
Friday, April 30, 2010

Blessings in my Life

"Cae is blessed with such an amazing boss! You know she's amazing when you walk into work and you see that the holds are taken care of, the books are checked in, the DVDs and CDs are put away in their case, all the items that needed to be shelved were all organized, and there were smileys on my to-do lists :) Susan is such a blessing to me and it's a blessing to have her in my life! ♥"

So I walked into work today ready for finding about 15 holds, to unload the inter-library loan boxes, to empty the drop box, to shelve a bunch of stuff, and to do whatever my boss left me to do since I passed her on my way to work. But when I walked in all I saw was a stack of books all organized and the computers all turned on. My boss did my work! Mrs. T is a huge blessing in my life, and although she's having a rough time finding a phlebotomy job, she works wonders at the library! I don't know where my library would be without her!! So I designated my Facebook Status, Deviant Art, and Blog to her. Because she is a blessing to me and in my life! She is proof that God puts people in your life for a reason!

Love you bunches Mrs. T!

Cae ♥

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Icing a Cake Blindfolded

Okay, so I love watching Cake Boss on TLC, and one of the episodes were Buddy icing a cake blindfolded. It was absolutely cool!


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Lost in the Random Dozen

1. Have you ever been so lost that you were really afraid? I don't think so.

2. Have you ever been to an island? Martha's Vineyard!!

3. Are you more of a thinker or feeler? Thinker. . .Deffinetly

4. Do you tend to see issues or situations in life as black and white or shades of gray? It depends on the issue, most of the time there are a lot of shades of gray, but then there are other when it is black and white.

5. If you were stuck on an island, what book would you hope to have with you (Let's pretend the Bible is already there, so you can't say that.) Goddess Games by Niki Burnham

6. What are you most afraid of? Losing my family

7. Would you rather lose all of your old memories or never be able to make new ones? Okay, Lid this one is hard. . .Creative yes, but it's also hard Lid. Part of me wants to say never be able to make new ones, because I have a lot of old memories, but then the other part of me wants the new ones.  . .Can I have both?? I would chose Lose all of my old memories.

8. Pretend I'm looking at a scrapbook page about you. There are three spaces for you to drop in individual pictures. What are those pictures of, and why did you select them? Me with Mrs. T in the library (Maybe I'll go and take this picture now), A picture of the town line in CT, and my family. Me with Mrs. T int he library because I love Mrs. T, she is one of those people that if I can't tell my parents I know I could tell Mrs. T. . .Sure she would have the same reaction as my parents, but I know I could tell her, and us in the library because I love my library also! A picture of the town line in CT, because part of me is still in CT, and I love my hometown, and a picture of my family because they're my family and I will always love them. . .No matter what!

9. If you were re-doing your wedding, what would you do differently? (If you're single, tell me one thing you would do if you were planning a wedding OR huge party.) Oh, do you want me to answer this? I would have a wedding dress from Vera Wang. I would have my wedding ring would be my grandmothers, I would have E marry me an J play the organ, the wedding would be in my church up here. It would be perfect and beautiful, and I have been thinking about this since I was 12!

10. Tell me one thing you know/believe about forgiveness. You can forgive everyone, you just need to find it within yourself.

11. You're waiting in a doctor's office. What is your favorite way to pass that time? Read a book.

12. If there were a clone of you in a parallel universe what is one way you hope she/he would be the same as you and one way you hope she/he would be better? I would hope that she would love her family, and I would hope that she would forgive her cousin

Liked my answers? Check out Lidna's blog 2nd Cup of Coffee, and see who is behind the whole Random Dozen!
Cae ♥.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My Starbucks Fetish

You all know that I have my little Titanic Fetish from the last post. Well I also have a Starbucks fetish. I love Starbucks! I have read just about every book written about Starbucks, except for the Green Apron Handbook. The Green Apron Handbook is for the Barista and it fits right in the green apron pocket, and it has everything what the Barista is and how he/she should act, and the fundamentals of Starbucks. Now I've gone to the point of scheduling my college around it. If I went to University of Hartford in West Hartford, CT down the street there is a Starbucks, so I could work at my library on M, W, F, Work at Starbucks on S & Sat, and go to school on T & Thu. . .Good idea right? Well mom gave me the idea to write a letter to Starbucks, so that's what I'm doing. I'll will keep you guys updated!

Cae ♥

What to Blog About?

Okay, I'm at a complete loss about what I should blog about!! Tomorrow is the Random Dozen, but today I'm at loss. My life has been very busy with work (is it qualified work if I like it), school work, writing, blogging, and reading! I did start another play, and I'm a barrister. . .A really cool word for a lawyer who doesn't get paid by the client and doesn't contact with their client. There are very few female barristers, because well it's England and it's a guy's job. The play is Witness for the Prosecution.

