
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Random Dozen

I have to say, this Random Dozen is perfect in timing, I was just trying to think of a blog, and then it hit me "2nd Cup of Coffee" has their Random Dozen, for me it does not feel like a Wednesday, more like a weekend. I guess that day I spent in Connecticut really messed me up- - -Oh well.

1. Gingerbread: For or against? I like making the little women and men, and decorating them- - - It's fun to, so I think I'm for.

2. Is it important to you to always stay (live) close to family? Yes it is, very much

3. Which holiday pretend character do you wish really existed? Heat Miser and Snow Miser, or the Elves from Prep and Landing!

4. Which holiday movie best represents how you feel about Christmas or life? A Christmas Story or A Christmas Charlie Brown

5. Is there a particular Christmas song that you're enjoying now? Any that you're tired of? Well there is the Advent Candle Song, that my old church sings, and I want my new church to sing, but then there is Dominic the Donkey, a song that my father loves dearly, and drives me insane!

6. What is your favorite way to remember those less fortunate at Christmastime? When I make my Christmas list, I try to put at least one request for a non-profit organization- - -for example this year I asked for a 2010 Kiva calendar, and for books that I could donate to my local library.

7. Does it upset you to see "Xmas" instead of Christmas? No it doesn't, because "X" is an abbreviation from the greek word Χριστός, which means Christ. So the abbreviation "X" is shorthand for Christ, so we're not taking Christ out of Christmas.

8. How many Christmas programs are you attending this month? Well lets see- - -I performed in two at Old Sturbridge Village, My family was the advent family at church, I'm the narrator for my church's Xmas pageant, and I'm convincing my family to see the old church's Xmas Pageant (because it is a musical), and we're attempting to go to the midnight service at 11:00 at the church up here- - -So all in all 6!

9. Are you dreaming of a white Christmas? Any chance of that dream becoming a reality? Yes, and I really hope so, we've already gotten a huge snow storm- - -We haven't had a white Xmas for a while.

10. Tell me about a Christmas present you received as a child. Pics are always nice. I don't know of any that any really stay in my memory- - -Well I lied, a couple Christmas' ago, I got two American Girl Dolls Felicity and Elizabeth, and the boxes that they were in looked like they went through a lot to get to my house, I thanked my mom and dad for getting me it and my father asks "Are they broken?" I look at him and say "No, why?" His lovely response to a little 11 year old girl, "Because UPS put them in the car port and I ran over them by accident". Sometimes you just got to love my family!

11. How many Christmas parties are you attending this month? None! Well we might attend one, but I don't think it's going to work out.

12. How do you keep yourself centered on the significance of Christmas? I go to church weekly, my family has started a new tradition, by going to the 11:00 service on Christmas Eve, and just being religious, it isn't my birthday, it's Jesus!

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