
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!!

Just watched the ball drop, hope you all have a fun and safe night, I also hope that you have a great new year!

Twenty Boy Summer by Sarah Ockler

Twenty Boy Summer by Sarah Ockler is a story that involves friendships, boyfriends, parents, and family. It's a summer vacation right after two best friends Anna and Franky lose Matt. This story is a story about how secrets can hurt a friendship, you never know when your loved one won't be with you the next day, and of course dating Twenty boys in twenty days.

It's summer vacation, you're in California with your best friend

What can go wrong?

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Last Random Dozen of 2009

Okay, I couldn't think of a title, so I had to borrow 2nd Cup of Coffee's title for the Random Dozen, so thanks :) ♥

1. Do you find it gross to share drinks with family? Friends? No I dont, my best friend, Emily, and I do it all the time, we call it a "handling" fee ;p

2. What have you learned this year? The God has a plan for you no matter what, and even though you might not like the plan the day he reviles it to you, that eventually it'll come together, and the plan was for the better.

3. When do you dismantle the Christmas decorations? When my mom says so.

4. Something you wish to accomplish before the end of 2009 is: Nothing, my first goal was to become a Librarian, which is done and I'm a librarian, so I don't have anything.

5. How do you feel about winter (after Christmas)? It's nice, not so busy.

6. Have you participated in after-Christmas sales? Yes, Bath & Body Works Buy 3 get 2 free! They're on there way here!!!

7. Do you have plans for New Year's Eve? Some sparkling grape juice, watching the ball drop, hey maybe I'll get a babysitting job.

8. Is there anything special awaiting you in January? A new year ;p

9. If your life this year was a movie, what category or genre would it be? (Romance, Comedy, Drama, Thriller, Suspense, Farcical, etc.) Drama, with moving and everything it is a total drama

10. How much time per day do you spend blogging? Not enough clearly, I'm do bad at blogging and then with my lifestyle, uh oh!

11. Who runs your household? My father

12. Share one hope/dream for 2010. To lose some weight, to find a job, and to continue volunteering at my library.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Musical Monday!

Today, I figured we would go to the classical genre of music. I chose this piece, because I got a keyboard (electric piano) for Christmas, and I was trying to figure out what to learn on it, and my grandfather gave me a book on how to learn music on the keyboard- - -So int he book this was one of the piece, I don't think I'm going to start here, but I will definitely play it!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Lost Generation by Jonathan Reed

I am part of a lost generation
and I refuse to believe that
I can change the world
I realize this may be a shock but
"Happiness comes from within"
is a lie, and
"Money will make me happy."
So in 30 years I will tell my children
they are not the most important thing in my life
My employer will know that
I have my priorities straight because
is more important than
I tell you this
Once upon a time
Families stayed together
but this will not be true in my era
This is a quick fix society
Experts tell me
30 years from now, I will be celebrating the 10th anniversary of my divorce
I do not concede that
I will live in a country of my own making
In the future
Environmental destruction will be the norm
No longer can it be said that
My peers and I care about this earth
It will be evident that
My generation is apathetic and lethargic
It is foolish to presume that
There is hope.

And all of this will come true unless we choose to reverse it!

Can't figure it out, read the poem again, but this time from the bottom up, so the last line then the line above it, etc. etc.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Living the Christmas Spirit

As you all know Christmas is upon us. This past weekend was a very busy and Christmasy weekend. My library was doing a Breakfast with Santa, my church had their Christmas Pageant, and then my mom and I went down to my old town to see my old church's Christmas Pageant. Since we had a snowstorm Saturday night, my mom and I were going to shovel out my grandfather. On our car ride down we noticed that CT got a lot more snow than we did at home, and not only was there more accumilation, but it was the wet heavy snow, while at home we got light and fluffy, powdery snow. While driving down mom looked at me and said "I hope someone shoveled him out, and we just need to do the walkway and the deck." I nodded. When we pulled into my grandfathers driveway it was plowed, someone from town plowed his driveway for him, we knew it was a blessing. We later learned that it was friends up the street that did it, and they also did it last snowstorm, when mom and I couldn't make it down. If that doesn't show the generosity from people and the Christmas maybe this other story will (it happened on the same day).