So far I like it. . .Well that's the basics of my life right now.

~Cae ♥
P.S. I'm eating Tomato Soup ;)

Friday, April 23, 2010

Cherish the Moment's

This weeks Flashback Friday from Mocha with Linda kind of surprised me (a good surprise Linda) because I just finished writing an article about how cancer has touched my life, so this week the Flashback should be really good. ☺

"How old were you (approximately) when you attended your first funeral? Did your parents shield you from death and grief or was it viewed as a natural part of life? Did you experience any significant loss(es) in your growing up years? What were your early impressions of death and dying? And while I do not intend this in any irreverent way, are there any amusing memories associated with a death or funeral? If you have kids, how have you handled this subject with them? Feel free to share as vulnerably or as shallowly as you want!"

My first funeral was in the end of 2001/early 2002 (I don't remember) it was for my grandmother, who passed away in October 2001 from Esophageal Cancer. My mom didn't really want me to go to her funeral, but I still went. When I was at the funeral itself, I was fine for the beginning, until people started talking about how great my grandmother was, and then I lost it. Mom and my aunt were trying comfort me throughout the whole funeral, it didn't really work. Once the funeral was all done, and the after party was done it was kind of quite, but we had my grandmother cremated (her wishes) and she wanted to be dumped at Hawks Nest Beach in Old Lyme, CT. So we then went to Hawk's Nest in April-ish, Garvin was good enough to not only allow us to spread my grandmother's ashes, but also let us use one of his boats, and he drove us out in the water. While we were in the sound, we all grabbed a flower (I grabbed grandma's favorite just by fluke)

I grabbed a Baby's Breath, when we made it to the area in which my grandmother wanted to be dumped (okay, I can't think of a better word!) my grandfather and mother dumped her ashes and everyone threw their flowers into the water. The boat ride wasn't as bad, because my family has a cottage with it.

I knew that she would always be with me whenever I swim in the sound during the summer.

November 2007, my great-grandmother, aka Grammie fell down her stairs in Florida, and couldn't get up. She was found the next day by a friend who visits daily. Grammie had multiple broken bones, and was in the hospital for a while. She died Thanksgiving night, we had her funeral was up in CT, and was a very small family funeral.

As a kid, especially after my grandmother died, I thought everyone lost the battle with cancer, and that death was always following you around. I missed my grandmother deeply after she died for a good couple months. I've finally have come to peace with death, it's still in my life, and I'll still grieve every time someone close to me dies, but I will also continue living my life.

Now that was the flashback, check out how cancer has affected my life, with the article that I've written.

Don't Give Up!

There are many different types of cancer (and different ways to cause cancer). There is Esophageal Cancer, Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, Breast Cancer, and Medulloblastoma, just to name a few. Living with cancer in your life is hard, even if you aren’t the one who is diagnosed with it. June 2001 my grandmother, Linda, was diagnosed with Esophageal Cancer.

In August 2001 Linda had to have a feeding tube placed. Alan a family friend who was also battling cancer at the age of 8 and also had a feeding tube, came to her hospital room and showed her how to use, clean, and care for her feeding tube. When Alan showed my grandmother how to do this, it gave us all a little bit of hope, and also put Alan in a special place in my heart. The last bite of solid food my grandmother ate was in October 2001. I made her a batch of Pillsbury slice-n-bake cookies (our signature dish). She had one bite and hid the rest from me. Because she didn’t want me to see that she couldn’t eat a whole cookie, but also wanted to show me that she loved the thought. I didn’t learn that she hid the cookie until a couple years ago, although it made me realize how bad cancer has affect her, it also made me realize that she loved me then, loves me still and it watching over me today.

My grandmother died a couple weeks later in her bedroom, after we just received a call from her brother, saying he couldn’t make it home in time. Friends and family were in the house and were with her during her last days. When my grandmother died, not only did I lose my grandmother, but I also lost a close friend. My grandmother was also the first person in my life that I have lost, and with the close connection between us was very hard on me. I still think of her constantly.

My best friend’s mom, Shirley, was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin's B Cell Lymphoma in 2003. It was hard on my friend, but it was also hard on me, because Shirley was like a second mother to me, and after just losing my grandmother a couple years before cancer was still fresh in my life. I also knew what my friend was going through, so I was always there for her, if she ever needed me. In 2004 my family went down to Florida, and were then surprised to be getting a call learning that Shirley had finished her chemo and wanted to celebrate it with us and go on a canoe trip. Shirley and her family made their way down to Florida and met up with us. We spent about a week celebrating Shirley ending Chemo. Knowing that Shirley won made me realize that you can win the battle against cancer, and not everyone dies.

