
Sunday, February 28, 2010


I was asked to write the sermon for today's church service, so I did, and I shouldn't leave you guys out. Enjoy :)

Would you put God on hold? Maybe you all ready have
A Scout is Trustworthy
A scout is reverent, the last line in the Boy Scout law. Lord Baden Powell the founder of Boy Scouts said “Believe in anything that you want to believe in, but keep God at the top of it. With Him, life can be a beautiful experience. Without Him, you are just biding time.” When a Boy Scout says this law, he is pledging that he IS reverent. One of the most important words in the Boy Scout Law is the word “is”. This year Boy Scouts turned 100. 100 years of being reverent, of doing Sunday morning services on their campouts, and helping out their local churches. On my honor, I will try:
To serve God* and my country,
To help people at all times,
And to live by the Girl Scout Law.
One of Juliette Gordon Low’s favorite poems say “God made for man an earthly habitation, the body soil in which the soul may grow, this little life is but the preparation the soul must know. And then some day man’s errors overcome him the body fails, the soul alone is wise; and then the God that takes one small world from him gives him the skies.” Juliette Low started Girl Scouts to make a heaven on earth, and to help girls grow in Godly ways.
Today we celebrate the scouts in the area, and how they have lived the Boy Scout or Girl Scout Law in their life. If you have been a Girl Scout or Boy Scout in the pass years, can you please stand up, we I’ve been a Girl Scout for 11 years, my mom triple that, my father has been in Boy Scouts since he was a kid, J has been in Boy Scouts since he was 7, and Z is just beginning his journey. Our family has revolved around scouting since I was born. We had a Scouting Sunday at United Churches of Durham, and my dad with help from Reverend Lynch has decided to introduce it here. Being a scout isn’t just hiking, camping, making fires, learning how to be safe, it’s about living the law, to be everything that you promise that you are, it’s about being reverent and believing in God, and spreading God’s word. Since today is Scouting Sunday, I was asked to write the sermon today, okay more bribed by my father, but you get the idea. So I decided to talk about religion, and how to have a stronger relationship with God. With today’s technology we kind of forget about God, forget about the Bible, we don’t spend the time to read that one chapter in 1 Samuel, or in John, we don’t take the time to find our favorite book in the Bible, or that one passage that makes you think for days, but what if we did? How would it change the way that we live our daily lives?

What would happen if we treated out Bible like we treat our cell phones?

What if we carried it around in our purse or pocket?
What if we flipped through it several times a day?
What if we turned back to get it if we forgot it at home?
What if we used it to receive messages from the text?
What if we treated it like we couldn’t live without it?
What if we used it when we traveled?
What if we used it in case an emergency?
This is something to make you go...hmmm where’s my Bible?

And unlike our cell phones, we don't have to worry about our Bible being disconnected because Jesus already paid the bill.