My library did a Breakfast with Santa, with the snowstorm Mrs. Tower was worried that the Santa would say he couldn't make it to the breakfast, but she called and he didn't say he wasn't. Come 8:30 (only 30 minutes before Santa arrives for the breakfast)Mr. Tower gets a phone call from Santa that he doesn't have 4-wheel drive and won't be able to make it, Mrs. Tower offers to pick him up, but he says that he isn't being Santa at all today. So now Mrs. Tower needs to find a Santa Claus in 30 minutes, before kids show up and ask for Santa. Within the 30 minutes a member of the towns Police Department, showed up in suit and everything to play Santa. Not only was he not asked to, but he stayed there longer than the first Santa would.

These two stories are true, they both happened on December 20th, 2009. In two different states, with two different people, but it shows that the everyone should live Christmas, and not just buy presents and attend parties, but to be kind, do things for other people without them asking, and to go the extra mile if it be plowing an elderly's drive or showing up as a Santa.

Remember He is always watching.

Merry Christmas!
Have a happy and safe holiday and new year!


Monday, December 21, 2009

Music Mondays!

Mom told me that I should keep it religious, so here is another religious song ;p

Livin' On a Prayer by Bon Jovi

Friday, December 18, 2009

Girl Scout Gold Award in Proccess

I'm in the process of earning my Girl Scout Gold Award, and one of the requirements is to start a buisness. So that is what I'm doing. My mom and I are currently selling prints on Deviant Art, and I'm making bracelets to sell on

If you want to buy one of the prints please go here If you want to check out my gallery go here and if you want to join Deviant Art go here

I'll get more updated stuff up and running, and I'll even get my etsy shop up, so if you want to help support me, buy a print or two!


Thursday, December 17, 2009

HOME-SCHOOLING: Socialization not a problem - Washington Times

Here is a wonderfully supportive article for homeschoolers. It may be a good one to print off and have with you during this holiday season. When someone says, "But how are they socialized?" You can just hand them a copy of the article and ask them to read it before you will discuss the issue further. When there done, I their concerns may be gone. There next question may be, "and how do I start homeschooling my children?"

HOME-SCHOOLING: Socialization not a problem - Washington Times

HOME-SCHOOLING: Socialization not a problem - Washington Times

Here is a wonderfully supportive article for homeschoolers. It may be a good one to print off and have with you during this holiday season. When someone says, "But how are they socialized?" You can just hand them a copy of the article and ask them to read it before you will discuss the issue further. When there done, I their concerns may be gone. There next question may be, "and how do I start homeschooling my children?"

HOME-SCHOOLING: Socialization not a problem - Washington Times

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Random Dozen

I have to say, this Random Dozen is perfect in timing, I was just trying to think of a blog, and then it hit me "2nd Cup of Coffee" has their Random Dozen, for me it does not feel like a Wednesday, more like a weekend. I guess that day I spent in Connecticut really messed me up- - -Oh well.

1. Gingerbread: For or against? I like making the little women and men, and decorating them- - - It's fun to, so I think I'm for.

2. Is it important to you to always stay (live) close to family? Yes it is, very much

3. Which holiday pretend character do you wish really existed? Heat Miser and Snow Miser, or the Elves from Prep and Landing!

4. Which holiday movie best represents how you feel about Christmas or life? A Christmas Story or A Christmas Charlie Brown

5. Is there a particular Christmas song that you're enjoying now? Any that you're tired of? Well there is the Advent Candle Song, that my old church sings, and I want my new church to sing, but then there is Dominic the Donkey, a song that my father loves dearly, and drives me insane!

6. What is your favorite way to remember those less fortunate at Christmastime? When I make my Christmas list, I try to put at least one request for a non-profit organization- - -for example this year I asked for a 2010 Kiva calendar, and for books that I could donate to my local library.

