
Friday, September 24, 2010

The Fair

This is just a small picture of the few people who came for Thursday night- - -The fair gets much larger then this!

Well in my old hometown down in CT there is a fair that happens the last full weekend of September, well have you checked your calendars? It's the last full weekend of September. So as I'm sitting in my dinning room up here in MA, my Bro #1 is standing down at the fair helping the Boy Scouts out with recycling, he enjoys it don't get me wrong, and I enjoy the time I spend down in CT, especially if it's the fair, but for some reason I'm so glad that I'm not at the fair this year. Maybe it's because they added last night, making the three day fair into a four day fair (glad we got out of that the whole town practically shuts down!)! Maybe it's becuase I've been so busy up here I could care less about the fair this year, or maybe it's the fact that for all of my life I've been go to every single day of the fair volunteering at every booth possible, The Boy Scouts, The Church Lime Rickey's, The Republican Commitee, The Cub Scouts, Youth & Family Services (they make really good Apple Crisp!) anyone who needed help I somehow seemed to be there behind the booth helping them. I did get to go around the fair in between shifts, and volunteering makes the fair so much more fun, but yet I'm still not regretting going down, maybe it's also the fact of how expensive it is! I never really thought about it, but just calculating it out to give Bro #1 enough money, it's like $150 for a weekend, and that's just for food! I got $150 for a 10 day trip down to KY! Maybe it's the fact that I just dealt with a flea market and am not quite ready to handle the extent of the fair right now, but other than that I love the fair, and maybe I'll make a trip down for the day when I have some money, a car, and a driver's liscense.

Does your town or community have an annual thing that you have a love-hate relationship with?


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Is this an Honorable Discharge?

Mom, Dad, and I all asked "Why did she quit" after Sarah Palin quit being the Governor of Alaska. Only just now have we learned why. Mom and I were listening to Going Rouge on cd, and we finished it this afternoon on our travel down to CT. We were on CD 7, just finishing the book up, and the last chapter explains it all. Palin went through a lot of ethic charges, and she thought in the state's best interest, becaue she felt that she wasn't doing the best she could with all of these charges that she would step down. The most moving part during the last chapter is a conversation that Sarah has with her son Track who was over seas, and he explains that you never should quit or even get a dishonorable discarge, when you leave it should always be honorable.

Going Rouge is a really good book, either reading it or listenng to it (Sarah is reading the book). It gives an insite into Sarah's life and how it was for her to go through the whole campaign process from local to national level.


Friday, September 17, 2010

Jackie Evancho & Sarah Brightman "Time to Say Goodbye" on America's Got ...

Jackie Evancho was my favorite, and she still is. If only she was a couple years older, she could have won, but this duet with Sarah Brightman is beautiful.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

If you Don't Have Anything Nice . . .

Do you remember that saying that your mom would always say after (or before) you said something mean? You know, the one that goes a little like this: "If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say it at all." Yeah, that one, well she's right, because there can be major consequences involved if you say something mean, for example the laptop dies. So don't speak ill about your electronics, because they must have feelings! Now you think I lost my mind, I didn't I swear! Listen to the story and you'll understand.

So two weeks ago, yes two weeks ago, I was sitting at the table using the laptop, well mom and dad came down and we had breakfast, so I just moved the laptop a little to my right, so it was out of the way. During breakfast I asked mom and dad to see if they could meet me half way for a new laptop, since this HP one, well is on it's last leg. You see the laptop will randomly shutdown as if it overheated, but the battery isn't hot, but it will come back on in a couple minutes, or it will just cycle through the powering on process but never actually power on, so you see I wanted a laptop that I could count on and not have it randomly shut down in the middle of my writing my novel or something, so I was checking into buying a new one. Anyways, maybe five seconds after I asked the question and stated my case about why we need a new, the lovely only two year old HP Pavillion dv6000 DIES ON ME! Yes, dies right there and then. Did I mention it was only two? Maybe I should also mention that my dad has the same laptop and bought it at the same time and it hasn't died yet. Well now it's been two weeks without a laptop and I still don't know if the lady who is attempting to fix it can fit it, so here I wait for the weekends, so I can use my fathers laptop, which by the way is still alive and running. So I am without laptop or computer for the week, and only have it for a limited time on the weekends.

Also, swearing doesn't help the laptop turn on, I tried that- - -So now I sit hear, with stuff to blog about, but nowhere to publish it since I don't have any computer to use, so I will have to write a thank you note to my laptop for dying on me, because you know what. It really helped me make my desicion on buying maybe a Dell.


Computerless Cae

Saturday, September 11, 2010


It's been nine years since the 9/11 attacks and since we knew my grandmother was not gonig to win the battle against cancer. I personally don't remember 9/11. I was only in 1st grade, so I guess who would remember 9/11 at such a young age? I know what happened, and I understand what happened, but I can't tell you what the sky looked like (I heard it was blue blue blue, as my mom has said) or what it smelled like (It smelt like fall was quickly approaching). I can't tell you my reaction, well because I didn't have one, but since 9/11 and since growing up, I've realized what a, *insert good word here* it was to America. (Sorry couldn't think of a good word to describe 9/11 with). Today it's the 9th anniversary, it seems like it was only yesterday, and it's time to pay tribute. I hope you will take the time out of your day to watch the video below or even say a prayer or two to the families and people who have been affected by 9/11. I watched a documentary today about two women who became widows because of 9/11 and they said "It's 9/11 everyday for us, the actual day is for the rest of American to remember," so let's remember everyone who lost their lives on "that September day".