Now doesn’t that make you think?
If we spent the extra time out of our day to read the Bible, or pray at dinner, how would it change your family? It’s changed mine tremendously, at dinner one night my dad challenge the five of us to see who could stay the quietest the longest, of course I was in the middle of saying something, so I said “Ok, I lose” and continued on in my story. Jake won, but then Zeke said that God did, this brought up a question, was God really being quite or are we just not listening? In my confirmation class, Elven, the teacher and the minister of the church, told the class, that when you pray you should wait for God to answer, because God doesn’t like a one sided conversation. The whole class looked at Elven, if he grew three heads or something, so Elven, kind of had to explain. He said after you’re done praying don’t say “Amen” be quite, don’t think of anything, just empty your mind, and close your eyes for a couple of minutes, but make sure you don’t fall asleep! When you’re quite and listening, that’s when God is talking, we just need to be open to listen to him. We always know that God is listening to us, but does God know that we’re listening to him? 1 Samuel 3:2-10 shows that God can talk to us, and we can and will listen to him.
“2 One night Eli, whose eyes were becoming so weak that he could barely see, was lying down in his usual place. 3 The lamp of God had not yet gone out, and Samuel was lying down in the temple [a] of the LORD, where the ark of God was. 4 Then the LORD called Samuel.
Samuel answered, "Here I am." 5 And he ran to Eli and said, "Here I am; you called me."
But Eli said, "I did not call; go back and lie down." So he went and lay down.
6 Again the LORD called, "Samuel!" And Samuel got up and went to Eli and said, "Here I am; you called me."
"My son," Eli said, "I did not call; go back and lie down."
7 Now Samuel did not yet know the LORD: The word of the LORD had not yet been revealed to him.
8 The LORD called Samuel a third time, and Samuel got up and went to Eli and said, "Here I am; you called me."
Then Eli realized that the LORD was calling the boy. 9 So Eli told Samuel, "Go and lie down, and if he calls you, say, 'Speak, LORD, for your servant is listening.' "So Samuel went and lay down in his place.
10 The LORD came and stood there, calling as at the other times, "Samuel! Samuel!"
Then Samuel said, "Speak, for your servant is listening."”
God called Samuel that night, and it wasn’t that Samuel wasn’t listening, he was, but he wasn’t listening to God. Samuel put God on “hold” sometimes we get caught up in this age of technology, and forget about the simple things like the Bible on your nightstand collecting dust. If we step outside and forget about our cell phones, laptops, PDAs, i-pods, TVs, if we forget about all of the electronics that we have in our life, what’s left? The trees, the hills, the sun, the outdoors, God, your family, we really need to step back from everything once and a while and see what we have. I never really thought about holding a conversation with God, but he does respond, in his own way, that aren’t as clear as me going up to you and saying “Happy Birthday” or answering a question. With moving here, I became closer to God during the move, it was the one friend that I knew that I would always have no matter where I was on life’s journey, weather it was moving out of state, going to high school, going to college, visiting relatives, getting a job, having another sibling, I knew he was always there, I also started reading the Bible, and when we missed that one Sunday of church, it felt weird that I didn’t go to church and it threw my whole week off. Having faith and living faithfully are two different things. You could have faith and believe in God, but then you could live faithfully. You don’t need to live faithfully to have faith, but you do need faith to live faithfully. And living faithfully isn’t just praying to God, or listening to God, it’s reading the Bible, spreading Gods word, having more than just a connection with God, but having a relationship with him. Sure God doesn’t call us like he did to Samuel, and we don’t have our own Eli, that tells us “Caelyn, it’s God, go talk to him,” but he does call, and we need to make sure that we don’t put him on hold, because he’s been on hold too long already.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

How Stressful Can One Day Be?

Okay so the 60 cases of Girl Scout Cookies in my living room has shrunk down to about 30 cases, but yesterday I also worked at the library, which was ontop of the stress already in my life, gave me just a little bit more stress.

I started a fundraiser for the library, and Mrs. Tower and I decided to send and email to all of our patrons, sounds easy right? Wrong, according to MA law it is illegal for public sharing of patrons email, so we would have to put them all in BCC, so once that was done, still sounds easy right? Wrong again, it wouldn't send, how come? No clue! I tried everything, I spent around 1 1/2 hours on this stupid email, and come 3:00 and it still wouldn't send I gave up on it, and Mrs. Tower and I accepted the loss. So I started shelving the books, then the phone rings. It's my mother, why my mother was calling at the library, when she should be on her way to work, no clue.

Evidently my father forgot Z at school, so he would be late picking me up, I thought it was kind of funny because Mrs. Tower just asked when I was getting picked up and I told her "When my dad drives home with Z and realizes he forgot the other child, and has to drive all the way back."

So with the Library stress, then I got back home to cookie stress. I got three girls cookie orders were done with, since their parents came and picked it up, but now it's 4:10, and I don't know when the leader of the Girl Scout Troop was picking her daughters cookies up, so I had to give her a call, which she is very hard to get in contact with. She picks her cookies up at 6:00 and plays the blame game on all the other parents, because I didn't sign up for this cookie thing AT ALL!!

On top of that, I also had to write interview questions and an article about the budget cuts in MA, for the local paper, which was even more stress since I had Z asking me how long I'll be on the laptop, every 10 seconds.

