
Monday, July 27, 2009

Let's Go Hiking!

Ok, out of my family, I am not the hiking type. I’m the one that will go, but let’s go at a normal walking pace and get it over with! I don’t care for hiking, I’m not saying that I don’t like the outdoors, because I do, I just don’t like hiking really, I would rather spend my time Fashion Designing, or looking online at Coach bags, things that I would like to do. The only issue is that my family loves hiking, so it’s like I was put into the wrong family, will I go and take a walk on the road, sure, will I walk around the block, why not!, but will I hike? Not if I can help it. I don’t like the idea of hiking, just for the fun of it, and this week with Uncle R., we’ll go hiking, but with Uncle R., my brother, and my mom well stop at everything, it’s ok, but I don’t like it. My Uncle and brother both like animals, so they’ll go out looking for a salamander, frog, or snake, and they like it, but I would rather just say “Oh cool, let’s go.”. . .I guess I’ll have to live for a couple more hikes, even if I don’t like it.

Found a Church?

Well I think the church hunt is done, which is funny at the same time. Last Sunday mom and I went to the Church on the Hill, and the conversation went.

Mom: “C, I think we’ll bring M, B, and R here on Sunday, don’t you think?”
Me: “Ok, so this is our church?”
Mom: “No. Look at my calendar and check what Sunday is good for Coffee Hour.”
Me: “MOM! You just said this wasn’t our church, but yet you’re signing up for Coffee hour! That means this is our church.”
Mom: “Well ya I guess you’re right.”
Me: “But we still need to go to the church with the huge Organ. I want to take a picture of it, to send to J.”
Mom: “Ok”

See, it’s funny, mom doesn’t look at the Church on the Hill as our church, but yet she’s able to sign us up for Coffee Hour, sign her and I up for a Blood Drive, offer to join the choir there, I don’t really like this church, but I can live with it for the next 4 years.

By <3 C

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Having Family Come Out?

My Aunt, Uncle, and my Cousin, are coming out to visit us for the last week in July. This is my mom’s Birth Half-Sister, I didn’t know if you guys know, but my mom was adopted. She has seen her mom, her half brother and sister, and so have my brother and I. They currently live out in Oregon. Let’s just say my Aunt M. likes to plan ahead . . . A Lot! We got an email from her, and it was funny, she is trying to shove a whole year into 7 days, we love her dearly, but to read one of her emails for planning is just funny. I remember the last time she came out she was just pregnant with my cousin R., she said that they will come out in 10 years, when R. is big enough to ride an airplane, well let’s just say, it hasn’t been 10 years yet, but they made it out all right. My mom and dad picked them up Saturday night, and well, now we are just going to go with the flow, and see what we are doing for the week.

I recommend, if you have family that you haven't seen in a while, plan a visit, or invite them over, mom, tired of getting the question "How is the house?" decided to throw a family picnic while Aunt M, Uncle B, and R are out, so that is what we're going to do today.

<3 Caelyn

Evolution of the Purse

As most of you know, I’m a teenage girl, and what is the number one accessory for us? (Hint: It’s not Make-up or jewelry) The Purse! A couple months ago, my mom and I were in the Gift Shop at Old Sturbridge Village (OSV), and there was this one purse I wanted, because my other one was on its dyeing leg. This purse was big enough and was a good in-between for mom and me, I wanted to Vera Bradley; mom wanted me to buy a purse that was cheap, so this purse at $24.99 plus the volunteer discount, was great. It was a great size for me, and it wasn’t a Vera Bradley, but it almost was.

In June when we actually “became” volunteers for OSV, I said, ok I want my purse, mom on the other hand told me to wait until after Kentucky (I went to Kentucky with my church, that’s another blog :-p). I said ok, but I wasn’t happy about it. I went to zipper my purse up a couple days later and the zipper broke! This was the largest purse that I owned! Now I really wanted the purse at OSV. I dealt with the purse in Kentucky (even thou it wasn’t that fun), but I lived.

The only issue, is that I went from my first purse, my friend gave me to this purse, so now I was living in a small XOXO purse.

I wouldn’t mind using that purse, but I have my second life in my purse I’ll give you a list of just a few items that always stay in there.

1. Pocket Calendar
2. Lip Gloss
3. Eyeliner
4. Mascara
5. Chap Stick
6. Batteries (for my new digital camera)
7. Toothbrush
8. Floss
9. Wax (for my braces)
10. Toothpaste
11. Sun Glasses
12. Wallet
13. Dunkin Donuts Sugar Packets (I only have these because I order Iced Coffee and well they don’t put enough sugar in it!)

See, what I’m talking about, the small purse couldn’t handle all of that, plus more! So how could I fit everything in there, and still have room for a digital camera? That’s right, I don’t, so more the reason for a new purse. The only reason my mom didn’t want me to buy the purse in June, was because we had no way to show that we were volunteers, but in July we had a plan, we would walk in with our costumes on buy it, so we could get the discount, and then change out of our costumes. Come July (aka yesterday), I bought my purse, now I just need to put my stuff in it, and I’ll be happy.
