
Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Singles Awareness Day, Oh Wait - - -

Happy Singles Awareness Day every- Wait what, they didn't change the holiday name yet? Oh, oops. Sorry. Let's try this again.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I hope you have a wonderful day, weather you single, married, dating, excepting, engaged, forever alone, or whatever your relationship status is! I do have to state, my Valentine is a cute little two year old boy, whom I watch every Tuesday night. He is just adorable! Luckily his father, being the wonderful husband he is, is going to surprise his wife with a night out tonight, so I actually get to spend my Valentine's Day with my Valentine. Here are my four quick steps on how to have a fun-fill Singles Awareness/Forever Alone Awareness/Valentine's Day!

1. Work all day, get dropped off early in the morning for my story time and don't leave until 3pm/4pm
2. spend 20 - 30 minutes at home after work.
3. Babysit until late at night
4. Go to bed.

That is how you spend a Singles Awareness/Forever Alone Awareness/Valentine's Day correctly.

Now onto the history part of this day. Valentine's Day is the feast of Saint Valentine. Now the Catholic religion does not have this feast on their liturgical calendar, because we do not know which Saint Valentine we are feasting for. There are several if you were wondering. Now we don't know which one gets the feast, and we don't really know why today. It is speculated that a Saint Valentine was buried today, so we're feasting on his burial day, but then we go back to the, which Saint Valentine. Maybe we're celebrating all of the Saint Valentines, right? Well no one really knows this answer.

I do have to state that the Eastern Orthodox Church, celebrates the feast of Saint Valentine of Presbyter on July 6th and Hieromartyr Saint Valentine on July 30th. With that said, the Eastern Orthodox Church celebrates the two names, Valentine (male) and Valentina (female), on February 14th (today!). An interesting fact in the Eastern Orthodox Church there is NO Saint Valentine, but yet they celebrate two Saint Valentines, and celebrate the names. Maybe they're just going along with the whole unknowns of today.

Now, the most fun fact about today is Saint Valentines Massacre!!! Yes, that needed three exclamation points. I'm going to need your imagination for a little bit, okay?

Okay, it's February 14, 1929. You're in the Chicago, on this lovely day with your sweetheart. You do not know that they're will be a massacre right in front of you, between two well known gangs (why you were in an alley way behind a garage, don't ask me). Anyways, the next thing you know you see several men of the Irish North Side gang up against the building, you also see two police men in some nice Crestview uniforms (don't they look hot?) The next thing you know these two handsome, "police officers" open fire, each with Thompson Sub-Machine Gun.

It was known that Frank Gusenburg, had 14 shots in him. While in the hospital they asked who shot you, and Frank responded "Nobody shot me." You would think that if you knew that you were dying that you would say who shot you right? Frank died three hours later.

Now back to your imagination, you're now on the street. You fled the scene with your sweetheart and are enjoying a nice walk on the street. You see two men acting as street men walk out to the main road with their hands on top of their heads with the two policemen behind them. You assume that everything is under control, and continue your day with your sweetheart.

Both Capone and Moran were not there, Capone was vacationing in Florida (man wouldn't I wish to be in Florida today, I'm so tired of this cold) and Moran was actually going to the warehouse, when he spotted the cop car and fled to a coffee shop. So as Moran's buddies were being killed, he was enjoying a nice Solo Espresso Con Panna (okay so maybe he wasn't dinning a Starbucks, but we're imagining here, got it?)

Okay, you can stop imagining. Story is all over.

The aftermath of the Saint Valentine's Day Massacre was the beginning of the end of Mr. Moran's power and control of the city. In 1931, Mr. Capone was convicted of income tax evasion (even the Al Capone had to file taxes, I guess explaining where he got the money for hits would be kind of hard to explain to the IRS, so I don't blame Mr. Capone for not filing them. I'm sure tax evasion is a much better sentence than everything that he's accomplished). Mr. Jack McGurn, the guy that the police suspected planned the whole shebang, beat the massacre charges (nice judicial system we have), but would be murdered February 15th (ha you thought it was going to be 14th) in 1936, no one knows who's gang got the hit on him.

So all in all Valentine's Day is a world of unknown. You don't know who we're feasting to, the Catholics don't even have the feast on their liturgical calendar and the Eastern Orthodox Church feasts, but they don't have any saints to feast for. You don't know what your special someone is going to do to you (hey I wonder how many romantics out there are proposing today, maybe they're proposing under the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France with a nice cup of espresso with their sweet heart, and have tirramissu and have the ring right on top, or maybe it's with biscotti - - - oh I want that guy.) tonight. You don't know how many Valentine's Day roses you'll get (I got one Saturday night), or how many cards you'll get. You won't know what the cutest sweetheart message you'll receive. You won't know if you'll end the day with a Valentine if you're single. Today is all unknown, and maybe that's what makes today as amazing and wonderful that we all believe. Maybe Valentine's day is like Santa Claus for grown-ups. Maybe Cupid is Santa, we don't know.

I hope you will have a wonderful Valentine's Day, and if you have a special someone. Tell them how much you mean to them, because you really don't know how long you have with them.