7. Does it upset you to see "Xmas" instead of Christmas? No it doesn't, because "X" is an abbreviation from the greek word Χριστός, which means Christ. So the abbreviation "X" is shorthand for Christ, so we're not taking Christ out of Christmas.

8. How many Christmas programs are you attending this month? Well lets see- - -I performed in two at Old Sturbridge Village, My family was the advent family at church, I'm the narrator for my church's Xmas pageant, and I'm convincing my family to see the old church's Xmas Pageant (because it is a musical), and we're attempting to go to the midnight service at 11:00 at the church up here- - -So all in all 6!

9. Are you dreaming of a white Christmas? Any chance of that dream becoming a reality? Yes, and I really hope so, we've already gotten a huge snow storm- - -We haven't had a white Xmas for a while.

10. Tell me about a Christmas present you received as a child. Pics are always nice. I don't know of any that any really stay in my memory- - -Well I lied, a couple Christmas' ago, I got two American Girl Dolls Felicity and Elizabeth, and the boxes that they were in looked like they went through a lot to get to my house, I thanked my mom and dad for getting me it and my father asks "Are they broken?" I look at him and say "No, why?" His lovely response to a little 11 year old girl, "Because UPS put them in the car port and I ran over them by accident". Sometimes you just got to love my family!

11. How many Christmas parties are you attending this month? None! Well we might attend one, but I don't think it's going to work out.

12. How do you keep yourself centered on the significance of Christmas? I go to church weekly, my family has started a new tradition, by going to the 11:00 service on Christmas Eve, and just being religious, it isn't my birthday, it's Jesus!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Calling Adults by their Last Name

As mom, I suppose that I should put my two cents in here. I have come to the conclusion that for the most part adults should be called by their last names unless otherwise instructed by the adult. And frankly, too many adults are too free in allowing children to call them something else. Using the last name implies respect and a differentiation between the generations.

I know if you are under 35 or so, you are thinking that is why I have them call me by my first name. I want them to think of me as one of the them. But I'm here to say that you think you want that, but this may not be the best course of action for you or for them. So many people complain about this newest generations' "respect", but if they were never taught respect how can they show it. Calling someone Mr. or Mrs. may seem minor, but it has larger implications that affect behavior. Using a title shows that you may have something to learn from them as they have been here longer and may have gleaned more wisdom. Using Mr. or Mrs. also reminds us to be on better behavior, to watch our language, and to be thoughtful in our topics of conversation. If everyone is our "friend" and we can be loose all the time, these skills can become forgotten. Without titles, behavior and speech becomes kind of like an anything goes game and then when you need the respect it is hard to regain it. Sometimes it is there for us to be reminded that we are not one of them and that it is not appropriate to pretend that we are.

I enjoy being friendly with the younger generations like DD, but they and I know that there is a boarder to this. I must admit that I was not always like this. A friend of ours actually, brought it to our attention through Scouts and was adamant that people of authority should be called by their title. I was hesitant to become old and add a title to my name, but I had to admit that I saw a difference in the way the kids responded to him vs the other leaders. Soon we all adapted to the labels and ironically, sometimes we even call each other Mr. and Mrs. Please note that this does not mean that we don't have just as much fun with the kids. We do, but they know who is in charge and that we take that job very seriously. They know that they are safe and that the adults are taking care of them. They know that one day they will reach the same precipice and have earned the same respect and will have the honor of carrying the same title.

Dawn AKA Mom

Musical Monday!

Today's Musical Monday will be a song that my church is singing this upcoming Sunday. My mom sang this song when she was in High School, and I simply like the song. Enjoy :)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Musical Monday's!

Okay, I know I'm not the best at keeping up the days and their theme, but this time I'll try to be really good at it, I'll even write it on my calendar to remind myself, what to write as a blog. So I'm going to introduce Musical Mondays! Each Monday I'll post a video or something that involves music. So I'm starting it today! Enjoy :)

Highway to Hell by AC/DC

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Should Kids Call Adults By Their First Name?