I have never had cancer myself, but it has been in my life enough. Unfortunately I can name others who have both won and lost the battle. It’s hard for the person who is battling cancer, but it’s also hard on the friends and family of that person. When I lost my grandmother, I was six and didn’t really understand cancer but I knew how hard it is to live your life, but also care for the person with cancer. Now, unfortunately, I know what cancer is and what it does to a person and can do to their family. I, also, know that cancer can bring feelings of sadness, happiness, hopefulness, and sometimes grief. The most important thing that I learned with having cancer in my life is Cherish the moments you have, because you don’t know when they’ll be gone.

For more information about cancer go to

By C ♥

♥ Cherish the moments you have, because you don't know when they'll be gone ♥

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

You May Now Call Me Representative Cae A.

Well today, I had a program at the state house over in Boston with Girl Scouts. And while I was there I was able to meet with the staff of my senator and representative, and talk about the library and what the budget cuts to the regional library systems will do. Although, both my senator and representative were out in the district, meeting with their staff was better. I met three people and they were awesome and they answered my questions! While partying at the State House, I was able to debate a bill that was just passed by the senate with some fellow Girl Scouts, this was awesome and I got them to amend that the word "Homeschoolers" should be put in it 82 Yea's to 16 Nays. . . Awesome I think so! Well I took a picture of me in the House of Representatives, and I think I'm going to take my reps job, well that is if I didn't love my library too much!

You may now call me Representative Cae A.

Rep. Cae A. ♥

Random Dozen Fun!!!

1. Ever had any run-ins with the "library police?"
I don't think so, not that I can remember. . .Plus it wouldn't look good on my library resume ; )

2. Do you have a special organizational plan and place for wrapping paper, gift bags, etc., or do you just purchase whatever you need as you give gifts? Whatever my mom buys I use ; )

3. Have you ever been in (first-hand witness) a natural disaster? Nope, well there was a hurricane(maybe tornado) warning in CT when I was about 8ish. . .So we had to go down to the basement.

4. What's your favorite Barry Manilow song? Can I choose someone else, like Micheal Buble??? I don't listen to Barry Manilow (sorry).

5. What's the best costume you've ever worn? My mom once dressed me up as a M&M

6. Which do you use more often, the dictionary or the thesaurus? Dictionary!!!!

7. What's your favorite breakfast food? Crepes!!!

8. Have you ever purchased anything from an infomercial? No I haven't.

9. Have you ever crawled through a window? Ummm yes, when we locked ourselves out of the old house we would leave one window open, so I would climb through it to unlock the back door. . .So yes, I have done it multiple times.

10. Do you believe in love at first sight? Yes, there is always love at fist sight between me and my Starbucks coffee : )

11. How man pairs of jeans do you own? 4 (I need more)

12. If someone were going to bake a cake to honor/represent you, what would it be? (Think creatively, like Duff and Crew on "Ace of Cakes.") Okay, so I would like a huge cake. With a shelf with books on it with titles of "Goddess Game, The Time Traveler's Wife, Twilight, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn, Titanic Survivor, The Lovely Bones, The Lost Symbol, Da Vinci Code, Digital Fortress, and Deception Point", Horses, Shoes, clothes, purses, with a ton of colors! It would be a huge cake! 3-D, everything would be awesome!!!! (is that big enough)?

Check out Lid's blog amazing blog!

Cae ♥

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

April 19-20, 2009 to April 19-20, 2010

Since I moved a year ago, I figured I would write a comparison of April 19-20. The two days that when I moved.

~.:April 19, 2009:.~
I woke up early, sat up on my mattress (my bed's in storage). Today mom is going to give the sermon today at church. I grabbed a pair of jeans, my dark blue & white stripped shirt, and my hot pink wedge heals out of the blue travel duffel bag. We left for church at 9:15. I wasn't singing in the choir today, because I knew I was going to cry, so I sat next to Jill instead. I waited in the narthex for Squid. I was always asked about the house, if I liked it, and if I wanted to move from people who knew my family. Squid never showed, so around 9:50 I walked over to the pew next to the organ. i sat on the red pew cushion, and waited for Jill. I kept my composure, until my mom went up and started her sermon.

"People use the phrase bittersweet to explain such a time of change in one’s life, but perhaps for us it is a little more bitter than sweet. But such a move is just another part of our faith journey." My mom said. Jill gave me a tissue then said "Cae, look at the congregation. . .They're crying. Cae, your dad is crying."