Ughhhhhhhhh Stress, I'm taking a long bubble bath once this weekend is over, I never really thought one day could have so many stressful activities in it. But I still love my library, and I still love Girl Scout Cookies, and I still love my newspaper

Lots of Love!
~C ♥

Friday, February 26, 2010

"Mom I'm not a Duggar!"

So this morning I was testing new hairstyles, since I'm and teenager and I'm bored of the same high/low pony tail or the lazy bun, so I started scrunching my hair, this morning I scrunched it and mom wanted to add a twist to it. Once she was done I looked in the mirror and the first thing that popped into my head was Jessa Duggar. See my mom loves the Duggars, and it the way my hair looked looked just like Jessa's hair. So let's see a comparison.


Jessa Duggar

Well, I guess I went out of my normal hair days and into a new.

What was your last "new" hairstyle that you tried?

With love
~C ♥

Three Little Angels

Three Little Angels

(source: "The Worm Song and Other Tasty Tunes, Janet Wilson, 1993.)

Three little angels all dressed in white
Tried to get to heaven on the end of a kite
But the kite tail broke
And down they all fell
Instead of going to heave they all went to. . .
(repeat with) Two little angels...
(repeat with) One little angel...

Three little devils all dressed in red
Tried to get to heaven on the end of a thread
But the thread piece broke
And down they all fell
Instead of going to heave they all went to. . .
(repeat with) Two little devils...
(repeat with) One little devil...

Three little leprechauns all dressed in green
Tried to get to heaven on a sewing machine
But the needle was broken
And down they all fell
Instead of going to heave they all went to. . .
(repeat with) Two little leprechauns...
(repeat with) One little leprechaun...

Three little robbers all dressed in black
Tried to get to heaven on a caddalic
But the caddy broke
And down they all fell
Instead of going to heave they all went to. . .
(Repeat with) Two little robbers. . .
(Repeat with) One little robber. . .

Three little Martians all dressed in green
Tried to get to heaven on a washing machine
But the spinner broke
And down they all fell,
Instead of going to heave they all went to. . .
(repeat with) Two little Martians...
(repeat with) One little Martian...

Three little goblins all dressed in blue
Tried to get to heaven on a B-52
But the big plane broke
And down they all fell,
Instead of going to heave they all went to. . .
(repeat with) Two little goblins...
(repeat with) One little goblins...
Don't get excited, don't lose your head,
They couldn't get to heaven so they all went to BED!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Mom did I sign myself up for this?

Well you all know I'm a Girl Scout, so I'm done selling cookies, and I'm waiting to hear when I'll be picking them up, I was sending emails to our cookie moms last night, but then we get a phone call from Trish, saying that no one from our troop showed up, so guess who had to go? You're right ME and my MOM! Mom and I have been doing cookies forever, I kind of even got her to be the Service Unit Cookie Mom, so we get there and mom and I are loading the 60 cases of Girl Scout cookies into my dad's truck. We get home and unload them, while mom and I are unloaded I looked at mom and asked "Please tell me that I didn't sign myself up for this?", she started laughing. I just finsihed organizing all the cookies for the girls in my girl scout troop, who will be coming throughout this weekend, so I can get these 60 cases of Girl Scout Cookies out of my house!!!

I never though I would be helping out with cookies again, but I guess I thought wrong. Now only if parents would return my phone calls. Well I'll be happier after I get all of these cookies out of my house!

With Lots of Love
~Dear Daughter ♥

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Last Random Dozen of February!

I love numbers 11 and 12 actually involve thought. Random Dozen from 2nd Cup of Coffee

Linda, I agree with you on February, they're is too much snow!!