Throughout my life, I've been told to call adults multiple things, Mr., Mrs., Mizz, or by their first name. As I was a pre-teen I called my employeer by her first name, I was told by my father that I should call adults by their last name, and not by their first. So I attempted to call R. by her last name, and she told me "C., you can call me by my first name, if you call me by my last name you remind me of my monther-in-law." So I reminded calling R., by her first name, and I still do. My minister from my old town I remember being a 7 year old, an going up to him and saying "Mr. Reverend R." and Elven asked me to call him Elven, but then we have friends that they perfer to be called Mr. and Mrs., which I started calling them Mr. and Mrs. Since I moved up to MA, I went into the library and I've been calling Mrs. T., Mrs. T, a couple months into volunteering at the library, she asked me to call her S. I responded "Okay, but if you don't mind, I would perfer if I could call you Mrs. T., you have a way to connect with kids, but still show authority." Mrs. T. said that that was alright, but now I want to hear from the adults and kids that read this blog.

Do you think that kids should be allowed to call adults by their first name?

Snow! Snow Days! Cancelations- - -

Yesterday, it snowed enough that the surrounding schools and the private school my next door neighbor goes to all closed. For me, I was only hoping for a delay, yes I'm homeschooled, but the reason for the delay was that I could then still go to the library, but as the weather got worse and worse that day, I gave up on the library (I also got a call that they were opening late at 3:00) and my younger brother and I started playing outside, within the first two hours the youngest girl from next door came out and played with us, we sleded, made a snowman (that I named Inner-child, so I can always find my inner-child), started snowball fights, and I wrote stuff in the snow. After a couple more hours outside, M., J., and I went inside and we had some nice hot apple cider and played some board games. M. went back home to shovel her driveway with the rest of her family, Arond 4:30 I went backoutside to help M, J, and M.'s older sister Je. build another snowman. We were outside for even longer as it got darker, we started a snowball fight agian, after we finished making the snowman (which looks like Mr. Moneybanks from Monopoly). Jake and I didn't go back inside untill 5:30/6:00.

Yesterday was the funnest day so far. I can't wait untill another snowday, because that one will be twice as much fun!

Did you get snow yesterday? If, so what did you do?

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A Dream Come True

Since moving to Massachusetts, I made sure that I would continue to volunteer at my local library. I've now been volunteering at my local library for 7 months. I've dreamt of becomming a librarian for a couple years, and I've even requested some college information about degrees in Library Science and all that fun stuff. At my new library everyone has a Sub-professional librarianship degree, which states that you are a librarian without an M. L.S., to get your Sub-professional librarianship degree, you have to work/voulnteer at a library for 6 months. Once I hit that 6 months point, I filled out an application and sent it into the Board of Library Commissioners. It took a couple weeks, but I finially got an email saying that the board will review my application in their December board meeting. I couldn't wait, their board meeting was on the third, and I was leaving for a Boy Scout Trip on the 4th, and I hoped that I would know if I was a librarian or not by then, but as I closed out my email on the 4th, no such email came in letting me know. Mom did tell multiple times that they might not approve me because of my young age, I'm a teenager and there is a lot of age biasts out there. Once I was back home from camping, I check my email- - -Still no email from the MBLC (Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners), it wasn't untill yesterday, when I was helping mom unload the car with grocerys that I saw a manlia evenlope (big enough to fit a certificate in) laying upsidedown, being the nosy little teenager I am I flipped it over and it was addressed to me,

"Who would be sending me stuff in manila evenlopes?" I thought as I read the return address label, I screamed! I quickly, but gentily opened up the envelope and inside it was my certificate! I was soooo happy, I'm now offically a librarian.

So for all of you readers of this blog, if you have a dream go follow it, you never know what might happen.

And for all of thoes librarians out there- Hi!