"Jill, my dad doesn't cry, he never cries," I said as I looked, sure enough some of the members of the congregation were crying. I looked across the church and looked up to the balcony. Sure enough my dad was crying, I lost all of my composure when I saw my dad crying, he never shows emotions. After church Erika took some photos of the family with Jill & Elven, the As, and the Ts.

We were just about to leave at 12 when mom said she needed to head to the market. She went over and saw Mrs. A (Squid Moms). Squid was with Mrs. A, so she and I hugged and cried in front of the church. "Cae, don't cry, because then I'll cry" Squid said as I cried and hugged. "Too late" I said as we hugged. "I'm going to miss you" I said as we hugged more. Finally when we were semi-composed we said goody. Once back home, I was sad, but as mom said "bittersweet"

~.:April 20, 2009:.~
I got dressed, pulled out jeans, hot pink wedge heals, My blue v cut short sleeve shirt, and my pink University of Hartford sweatshirt. Mr. Dattilo (our Realtor) came to the house around 8:00 as we were trying to pack the vehicles up and find our cat. At 11:00 the house was completely empty, well except for one basket and our cat. Just as we left the home owners pulled in to do a last walk through. We drove to Perk on main, to have a visit with Erika & her mom. Squid left a gift for me, since she had a horseback riding lesson. I opened my first and it was a pair of lounging pants with the towns name on the left pant leg. After mom and I went back to our house, to see that Bandit (our cat) came out, so mom got the cat and I changed into my new pants. We made it up to Massachusetts by 1:00 we had my grandfather follow us up, with stuff in his car. When we pulled into the driveway my new next door neighbor came over with her mom.
"Hi, I'm Meagan," Megan said "Hi, I'm Cae" I responded I just stood. Meagan and I talked until Meagan's mom said that they should let us unpack. Once I knew that there was a girl my age next door to us, I knew that we moved to the right place.

~.:April 19, 2010:.~
My hair was in two braid from last night. I took the braids out, and my hair was immediately wavy. I found a pair of jeans, my 3/4 sleeve shirt, and a pair of flip flops. I had work today until 5. It was also Patriot's Day (the day that messed up the whole house buying process up here), so it was a slow day at the library. I spent the day doing stuff I loved, reading, writing, cooking, and watching Survivor! I went for a long walk down my street, realizing what I gained up here in Massachusetts.

~.:April 20, 2010:.~
I woke up and dug around my closet for a pair of jeans, and a tee-shirt. Once those were found I went and took a shower. I got dressed and quickly braided my wet hair, and walked downstairs. Today is a boring day, not doing much of anything. I went on another long walk down my road, just thinking about moving and that since moving here, it was a really good thing for me, and that since moving I've been able to do much more things than, when I lived in Connecticut. I spent the rest of the day reading and playing outside with my next door neighbor. Compared to last year, this year was a lot more easier, and less stressful.

Since moving, I have learned a lot of things about life, and my relationship with God. Most of it because I moved, and it was hard on the teenager I am. I also have been able to excel in thing, and be able to do stuff that I wouldn't be allowed to do in Durham. I've gotten a job, written a book, made new friends, and gained a whole second hometown.

When I first moved to Massachusetts, I just about found something wrong with everything, and when I couldn't find something wrong with it I could just say "It's not like Connecticut" and I would be right. I have now realized that Massachusetts isn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, I've been able to grow in many ways, and I love it here!

Cae ♥

Monday, April 19, 2010

Temporary Home-Carrie Underwood

Temporary Home-Carrie Underwood

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Don't Keep Your Hopes Up

Since being a foster family, my mom and I haven't had much time together, alone. So when I learned that the boys (and all of them) were going to be Cod Fishing this weekend, mom and I got some DVDs, books, and planned a whole girls weekend for the two of us. But when the weather and the "swells" got too bad in Road Island on Thursday, it caused in a cancellation of the trip (bummer I know).

But today, the boys went and cleaned trash for 4 hours, leaving enough time for mom and I to watch Love Happens, and give each other a pedicure, but then after the guys came home at noon, we went to Yankee Candle over in South Deerfield. While there Z's behavior got a little out of control, which resulted in us leaving early.

Now it's hard to get to places/see things that we want to see, because when Z decides he's "done" with the thing we're doing, it also means we're all done. Which is hard because I like to learn and everything, so we need to drop everything we're doing and have to leave. Which seems unfair on my part, but then there's that nagging voice in my head telling me that we're doing the right thing, by leaving and everything. Hopefully it'll get easier and Z will learn patients and will understand that there are 4 other people in the family!