This is a hopeless romantic signing off.

-And remember, I love you! ♥

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Taking A Cup of Tea with Mom and Me to a New Level

 Sometimes, you can be so dedicated to an idea that it starts to define you.  DD and I have always enjoyed our tea time together, thus the blog title; but this weekend, we took it to a new level.  It wasn't just a cup of tea with mom and me: it was mom and mom and mom and mom and mom and mom and several me's.  We celebrated DD's 16th B'day at a tea house with 5 fellow girls and 6 moms.  Some people may think this could be boring, but with our group boring is not in our vocabulary.  Fun is wherever we are.  And on this afternoon fun was at Tea Roses Tea Room. Where we devoured yummy food (those cucumber sandwiches where the perfect blend of sweet and pepper), laughed until we cried, reminisced about days gone by, and planned to never let these friendships dissipate.

So here is to a little more tea for all the moms and daughters out there.  May you always find time for tea with each other.

PS Happy Birthday, yet again.


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

S.A.D/Valentine's Day Hodgepodge

1. What is more important-doing what you love or loving what you do? Loving what you do. It makes life that much better :)

2. Do you like bleu cheese? Only the dressing ;) Or maybe on a salad here and there, but I'm not a huge fam of it. My younger brother on the other hand - - -

3. What is the most difficult emotion for you to handle? Hard question - - - Um, I have no clue, I probably have a little bit everyone ;) Sadness is probably the hardest. It shows the most weakness.

4. Fresh flowers or a box of chocolate? If I didn't have a cat, I would go with flowers. Even though I don't enjoy flowers that much, but I'm working on it! I would like chocolate, but they're chocolate, sugar, and fat. As stated on NCIS: LA "A second on the lips, a lifetime on the hips"

5. What's a song you love that has the word 'love' in its title? It doesn't have to be a 'love song'. Okay, I'll give you two. One is a love song, and the other is a song that was played at the first concert I went to. I hope you can figure out which one is which ;)

6. Are you the person you wanted to be when you grew up? I'll come back to this question in 20 or 30 years ;)

7. Any special Valentines Day plans? It's not Valentines Day, it's Singles Awareness Day (SAD). So no ;)

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Don't you think that video makes you want to go out and buy a VW? I absolutely love it!! This was one of the best commercials at the super bowl. It reminds me of when my grandparents got an automatic garage door opener. They told Bro #1 and I that it would only go up if we said "Abracadabra" with this really awesome hand motion. My grandfather said that everything that Bro #1 and I went out we kept him and grandma on their toes, because they would have to watch us, with the clicker in their hand to make sure the garage door went up when one of us were saying the magic word ;)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How To Write a Sermon From a Lay Person's Point of View

I have by conned into doing the sermon at my church once again, by my father. So as I'm starting to write my sermon about a Faith Journey, I came up with this list of 12 steps on how to complete your sermon from a lay person's point of view. I hope this helps whatever lay person is reading this on their sermon ;)

How to Write a Sermon from a Lay Person's Point of View

1. Acquire a cup of coffee with mix-ins to your liking
2. Turn your music up (music may or may not be reverent)
3. Open Microsoft Word
4. Close Facebook (DO NOT skip this step)
5. Write the title
6. Jam out to your favorite song
7. Let the juices flow
8. Re-fill cup of coffee
9. Go to the bathroom
10. Finish sermon
11. Re-read sermon
12. Re-open Facebook

Your sermon is now complete and you can continue harvesting your plants on FarmVille ;)


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Birthday Hodgepodge

UPDATED NOTE: I'm scrolling through the movies on at 1:00am on February 2nd, and what are they showing? Groundhog Day, only to then realize that I've seen bits and pieces of this movie. I am so staying up until 3am just to watch the whole thing!

1. Would you rather be seen as a person who did their duty or forged their own path? I would want to be seen as a person who did their duty. I don't think I could accomplish forging my own path!

2. This week's Wednesday Hodgepodge happens to fall on Groundhog's Day. In keeping with that theme, if you could have a do-over of any one day out of the last seven, which day would it be and why. If you haven't seen the movie Groundhog Day this question will make absolutely no sense but that's can answer anyway.

You thought my question was going to be weather related didn't you? No, well maybe. There's a movie called Groundhog Day? I'm going to have to watch this! I don't think I have a day I want to do-over. My weeks been really good :D

3. Hot cocoa...yay or nay on the marshmallows? Depends on my mood, but usually a yay :D

4. Do you wear makeup every day? What are the top two must haves in your daily makeup routine? Yes, cover-up and a light mascara :D Can't go anywhere without them on me!

5. Is it more important to you in a relationship to be loved or understood? Both. You need to be loved, and understood. I think you need to be understood to be fully loved.

6. Parsley sage rosemary or thyme... your favorite? Thyme, always loved the name of it ;) Good reason, huh?

7. What do you do when you feel angry? Cry, write, or listen to music.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!! YES!!!!!!!! I read the cutest book know to man, given to my by my boss last year for my birthday and everyone should own this book!