I guess I had a dream come true, and now the bigger question is, do I want to become a librarian in the long-run- - -It would be a pretty cool job!

By ~C

Book Reviews-A Dog's Life

Okay, I figured if I'm going to read so many books, why not write reviews for the people who read the blog. I'm going to post a review after every book, or try to at least, that I read.

A Dog's Life by Ann M. Martin

A Dog's Life is an autobiography of a stray, this books is written by the dog, Squirell, and her life as a stray. It was a quick read for me, only about 182 pages long, but it is powerful. Ann M. Martin wrote this book very well, I couldn't put the book down! The thought of this being a book of fiction is imaginable. Ann M. Martin does a great job making you feel the emotions and pain that the dog goes through in her life. I highly reccomend this book.

Did you read this book? Tell me what you thought about it!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Christmas Songs-Sad, Funny, Classic

Three videos, three songs, three emotions.
The videos below are three of my favorite Christmas songs. Enjoy!

Christmas Shoes by New Song- - -If this song doesn't already bring tears to your eyes, this video will do it.

I Want a Hippopatamus for Christmas By Gayla Peevey- - -This song is one of my favorties.

Dominick the Donkey by Lou Monte- - -My dad loves this song.

To get you into the Christmas Spirit
Hope you enjoied!

It's 10:00, Do you know where your inner child is?

Last week at the library, we decorated for the holidays. While decorating Mrs. Tower and I were talking- - -Let me rephrase that, Mrs. Tower was telling me that I can't decorate (She's right, I can't really decorate for Christmas) and that I needs to be symmetrical. I can't accomplish that one little bit, so while we were decorating, and I couldn't hang my end of a garland, Mrs. Tower asked me, if I could get my inner-child to help me decorate. I responded that I can't find my inner-child currently, and that I'll have to look later. This conversation went on for another ten minutes, about how a teenager can't find her inner-child, but the mom of two kids kept onto her inner-child. After we finished decorating, Mrs. Tower asked if I wanted to make paper snowflake, but she quickly added that my inner-child isn't home, so I probably wouldn't want to do it, I was surprised that I got to make paper snowflakes, something that I haven't done since I was 5, I responded overjoyed and said that I would love to make them. My reaction surprised Mrs. Tower. Mrs. Tower asked me why I loved making paper snowflakes- - -My response;; "I made them as a little girl, the last time I made them was when I was five, with my Grandmother in the basement in our old town. I remember doing it, I guess we found a little part of my inner-child." This revalation enlightened Mrs. Tower, but also set her into a mission, she was going to find all of my inner-child, if it was going to be the death of her.

I came home, with a little part of my inner-child and explained all of this to my mom, which she said that we need to find the rest also! I convinced her that if we made cookies I could find some more. The cookies that I love, and my mother dislikes- - -The Pillsbury Cut-N-Bake (Well they're no longer cut-n-bake, but they were!)

These cookies I also made with my grandmother. The memories are countless, we would cut thicker cookies, and eat one or two raw here and there, she would help me cut the cookies, etc. etc. I've always loved the taste and the memories that come with it. We went to the store later that night for other items, and I got three boxes of these cookies, I made two on Friday, and one on Sunday. I think I've found the rest of my inner-child, and mom will be picking more up today at the store!
Have you embraced you're inner-child yet? It's the best time of the year to!
So since it's 10:00
Do You Know Where You're Inner-Child is?

Random Dozen-Whatever number we're on-

This weeks Random Dozen from 2nd Cup of Coffee.
1. Which physical trait do you now accept--maybe not love, but accept--and no longer feel extremely self-conscious about? My Inner-Child- - -Does that count?

2. This week Meredith Baxter Birney, best known as the mom on the favorite 80s sitcom "Family Ties" came out of the closet, which led me to formulate this question: Who do you think is/was the best TV mom? I loved the mom in the Grady Bunch

3. Do you speak any foreign languages? Are there any you'd like to learn? Speak no, attempting to learn yes, Latin. I would say any languge Sweedish would be a cool languge to learn how to speak.