Here are some items that help with a Girl's Weekend ♥

Cae ♥

Friday, April 16, 2010

Angels on Earth

Have you ever head the song Angels by Randy Travis? Well here are some of the lyrics.

"Are you telling me that you've never seen an angel? Never felt the presence of one standing by? No robe of white, No halo in site, Well you missed the most obvious thing, Man, are you blind? Just look in your mothers eyes"

There are definitely angels on earth, and they just don't need to be your mother. I've been really emotional the past couple days, and today Mrs. Tower asked why I was being a grouch today. Now I didn't think that I could even be possibly more grouchy then I am on an average day, since most people don't really call me happy on an average basis, since I don't smile all the much. So I've been email Mrs. Tower through out the day stating that I'm not a grouch! Have I been on an emotional roller coasted today and yesterday? Yes, I have been, but throughout the emails it just proves how much of an angel, God send, and blessing she is in my life, and if she's reading this. She's done wonders for me, although she doesn't realize it. She's accomplished stuff with me, that people who have known me for 15 years of my life haven't accomplished, and she's done it in under a year.

Mrs. Tower has been my blessing and angel, so I don't know if I should end this post with a thank you to her, or a thank you to God. Maybe I'll do both.

Thank you Mrs. Tower, you really have no clue how much you've helped me in my life.

Thank you God, for blessing my life with the presence of Mrs. Tower, and for giving her the patients to deal with me.

Cae ♥

Wordpress Vs. Blogger

Okay, so I'm looking into Wordpress because I've heard that some bloggers have switched over to wordpress, but I don't know what it is. So for those who use wordpress do you like it dislike it, why? Are there benefits for Wordpress over Blogger? Any advice would be good advice! :)

Cae ♥

She Liked It!

Okay, so my boss actually took my advice and read my blog (good thing I can't think of a bad thing about her) and actually liked it. Yay :) I don't know why this is such a huge thing to me, but for some reason it is :) Maybe because it means that someone actually read that blog. . .Sorry, lack of comments gets me worried once and a while. . .But. . . Well this blog post has no story to it, weird. . . A useless blog post ;) I'll have to write one after work today, just to see if anything awesome happened in either my life, at work, or just out in the world.

Cae ♥

Eat, Pray, Love

Did you read the book Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert?

My mom did and she loved it, well I learned that it will be coming out in theaters August 13, 2010! I now have a new book to read, and I can't wait for the movie!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

2nd, 3rd, 4th Cup of Coffee

So today, I think I'm on my 2nd or 3rd cup of coffee already. . .I've never been this physically drained before. I had a cup this morning went to a training and once I yawned, it went all downhill from there. . .So now with my tinker bell cup

filled with coffee, my music blasting, and my brain working. I now need to write my homeschooling article that is due. . . Tonight by 6:00! Okay, so Blogger can you please stop my distraction????

Love you guys so much!
~Cae ♥

P.S. My boss is going to read this blog, so note to boss :"Hi! ♥ Did you get my last email?"

P.P.S Kind of glad I didn't post anything horrible about my boss. . .Or any of my weird dreams to be a matter of fact. . .

Free Starbucks!!

So I was looking through the Blog Watcher thing at the bottom of my dashboard, and I saw from Happy Housewife that there was Starbucks and free coffee. . .Two things that I love! So tomorrow (April 15th) bring a reusable coffee cup to Starbucks and get a free coffee!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

"Where's Budapest?"

So I was reading some blogs today who posted the Random Dozen from 2nd Cup of Coffee and Mocha With Linda, who frankly I absolutely love her blog! Posted this video for answer to number 9. . . I thought it was funny, but is the person Kelly Pickler?

Cae ♥

Really Really Random Dozen!

1. How do you feel about "Gladiator" sandals, also called "Roman" or "Jesus" sandals? A fashion yea or nay? I love them! I actually really want a pair currently, but work clothes come first :(

2. What is your favorite pizza? Pineapple and Bacon, Veggie, or a Meat Lovers ;)

3. There are plans in the works to sell roughly 1,000 items from Star Trek: The Experience in Las Vegas. This means you could buy Picard's chair for your family room. If not a Star Trek item, what prop, background, set, etc. from what TV or movie would you buy if you could?
[Ex: Hurley's "I Love my Shih tzu" shirt from LOST, the plantation home "Tara" from Gone With the Wind, or Tracy's tambourine from the Partridge Family.] Hmmmmm. . . .I would have to say "Mr. Spiky" from Buffy the Vampire Slayer would be really cool :) Or maybe Giles' glasses, or how about the piano from Glee (see my need for a piano instead of the keyboard)?