1. Have you ever fired a gun or shot a bow and arrow? I have done both! I shot rifle competitively for a couple of years, and we own a bow and arrow
2. Do you know where your childhood best friends are?Yes, Emily is in CT!
3. Do you usually arrive early, late, or on time? Early
4. Are you more of a New York or California type? Either, but I do love NYC!
5. Do you have a special ring tone? No cell phone, no ring tone :( But if I did have a cell phone, I would do Buffy The Vampire Slayer Theme Song
6. What is your favorite type of chip? Computer? Memory? Oh Food! Salt and Vinegar
7. Best comedy you've ever seen is ....
8. Have you ever cut your own hair? To quote Dr. Phil, "How'd that work for ya?" I've never have, but my mommy has.
9. If you were going to have an extreme makeover, would you rather it be about your house or your personal self? Myself
10. Are you allergic to anything? My brothers? No I'm not allergic to anything :) Love you J & Z!
11. Why is it so hard to change? Because you've been doing this one thing for so long, you don't want it to change, you want to be safe, and stay doing the one thing that you know, because doing that one new thing, moving to that one new place is uncharted territory.
12. One last question dedicated to February love: CS Lewis said, "To love is to be vulnerable." Please share one example of that assertion or share any thought you'd like to about this topic. To open your heart up to that one person, to be vulnerable, to allow ridicule into your life, to tell the secrets to him and know that he's the only one that will keep them.

Dance Moves?

Soulja Boy Tell'em

This should help :)

Okay, so this song has a dance, watch and see if you can pick it up. I did know it, maybe I'll make a video of me failing and then post it :) Enjoy :)

Lots of Love
Dear Daughter

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I'm NOT an Artist!

Okay, so I was doing a requirement for my Girl Scout Gold Award, and I had to paint a little. You are reading the blog of one of the most un-creative person in the world. But I was painting little starburst things, I was making a model of my bedroom. So my mom walks over and looks and she thinks that it is like the next Mona Lisa or something.

I guess MA will also take this for my art classes.

With Love,

Monday, February 22, 2010


You all know I'm religious, and some of you know that I'm a Protestant. Well we're back in Lent, 40 days of giving up or taking on something that would have you feel like you've sacraficed something, I was going to give up reading, but oh that would be death! Instead I decided to take on sweeping/vacuuming my part of the house everyday, because Mrs. T does her whole house daily, which she has a pretty large house, I've been in it. I couldn't believe that she does her whole house daily, just with doing my part of the house, it gets sooo boring, but it is kind of disgusting, when my brothers do their parts of the house twice a week, and when you see what they sweep up, it's amazing and really disgusting. I think after Lent I'm going to keep on doing it daily. Thanks Mrs. T for inspiring me

What did you give up/take on for Lent?

With Love,
Dear Daughter

Sunday, February 21, 2010

"Writing a Book"

Okay, so whenever Z comes over and watches me on the laptop, I type quickly and sometimes long emails or blogs, so yesterday morning he came over to me and said his line "Are you writing another book?", I looked at Z and replied "Nope, I'm writing a blog", Z look at me and just asked, more stated "Aren't blogs supposed to be a couple lines not like a book?", I told him nope, and I'll show him one of my favorite blogs and that he'll see how much he writes, compared to my poor little blogs. He waited and I showed him 2nd Cup of Coffee. Lid put up a blog that was longer than mine (Thanks Lid for that, you backed my story up). Z looked at it and said "oh God, they are long, maybe she wrote a shorter one before this one." I said, no she didn't the one before it was her Random Dozen, Z didn't believe me so we went through the Random Dozen. It was so cute, but I owe a thank you to Lid.

Thanks Lid, for making me (the big sister) correct again :)

For those readers that haven't read 2nd Cup of Coffee, go click where ever I wrote 2nd Cup of Coffee and enjoy :)

Lots of Love,
C ♥

Saturday, February 20, 2010

"It was just a joke" "I wasn't laughing"

I don't know how many people run into this issue, but my father has a huge issue with 'joking' around, of course when its towards me I have an issue of taking it personal, so it usually ends up with me running up to my room crying. I know he doesn't mean to do it, and its way to "connect" with me and all, but there is only so much I can handle. Yesterday, for example, mom was leaving for work. Her email said that there was incoming emails and I checked, one of them were from someone at work. I knew she was in the garage getting ready to go, I looked at dad and asked him where mom was, and if she left again, he didn't say anything, so I started to run into the garage to catch her before she left, only to learn that she was getting her coffee. I told mom and started to go back into the dinning room, only to see dad laughing hysterically, because having his daughter freak out with a work email for her mom who was leaving right then, who was going on an hour and half drive to work, who would have no way to read this email, was just so funny. Needless to say I quickly turned around and ran up to my bedroom. I never get a "sorry" from dad when he 'jokes' around, when he doesn't realize that these 'jokes' aren't funny. Well once in a great while I do, only because I go to mom and she makes him.

