! Hope you enjoy :) You can link you to the Random Dozen at 2nd Cup of Coffee, enjoy :)
1. From "Men Are Dumb ....": If you had a theme song that played whenever you walked into a room full of people, what would it be? You know, I was just thinking about this while I was at camp, becuase my origional one was The Climb by Miley Cyrus, because I was moving and all and I hated the new town. But I have now grown out of that phase, and I'm kind of in the look for a new one, I guess if I have to put something down, then it might as well be Wonder Pets Theme Song =]
2. From Pam of "Alert And Oriented x 4": Which of your shoes are your absolute favorite, and which are of the object of your most painful shoe-buyer's remorse? My favorite pair of shoes are these black heels that I bought for a wedding, that's happening next Sunday, but they are so comfortable and they are oh, they were worth the money!!
3. From Susanne of "Living to Tell the Story": Tell about your favorite birthday celebration that you've personally experienced. It was my surprise birthday, It was on February 1st, 2003. That date ring a bell? Space Shuttle Columbia crashed that day. I was coming home form a basketball game and my father was lectring me on anticipation and NPR was playing that the space shuttle had crashed, that actually stopped dad from the lecture, we walked into my house. I was compleately sweaty and disgusting, and there was a sign for "Cae's Spa, happy birthday" on the railing. My mom threw an at home spa surprise birthday part for me after I've been hinting on both for a while! It was one of my favorite parties!
4. From Lori of "Just me and My Life": If you were a flavor of ice cream, which would you be? I would be a Ben and Jerry's flavor, no doubt! Chocolate Macadamia
5. Cindy Swanson of "Notes in the Key of Life" asks: Have you ever had a crush on a movie star? Who was it, and are you still crushing? You know, I never really have- - -I guess in some films there are some really cute actors, but the main one for me would probably be Jack (Leonard DiCaprio) from the Titanic.
6. Jill from "Jill Boyd's Place" inquires: Glasses or braces--if you had to wear one, which would it be? Does it count if I already wore braces? I would do glasses, that way they don't cause pain on my mouth 24/7, they don't effect what I eat, and I can always change the style, right?
7. Nel from "Fasteneau Facts" asks: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Paris, France; Vienna, Austria; or somewhere in England
8. Thena from "Patiently Waiting" wants to know: If money were no obstacle, what would be the perfect birthday gift to receive? Do I even need to answer this one? It would be a 1968 Stingray Corvette, red of course.
9. From "Life Through Bifocals," LynnMarie asks: What is your favorite birthday meal? Beef Stroganof, my grandmother's recpie!!!
10. Debby at "Just Breathe" checks in with: Do you still send hand-written thank you notes? Yes I do, a hand written note shows how much the gift must have ment to you, or else why would you be writing this letter?
11. Linda from "Mocha with Linda" poses this question: What is something you've done that you never thought you'd do? Ohh I don't know, I'm sure that Mom could give you a list a mile long, but I can't really thing of anything. Acutally, I lied- - - I never thought of being a waitress or even serving at an event, but I accomplished that last year at my libraries Prime Rib Dinner.
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I'm on the left and V, S's daughter, is on the right. |
12. Jewel, my homegirl from Indiana who writes at "Musings from the World of Jewel," is very insistent that we answer this: Mount Rushmore honors four US Presidents: Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Roosevelt. If you could add any person to Mount Rushmore, who would you add and why? You know, I wouldn't add another president. Mainly because I haven't made my desicion on which predsident has done a good job and who's my favorite president, but at the same time I think that Mount Rushmore has the right presidents up there, and we shouldn't change that. Of course if I ever become president, I should be added there, don't you think?
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
We finally have a new laptop, my grandfather. Although I love him dearly, stupidly ignored both mine and Mom's pleading not to buy a laptop and well he bought a laptop for the family. It is a nice Toshiba Laptop
, and so far I can't complain, especially since I can continue blogging, writing, and working on my buisness, but I still wish that my grandfather listened to us, but oh well. Now that I have a laptop and as long as I am behaving, not that Cae doesn't, but I've had my times. You should expect more activity, you should also expect me to see Random Dozen and Flashback Fridays!
Cae :)
Cae :)
Monday, October 4, 2010
Put Your Heart Into It!
I was talking to my boss S, the other day at the library's annual Fall Book & Bake Sale. We were in the library doing library stuff, she was mainly adding magazines and book on cds into the collection and I was just keeping her company, and we got onto the subject of the library. The one thing I never realized was how much, or little, S got when she became the director. She got a little collection and a huge task to make this library as big as it is today. If you walked into my library today, you wouldn't know that the YA section was non-exsistant at one point, that we lost our whole collection when the library burned to the ground several years ago, that the children's section was S's little project, that this little library is fighting for it's life. I believe that if you love something with all your heart and you want it to succeed then you have to show it, you need to be there for this cause or building, you need to be there to support it, and you need to put your heart into it. When I walk into my library, I see how much of S's heart that she put into the library, and let me tell you. It's a lot! Noticing how much of S's heart went into this library and is still going into this library, shows me how I want to be when I'm a library direction.
Now, I've always thought of the what if's in my life, what if I didn't go to the library that day, what if I was never a good reader, but just recently have I asked myself a new what if.
Cae ♥
Now, I've always thought of the what if's in my life, what if I didn't go to the library that day, what if I was never a good reader, but just recently have I asked myself a new what if.
What if S wasn't the director of my library?
Cae ♥
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