4. Name a local food or restaurant that your area is famous for. Have you met my area? We're population -4,000. . . I don't really think we're famous for anything, well except for the witches and the Devil's Chair that's up the street from work. . .Actually there is a restaurant the next town over. . . really good food :)

5. What is your current favorite snack? Nutella ; )

6. Hypothetical: You are required to be a reality show contestant. Which show would you choose based on your probability of success? (You cannot choose "none.")

A. Dancing with the Stars
B. Biggest Loser
C. Survivor (I couldn't make it that far, but better than A. or B.)

7. On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being uninhabitable and 10 being cleanliness that meets the standards of OCD, how clean is your vehicle's interior? 10. . .I don't own a car :-p

8. It doesn't feel like Spring until _________. I can't sleep until after 7:15

9. Something that made you laugh really hard recently is ____. Listening to the story about the witches in the town. . .

10. Tell me about a goal you're working toward. Getting a cell phone! (hopefully I'll get one by the end of April!!!)

11. Share a thought-provoking or inspiring quote this week. "Life doesn't always go the way you plan, so sometimes you need to listen to Tom-Tom once and a while and 'recalculate'"

12. Name one thing that you do as a parent that you absolutely know will make your kids happy. If you're not a parent, feel free to substitute "friend" or nomenclature that works for you. Friends;;I can give internet hugs!!! And I could make them laugh!!!

Go check out Lid's blog 2nd Cup of Coffee!

C ♥

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I never knew. . .

Okay, so I've learned a few things since working at the library.

1. Librarians are very rarely sane, but they're awesome! ;)
2. When you're having a bad day, things will purpously go wrong at the library, just to add to your day
3. Patrons are always awesome : )
4. What to do when a bookshelf breaks
5. How to lock a door ;)
6. The fish doesn't answer you
7. How to fix the internet
8. How to do my ABCs!
9. We fit a lot of DVDs in the library!
10. Coffee is amazing (okay so maybe I did know that)
11.Music heals everything
12. You get to know your local Verizon and Comcast guys.

I never thought I would learn so much from one small library, but I did. . . There will be more eventually : )

Love C ♥

Monday, April 12, 2010

Saturday, April 10, 2010


♥ Valhalla ♥

These are two of my favorite songs from Valhalla ♥

Friday, April 9, 2010

Flashback Friday!!

What were birthdays like when you were growing up? Were they a big deal or understated? Did you have parties? Get to choose what or where the family ate for dinner? Are there any particular birthday traditions that you remember? Is there any birthday that stands out (good OR bad!), either due to the events surrounding it or due to the particular present(s) you received?

Hmmm, The first couple up until about 10 they were a big deal, and then of course turning 13 was a huge deal for me. Of course I had parties!!! I remember that I was turning 6 I think, my mom asked me for a Barbie, and I gave it to her. . . Only to later see my Barbie dissembled, half of her in my cake and the other half on the kitchen counter! They killed my Barbie!!! I wasn't very happy, well until I saw that the cake had pink frosting, so I was happy.

The next main birthday that I remember was my 10th (I think) when I was woken up at 3:00AM. . .Yes you read that time correctly 3:00AM, so we could go down the Flordia. Let me just tell you my birthday lands during the E-One Salesmen meeting, and with my dad working for E-One, I realized that for the past two years my dad has actually been home for my birthday! So I was woken up at 3:00AM, and we (as in Mom and J) went off to Bradley Airport, we actually had my uncle J drive us to Bradley, we made it to the airport around 4:00AM, and we waited. . . And waited. . . And waited. . . .And did I mention we waited? Well it wasn't until around 7:00am that we were told that there was an issue with the plane, so we had to sit and wait (there was the smell of gasoline in the cabin). So guess what, we waited MORE! We then heard word from the stewardess around 9:00 that the plane will not be flying. . .So we now had to find a plane to FL, and my mother had two very tired children with her. We finally did make it on an airplane, just to be embarrassed by mother for letting the Captain know it was my birthday, and guess what it was announced on the whole plane (just what I wanted. . . Not really)! We did make it to FL, and when we made it to the condo in Ocala, I walked into "my" bedroom and saw Kirsten the American Girl Doll sitting on the bed, for me!