Am I the only one who has this issue, because I have to say it gets really hard on Fridays and Saturdays (when mom's at work) are getting really hard on me, because not only dad does it, but then J my other brother, will join in and I can't tell him to stop, because then dad defends him. Not fun!

With Lots of Love,
Dear Daughter (aka C)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Playing with Picnik

Okay, so a couple of weeks ago my mom decided to upgrade on, which I love just because I can edit photos and all of that fun stuff :) While going through the slides, I came across some with my grandmother in them. See my grandmother died in October 2001 from cancer because she smoked. She has been missed dearly in my life, and I figured I need some pictures of her. I made this picture using lyrics from Forever and Ever Amen by Randy Travis, her favorite song from Randy Travis. I'm going to frame this picture and put it up in the middle of my picture collage on my bedroom, just so I know that I will always remember her :)

This picture is one of my favorites of her, I think she's in Bermuda, but I don't know. I edited this one a little on
Do you like editing pictures? Want to show me some of your work?

For more edit pictures that I have completed check out my DeviantArt AuRevoirDurham.

Until Next Time

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Random Dozen!

1. If you could compete in one Olympic event (not necessarily winter sports) what would it be? Winter would be the luge, Summer would be Eventing (Equestrian).
2. Do remember a specific Olympic moment from the past? Micheal Phelps winning his 7th gold medal.
3. Have you ever known anyone who competed in the Olympics? Not that I know of.
4. If everyday activities were Olympic-worthy, which activity would you have a gold medal in? Hmmm, multi-tasking and cutting myself with the weirdest objects (i.e. a fork, little kid blunt scissors, thumb tacks, and the best a tape dispenser!)
5. Do you know anything about your ethnic heritage? A little, not a lot. It gets really confusing when my mom is adopted and you add a whole different side to my mom.
6. Do you enjoy sleeping late? Nope.
7. Have you ever performed CPR on anyone? Do you know how? (Yes, that's two, I know. Whatevs.) On a dummy yes, and yes I am.
8. Name one country you'd like to visit and explain why. Croatia, is it just sooo pretty, don't believe me then look at the picture.
9. Have you ever fixed up a couple romantically? Nope
10. What is the last book you read? Jumping off Swings by Jo Knowls

11. Do you enjoy sleeping late? NO, YOU write the question! How's that for random?? What do you do in your spare time? Spare time? What are you talking about! Ya, I do everything in the 25th hour of the day, other than that it's work, school, work, house work, and ya work.
12. What is your favorite meal at your favorite restaurant? General's Tso extra crispy from the Debbie Wong in West Springfield, MA.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Pictures? Slides? Combined?

My mom got a cool scanner thing that will scan slides, so that's been my chore for the past couple weeks. It takes about two minutes for two slides. It's really cool, because I get to see pictures that I have never seen in my life. My grandfather said that he had slide with his first wife on their honeymoon, they went to Fenway park, and stayed at the hotel the Red Soxs stayed at, my mom has found many pictures with her and family and everything. She'll say "Oh look I'm so cute" I'll respond in the cute little daughter voice "Mommy, that's an oxymoron" :) Yes I know, I love bugging my mother immensely, but I do love her! Below is a picture with my mom her grandfather and my cousin Cathy.

The pictures that I've dug up are really cool. I never thought about this part of my family, if that makes sense. Well back to scanning more slides.

