
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama Wins Election

Well, it looks like Obama is coming out with the lead. Right now at 10:43pm, 207 electoral votes for Obama and 135 for McCain. My own state went with Obama. There are still six more states to close (Alaska, Hawaii, California, Washington, Oregon, and Idaho). The house is Dem for the next four years (again) 54 Democrats to 38 Republicans at 10:46pm. I might need to pull and all-nighter if the polls don’t work out.

“Will.I.Am” is on CNN right now via hologram it looks sooooooo cool. Too bad he is an Obama supporter (:(). I wish I could add an update as they come in but two problems; 1. I lost computer 2.I don’t have an account on blogger, to add me as an author for the blog, so I’ll just write it all down. California is closing in 5 in (11:00pm), so are the other 5 states (hmmmmm…….Let’s guess how Alaska is voting). If McCain wins, he would be the 20th Republican President, If Obama wins he would be the 30th(I think) Lawyer to become President. Virginia hasn’t gone Dem since L.B. Johnson (Obama won VA).

Just in, at 11:00pm Obama is elected president 297 electoral votes to McCain’s 139. This is CNN’S calculations, Alaska & Idaho went Republican, and the other 4 went Dem. Well now there is only one more issues to solve….Is he really the first African-American President? Obama in the beginning said he was not African-American, but once he wins he says he is African-American President….How does this work??? Life isn’t a One Way Street. It is exciting to have the first black president. Maybe next it will be a woman (C for President in 2028!). Obama will be sworn in Jan. 20th, 2009.

As I told my brother this morning “today will either be the best day, or the worst.” Seems like it is the worst. I hope people fight for the right to bear arms (I will be one of them), because Obama doesn’t believe in it. I hope Obama’s supporters enjoy their feast to night.

I hope you went out to vote, and if you didn’t, one thing left:

Final Count: Obama 306 electoral votes McCain 145 electoral votes, well I need to go to bed mom wants me to. 11:29pm and that is the final count.

By: C

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