Oh, my 13th birthday, the last major birthday I had. . .I actually had basketball that day (yes I actually played sports), okay well the party was the day before my birthday, but you get the idea! So I hinted to mom how much I either wanted a spa birthday, or how I have never had a surprise birthday in my lifetime. I got home all sweaty and there was a sign on the banister saying "Cae's Spa, right this way". So I got not only my spa party, but also my surprise birthday party. . .It was nice :)The picture above, I actually think is from a Girl Scout program which was a whole spa day, but you get the point. . .Right?

Since my 13th party, I've had little get-togethers (okay is that a word?) with some close friends but nothing huge (I'm waiting for my 21st). Now I just chose what place I want to go to for my birthday dinner, or what I would like for my birthday dinner, if we're eating at home.

Check out Linda's blog Mocha with Linda!

By C

Thursday, April 8, 2010

My Titanic Fetish

So I have this huge fetish of the Titanic, ever since I first heard about it, I loved it. So everything about the Titanic I want to check out, a DVD, the movie with Kate Winslet, a book, museum, speaker, etc. My library recently got a DVD called Titanic's Final Moments: Missing Pieces This DVD shows some amazing things, and they find some missing pieces (literally). If you enjoy the Titanic, or just want to learn a little more about the Titanic, this movie is a great way to start!

By C ♥
Check out the widget below for some more Titanic DVDs
P.S. Did you know that the Titanic has two sister ships? The Britanic and Olympic. There was one person, Violet Jessop who has survived all three sister ship sinkings. Check her book out Titanic Survivor.


Okay, so I got a blog visit from the Fairy-Book Mother, with some hints on my story and asked me to keep you all updated. So first all Fairy-Book Mother, I loved the editing you did with the section I posted, it made me laugh.

Well I've finished my book, and I've begun the editing process. My goal is to get the first 50 pages (the first section) completely edited and ready to send into a Publishers by June, and hopefully I'll have sent out my first manuscript to a publisher at the latest by July! The process has been going slowly, since their isn't much time in a day anymore, but mom and I try to make some time. . . I might even print off some of the first section and slip it into my purse, so when I'm at work and waiting for mom, or it's a dead time at work I would have something to do. I also want to state that my grammar and sentence structure is horrible, thus how mom is helping me with the whole editing process of my manuscript. Below is a random part from 11 Months Before

“Thanks, Squid, but I do not think my parents would like that. Plus the house would be online, and no one comes down my road to begin with, so everyone would be checking it out online, and we could not crash the site. It just is not possible.” I respond after letting out a little giggle. I knew after that giggle it would be the last one for a long, long, long while. I look at the clock hanging up on my wall in my pink bedroom. It read 7:11pm “OMG SQUID! I am going to be late for choir. I will call you later, after choir. Cool?” I ask as I take her off of speaker, slip into my hot pink wedge heels, grab my music and my purse, and go out into the living room and let mom know that we should go….like now!

“Sure, Cae, I will talk to you later, just keep breathing and you will be alright. Sing your heart out ok?” Sydney responded as we said by to each other and my mom and I walked out of the front door and over to the Malibu. I fall into the passenger seat in the Malibu and my mom starts the car. We are soon going back to the place where my day started…..Main Street. My mom has to do something in the church office, but I forget what. I really do not pay attention, so I am surprised she did not tell me that we had to leave earlier. We get there right at 7:30. We weren’t late, which I was scared about. We have never been late since we started coming. We were all ways early since my mom had to do the payroll, but she must have forgotten.

“Mom, what about the office, Do you have to do something over there?” I asked as we walked into the choir loft.

“Yes, but I will do it after,” Mom responded as I grabbed my folder and sat into my chair. I felt totally out of it. I was there physically but just not mentally. I was a zombie. I think Jill might have noticed, but I did not see. We started singing a song I did not love, but it was ok. Singing has always calmed me down, so I was glad to start singing. About the third song in, I was feeling so much better. Choir ended with a song that I loved. We have been practicing it for a while now, but I still love it. My mom went over to the Fairchild house and started doing payroll, as I stayed over with Jill to talk to her.

“Jill, we are moving. I do not think I can handle it. I do not want to move. My family has like no emotion to the whole thing, while I am off crying in my room. How can I handle this, Jill? I do not want to move. I do not want to leave Connecticut,” I said to Jill once everyone was out of the building. We start putting the Choir folders back. About two seconds in, I started crying, and Jill embraced me in a hug. This is why I love Jill so much. I knew she is all ways there for me, and I am going to need her over the move, whether I wanted to move or not."

By C ♥

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Random Dozen of APRIL!

1. Define a great relationship. Hmmmmm, I donm't know. . . A relationship that not only involves two people who love each other, and have committed themselves together for the rest of their lives, but also includes God and Jesus. So the relationship needs to have a strong Christian base. Both people need to love each other wholeheartedly, laugh a lot, and have fun together. I think that's about it.