Until Next Time

Monday, February 15, 2010

Having a New Brother

My family became a foster family in December, a little bit after Christmas we got a Foster Child, he'll be known as "Z" on the blog. Well Z is the youngest in the family, and has some emotional issues, that the whole family is getting used to. We're also learning that even though Z goes to school, he doesn't know a lot that in my family we know and share openly. Yes I do admit, Z can drive me insane some days, and most of the weeks I can't wait until I can go to the library, but I never really realized what my father always said to me about my tone of voice, until Z came here. As most of you know, we're a very strong Republican family and share news about politics and current events daily at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Z on the other hand, has not been around that. For example Vice President Joe Biden, was on a talk show and was asked about his favorite movie, it took Biden a couple minutes to answer.

After the clip was done playing Z asked "Who's Joe Biden?" Mom and I were stunned, how could this boy not know who Biden is, but yet tell us why Obama should be President. They're has been many comments like that, and they still amaze us. Z isn't as bad as he sounds, he's actually pretty nice, he likes going to church, loves going to the library, and plays basketball. I have to say from a teenage standpoint having another brother isn't that bad. Well on his good days.

There will be more updates with Z and the family, hopefully good ones :)

Until Next Time

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day Fact


My favorite Valentine candy Sweethearts from NECCO haven't been changed for the past 145 years. This year in 2010 there are new sayings, "text me" and "tweet me". I have to say this is true, I ate some of them last night. The additions are new to NECCO, and personally speaking should be followed up with "Facebook me".

What is your favorite Valentine candy?

Happy Valentine's Day!!


Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy Singles Awareness Day!

Happy Singles Awareness Day!!

For those that don't celebrate Singles Awareness. Happy Valentine's Day!! Okay, so I didn't think of the name Mrs. T's kids did, she told me that C & V created the name, because all the singles are now aware that they're single. So what are you doing for Valentine's day? I think I'm going to church and finding some chocolates to give to Mrs. T, since she gave me some today.

Well until next time :)


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I Need Some Advice From Parents!

Hi guys! Hopefully mothers and fathers.

Since my last blog post (Random Dozen) I've been getting some comments from mothers and I'm trying to convince my mom (Dawn) to allow me to get a Blogger account. Here's the deal, I'm tired of a couple of things

1. Logging in as Dawn
2. Being Dawn in all of my comments
3. Not being myself.

Some of my mom's concerns I understand, and have found a way around them. She doesn't want my name out there, thus my alias "Dear Daughter", so I would make my name on Blogger "Dear Daughter" instead of my actual name. My mom is also worried that I would shut her out of my Blogger account, and make new blogs. I actually am pretty content with this blog, it's hard work to keep it up, and plus my mom has every account name and password to every site that I am in, Facebook, AIM, Email, Deviant Art, Witty Profiles, Girl Scouts, ProBoards, and what ever else I'm on.

So to all of those moms and dads out there what is your advice for a teenager like me? Would you say sure go for it, or would you say no?

Thanks for the help.
Dear Daughter :)

Random Dozen

Random Dozen form 2nd Cup of Coffee. Get well soon Lid!!! My brother's sick, so I understand how you must feel.

1. Are you pleasant when you're ill, or are you a grumpy, fussy patient? It depends, but I'm usually pleasant.
2. When you find out that school is canceled (due to inclement weather) what is your gut reaction? On Wednesdays "NOOOOO!! I WANT, NO NEED TO GO TO THE LIBRARY!"
3. What is one domestic skill you wish you could improve? Cleaning the dishes
4. Do you decorate your home for Valentine's Day? Nope, I do decorate the library though :)
5. What song is on your mind today? Hmmmm,

Train Piano Tribute - Hey, Soul Sister - Single

Hey, Soul Sister by Train
6. Do you prefer contemporary movies or classic? Both :) Just watched The Proposal [Blu-ray]
, it was really good!
7. How well do you "compartmentalize" your feelings? For example, how well can you put aside a really trying moment to deal with the immediate situation which is not related to the trying moment, e.g., putting aside a tiff with your spouse in order to finish wallpapering a room. 1. Really long question, 2. Pretty good at it :)
8. What is the first thing that attracted you to your spouse? (Or if you're single, to your best friend.) Hmmm, Emily and I have been best friends for three generations, our grandfathers, both of our parents, and then us :)
9. When was the last time your heart raced? I have no clue!
10. What are your memories of Valentine's Day at school? Not much, since I'm homeschooled and we didn't really do much in elementary school.
11. If you were going to receive candy for Valentine's Day, which would you prefer? The Sweethearts
12. Red or pink? Pink ♥

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Story Time!