4. Who is your personal hero? Hero, I don't know- - -Some I look up to, There are a few, and for different reasons. Currently Mrs. Tower

5. What is one holiday food that you find extremely difficult to resist over- indulging in? Thanksgiving/Christmas/When ever there is Pumpkin Pie involved ;p

6. Tell me about a Christmas decoration that has special meaning or sentimental value. The Carolers

This year we just got them from my grandfather. My grandmother and I used to put them up and I remember doing it, it was something I always loved doing, but ever since she passed away in 2001, my grandfather only put them up once. My mom has tried to get them earlier, but my grandfather wouldn't let them go, needless to say they are now all up for the first time in a long time, and I have my favortite up in my bedroom.

7. How do you feel about snow? It changes with my mood, I usually don't like it, but it makes the earth so pretty, its hard not to like/love snow.

8. On average, how many hours of sleep do you get each night? Not that I'm jealous of any number over three or anything. Ummm, it depends. . .I would say around 10, but that is only beacuse I'm going to be at 7:30 and waking up at 5:00/6:00am

9. Tell me about your first crush. - - -Hmmm it was at an acting class, and we were talking about teenagers dating and if they should, or shouldn't date, and then he told me that he like me, and I was thinking "Wow, you're such an idiot, you're talking about teenagers that shouldn't be dating and you like him, and he just asked you it! Way to go!". Needless to say, I intoduced Jordan to my mom who picked my up, and Jordan to my dad next class when he picked me up. Both of my parents approved, and we went out for a little bit.

10. You're stuck in a room for 2 hours with only a chalkboard and chalk. What will you write/draw? Do I have a bed? Well if I had to write, I would start writing stuff that I needed to do, or continue my novel.

11. Do you dress for the current temp or for the day's forecast? For the day's forecast, there is no point in dressing for a cold morning, only to learn that it's going to be a nice day.

12. Favorite Christmas movie is? "The classics" that air on ABC Family

Monday, December 7, 2009

Elf Yourself 2

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Hope you enjoied! For thoes who are wondering who the younger boy is that dances with my brother, that is a picture of my father when he was 7 years old.

Could you keep a straight face watching this? Well I couldn't!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Advent Season is Upon Us

The Advent Season is upon us, and a tradition in my old church was when we light the advent candles we sang a song. With moving, and moving to a new church, we left behind the song, but now I finally have all four verses and hopefully we can bring a new tradition to our new church.

Light the Advent candle one,
now the waiting has begun.
We have started on our way,
time to think of Christmas Day.

Candle, candle burning bright,
shining in the cold winter night.
Candle, candle burning bright,
fill our hearts with Christmas light.

Light the Advent candle two,
think of humble shepherds who,
filled with wonder at the sight,
of the child on Christmas night.

Candle, candle burning bright,
shining in the cold winter night.
Candle, candle burning bright,
fill our hearts with Christmas light.

Light the Advent candle three
Think of heavenly harmony
Angels singing "Peace on Earth"
At the Blessed Saviour's Birth.

Candle, candle burning bright,
Shining in the cold winter night.
Candle, candle burning bright
Fill our hearts with Christmas light.

Light the Advent candle four
Think of joy forevermore
Christ Child in a stable born
Gift of love that Christmas morn.

Candle, candle, burning bright,
shining in the cold winter night
Candle, candle burning bright
Fill our hearts with Christmas light.

Conneticut to Massachusetts Comparison 7

The State

This is the final CT to MA Comparison, and I have to say I'm sorry for not getting this up early, but the holiday season is upon us, if you haven't figured it out already. While we were moving, I was upset that it wasn't the next town over, but now that I have lived in MA for the past 7 months, I'm glad that we moved, sure we lost some things, but we gained some more. I've been thinking about what if's in life, and just being me I came up with a quote, that explains it all.

"Think about the "what ifs" in life, because if you don't,

you don't know how blessed you really are."