2. Why is it called a "drive-through" if you have to stop? (Real question: What was the last food/drink you purchased at a drive-through?) Ummm, I don't remember it was probably some chicken nuggets and a drink.

3. As I type this, the Butler Bulldogs are getting ready to play in the NCAA championship game. Every Hoosier is hysterical about this except me. So in honor of the Bulldogs ... what is your favorite breed of dog? (I tried.) PBGV (Petit Basset Griffon Vedeen) or a West Highland Terrier.^ PBGV ^

^ West Highland Terrier ^

4. If you had to move to a state besides the one you currently live in, where would you move? Back to CT. . . Sorry couldn't help it. . . . I would actually move to Hawaii or Flordia if I couldn't move back to CT.

5. If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be? I wouldn't change anything, sure I've complained a lot to my parents about not having this or that, but I don't need that item. . .I just would want it.

6. Who's the funniest person you know? Ummm, most of my friends can make me laugh, funniest I have no clue.

7. Did you get enough sleep last night? Nope, Buffy kept me up. . .

8. What's the first thing you thought about this morning? I need to do the dishes, and finish the craft for story time, and then not choke on my coffee like I did Monday.

9. Grilled or Fried? --HONESTLY- - -I love fried chicken, but I usually eat grilled.

10. Are you afraid of the dark? Nope

11.When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? A Vet, Fashion Designer, Minister, and horseback rider.

12. If you had one word to describe yourself , what would you choose? Insane

Monday, April 5, 2010

White Chocolate Mocha & Rapping?

Okay, so I just learned (from a family member) that Starbucks makes a White Chocolate Mocha. Does that not sound good? Now not only am I hungry, and thirsty, but now I miss Starbucks! Since moving to MA we moved to the middle of nowhere so the closest Starbucks is over 1 hour away! Maybe I'll start my own, but I have this fetish with Starbucks and I have read just about every book on Starbucks, which is really cool, because there are some really cool facts about Starbucks that you would never think of, but oh I miss Starbucks :'( Starbucks drink. . . doesn't it look soooo good????

On another note, my cousin is Valhalla, and he's trying to get going in his music career. So if you would like to vote for him please go to Kiss 95.7 if you would like to listen to his music go to his Myspace and if you like what you hear then download his free mixtape!!!

Cae ♥

If I Were a Boy

If I Were a Boy-Beyonce

This is one of my favorite songs. I'm restarting the Musical Monday's, and hopefully I'll remember to keep them up!

Hint: Listen to the lyrics, not the music.


Sunday, April 4, 2010

Friday, April 2, 2010

Flashback Friday!!!

"You may elaborate on your childhood Easter fashions and/or share about styles in general. What fashions were popular when you were growing up? (Any time from birth to high school graduation) What did you beg to wear? What style did you happily embrace that you now look back and think, "Ugh! Whatever possessed me to wear that? ( Of course, pictures would be great - the more hideous embarrassing, the better!) Have any of these come back into style? What have you worn that you vowed you never would? (You can also include hairstyles in your walk down Memorial Fashions Lane!)"

Hmmmm, since I'm only a teenager there isn't much that has gone out of style, but I'm sure I could say that when I begged and I mean begged my mother for leggings, she burst out laughing. Because leggings were "in" when she a teen, then they were "out", but now they're back "in". There is this one outfit that I wore for our family picture with our old church, which I can't find the picture (swear, I just looked through the whole picture file thing on the computer) and I'm wearing a pale pink turtleneck with black lining and it says Barbie in cheetah on the front, paired with some black pants. . .I still hope that I didn't dress myself that morning.

Check our Linda's block Mocha with Linda!!

~Cae ♥

Thursday, April 1, 2010

My Only Lifetime Boyfriend ♥

So my favorite character on Buffy the Vampire Sayer is Giles. Giles is Buffy's watcher who came from England. He is also a librarian (you can see my love for him there then, can't you?). Giles has become one of my favorite characters, because he's. . .because he's Giles. If you've seen Buffy the Vampire Slayer, then you know what I'm talking about. If you haven't seen Buffy the Vampire Slayer watch Season 1 (not the movie that came out in the 2000). You will see the beginning of Giles and Buffy, well and Angel, but Angel is irrelevant.

Giles is the most amazing person on Buffy, well other than Buffy. I was recently talking to a friend of mine who has an amazing boy friend, that the only boy friend that I currently have, and know will always be there is Giles. Because I watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer at night, and Giles is always on Buffy.