So for my Girl Scout Gold Award, I started a story time at my library. The first "meeting" was today, and sure we only got two kids, but it was fun. I was really nervous, since I haven't done a story time in my life, I did a book club for tweens, but never a story time. I think it went well, I can't wait until next month!

What have you started in your community?

Till Next Time,
~Dear Daughter ♥

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Super Bowl!

Okay, so as most of you should know, last night was the Super Bowl, and the teams well weren't the best teams out there (like the Giants). But I love the new commericals, they're awesome! But last night feeling bad for the Saints I cheered them on, and guess what they won! I'll give you some backgrond on the Saints. The Saints were started 8 months after the first Super Bowl, so that means that they've been able to play in 43, they've only played in one and that was the 44th Super Bowl, and guess what they won it! My favorite play was when the Saints intercepted the ball and ran all the way to the endzone, a great play! Now my favorite commerical, was the Google commercial. Being a woman it was very cute :)

What was your favorite Superbowl Ad?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Wedding March

Okay, so the only thing that I wanted from my parents for Christmas was a keyboard. I got the keyboard stand, but not the keyboard, it was on back order. I waited like a patient little girl I am, but come January 25th, and it still didn't come in, I asked dad to see where it was, guess what it was on permanent back order, great! The only gift that I wanted for Christmas was on back-order!! Dad then asked me if I wanted to wait, I said sure, so we waited a week, and it was still on back-order, so dad then found another keyboard, and ordered that one. This keyboard came in yesterday, and I've been playing with it ever since!

One of the pre-programmed songs is the Wedding March, I currently can play like four measures, which is pretty cool! So hopefully you'll be seeing a video of me playing the Wedding March or any song on my keyboard!

~Untill Next Time
Dear Daughter ♥

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Random Dozen

This weeks Random Dozen is from 2nd Cup of Coffee, and I have to say Linda does an amazing job with these questions and keeping this up, unlike me who can barely do a Musical Monday. Yes I know, pathetic

1. Do you use the labels various charities send you as “free gifts?” Yup, my mommy did, so when I sent letters I would use her address labels.

2. What is your favorite time of day (or night) for skywatching? Night, I get to see Orion's belt.

3. What is the most adventurous you've ever been with trying a new food? (Keep it G-rated please) Trusting Bob with feeding me, he ended up feeding me fried calamari, I still like it, but I was not a happy little girl when he told me I just ate squid.

4. Have you ever heard a rock sing? (Trust me, there's a reason for this one!) Have you? (can I get the reason now?)

5. If you could learn a language you don't presently speak, what would it be? Spanish, just so I can stop getting emails in Spanish/know what my library director is emailing (really long story to that one, maybe I'll make a blog about it)

6. Al Capone's tombstone read, “My Jesus, Mercy.” If you could write your own epitaph, what would it say? "I didn't really die, if you want to find me, go to my library"

7. If you were a famous musician who was known by one name, like “Cher,” “Sting,” or “Jewel,” what would it be? It doesn’t have to be your first name, but it can be, if you’d like. Troi (like Dianna Troi from Star Trek)

8. Have you ever been inordinately “into” a television show? Possibly, I don't know

9. When you sneeze, do you go big, or do you do that weird “heenh!” sound that makes people think you’re going to blow your brains out? Any other variation we should know about? I make a little squewk, my brother and father make fun of me for it.

10. Do you still read an actual newspaper that you hold in your hands, or do you get your news elsewhere? I read the newspaper, but also watch the news

11. Are you a good speller? Nope, writing my novel helped me, and then sending emails to people like Mrs. T, E, and J I'll get a whole spelling list back, but since using Firefox, they have a little red line appear under a word you misspelled :)

12. At what time each day do you start thinking about Lost lunch? Lost, never, don't really like the show. . .Lunch, usually when I get hungry and I had breakfast already.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Music to go with the day

Happy Groundhog's Day everyone!!!