
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Putting Summer Reading Off and the Denial of Summer Ending

Oh, as August is winding down here in New England and my friends are buying new outfits for school, I'm still getting used to the general population and life (going to Girl Scout Camp for four weeks tends to make you more relaxed). So as I was at work the other day I had several teens come in for their summer reading books, I never really thought that teens would put reading off to such a last minute! School is starting in a little over a week! GASP! And to just start your summer reading now! What are they thinking?! Someone make a note for my mom to keep this, she might use this as ammo towards that seven books I didn't read over the summer. Come on, who would want to read The Bronte Sisters, or Charles Dickens, The Tempest, or . Sure, I tried to read the Tempest, but I never got into it, so instead I read Christy by Catherine Marshall. Woops, at least I got one of the "summer" reading books done, oh well. I guess I should practice what I preach, but did mom really expect me to read all of those books! Anyways, I'm now focusing on my PSAT, which is set for October *play funeral music here*, so maybe I should be doing that right now, and not procrastinating by writing this blog, oh well.

The denial of summer ending, of course this is commonly called "I don't want to go back to school" among the teengs. I'm sitting here at the lovely Sailsbury Beach with my amazing family and of course trying to figure out, how can summer be ending. It felt like it was June yesterday! This can't be possible, maybe we skipped over a couple months in between May and August, maybe I should call ABC News right now and let them know, and then it would all be better, because it would be July and I would still have some type of summer left! I never really had a denial of summer ending, until this year. Of course I can't wait for summer to end, but at the same time summer, especially this summer might have been filled with stress and arguments, but it was also filled with joy and laughter, which are somethings that we need most in this world right now. I guess these past couple weeks, have changed me, and let's hope it's for the good.

Now since this post has practically wasted the rest of summer remaining, and I still have my work blog post to update, I shall be saying goodbye until tomorrow, or the day after that, whenever I can make time in my life to explain the lovely happenings in my lovely life. So before I go, I would like to end this post with a passage from the Bible, of course this passage is one of my favorites, but right now it has meaning in my life.

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."-Romans 8:28

God Bless and Lots of Love,
Cae ♥

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