God bless,

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Weekend Rewind

Well, this past Labor Day weekend, has been very busy even though it isn't over yet. To start off with Saturday, dad, Bro #1, and I were cleanning the house and well trying to get food for 40 people who were coming the next day to celebrate Mom's birthday. Dad  and Bro #1 took the truck and went from home to Walmart, Big Y, Wonder Bread Store, Cakettes, and finished their shopping journey at Resturant Depot over in CT. When they came back the house was cleanned, the tile floor mopped, the wooden floor swept and everything was going according to plan. Bro #1 and I unloaded all the groceries into my bedroom, well like the soda, chips, bread, and the cans. Mom didn't notice, I don't know why, but oh well that's just the beginning. Most of everything was done for Saturday except for just the touch-ups around the house.

We actually had to stage her cutting the first piece, because she couldn't wait!
Sunday!!! It was the big day, the truth to see if we, I, pulled this whole party off. So far Dad only had to tell Mom a that some of his friends are coming up, because he had to buy beer, and why would my dad buy two things of those cute little tiny kegs of beer for just himself? He wouldn't, so he told Mom that some friends are coming up. So we went to church and one of Mom's friends, who I didn't invite asked me what we were doing for Mom, and I was like "Well, we're having a party for her, come bring the family to our hours 2:00," needless to say she and her family showed up. After church we had to set up for the part without mom noticing- - - This was really fun, because we had to get a table and our old front-door (which was used as a nother table) upstairs, and behind Mom without her noticing. Well we got both out, we actually hit the basement door with the table and dad and I thought Mom would turn around from the sink, but she didn't. It was comical to figure out how oblivious mom was to the whole thing. Once the party started to get going, Mom was surprised and we all enjoyed it! The whole party was a success and for only having one week to prepare it, I did really well. Well, today is mom's actually birthday so, I need to do something nice for her, maybe make a batch of cookies. But what did you do over the weekend? Anything fun?

 Those little circle things, are cakettes and are really really really really really good! Thank you Tessa & Chris!!

Happy Birthday Momma!

Cae ♥

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Random Dozen!!

1. What insect are you most afraid of? Feel free to post a picture. Mostly all of them, spiders aren't insects, are they? Well if they are then most definitely a spider. Actually, the other day I was talking to my grandfather while I was in my old hometown, and this white spider thingy was crawling up my arm and I freaked, but couldn't make noise since my grandfather was talking, and my loving father thought it was hysterical!
2. What is the greenest/most organic thing about you or that you do?
I attempt to eat all organic, does that count? Well my cereal isn't organic, but it used to be. I loved puffins cereal, but now that I think about it, was that organic? Oh well, but I eat organic eggs, meat, produce. The family usually buys only local produce when it's in season, yummy :)
3. Tell me about a recurring dream that haunts you.
A recurring dream that haunts me, well that would involve some past history of Cae's and well she's not going to share that on the world-wide web, but I can tell a recurring dream, it just doesn't haunt me. Okay, my recurring dreams for some odd reason. Usually involve the libraries, we have two in town, and the bad blood between them. And of course Cae needs to mess it up by dating someone- - -Isn't that fun? Well the night I had it first, it freaked me out, but compared to the actual one that haunts me, it's not that bad.
4. Have you ever missed a flight? What were the circumstances?
Within all the times that I've traveled I don't think I ever have, even with the stupid layovers that only give you like 15 minuets to go from one end of the air port to the other.
5. What do you consider your best feature?
My personality ;) What type of question is this Linda?! Ummm, seriously, well I don't know! I don't think about my best feature!
6. What was the last concert you went to? Randy Travis, several years ago at a fair.
7. Describe the most embarrassing church moment you ever experienced. Can I say, that I don't have one? I don't really think I have one, well I'm usually behaved in church and always controled, so embarrassing moments wouldn't happen when I'm like that. Sorry :)
8. Are you a whistler, hummer or singer? Singer, by far, I'm pretty sure not everyone sings while they're board or while they're finding the hold list at work ;)
9. George Washington Carver said, "I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in." What is God saying to you through nature today, or this very minute? "I know how much you love to go to work in the rain, so I'm going to have it rain today and FRIDAY! *evil God laughter here*", Umm no, I don't think he's saying that, but it sure feels like it! So he's probably saying "The sun can come out even when it's raining, just look at your sunflower," now that's more like what God would say ;)
I couldn't find my sunflower picture, so you get  Black Eyed Susan! Same difference, right?

10. On September, 1, 1752, the Liberty Bell arrived in Philadelphia. What memorable event will take place in your life on September 1, 2010? WORK! Other than that, there isn't anything- - -Wow, I have such a dull and boring life.
11. Taco Bell or the Liberty Bell? (You must choose.)
Like as in the Liberty Bell, like the one in Philadelphia? No brainer I would take the Liberty Bell, like really I don't feel like getting e. Coli any day soon  ;)
12. Do you believe men and women can have purely platonic friendships?
Platonic, now that's a word that beat the SATs, HA! Take that SAT book, I found a word that isn't in you! How do you like that? I'm thinking you don't, do you! Okay, sorry about that back there, Cae is working on getting her PSAT this October so in her stupid brain she gets an SAT book, because it must be harder, so if I can get a good score on the SAT then all is good. So Cae has been doing vocab for the past couple days, and thinks her brain is mush now. Anyways, back to the questions, do I believe men and woman can have purely platonic friendship? Yes I do :)

If you liked my answers, then go and write your own and then link up at Linda's blog 2nd Cup of Coffee! Yes, that's you, go right now!

Cae ♥