If you like the music, then contact Hunter Foote to order a copy of Sixteen for Christmas. You can email Hunter at HunterFoote@charter.net
If you want to read the story about the women and her black book, click here! Or you can check out my Flashback Friday post from Friday you can click here!
Ken's Christmas Tree Farm is just awesome and really nice, soyou can give Ken an email at connifer2@yahoo.com go and pick your tree up today!!!
Cakettes, is just awesome! So check their website out, click here!
Do you see that really awesome picture up top? Yeah, well that from 2nd Cup of Coffee's blog, see Lid is doing a Christmas Tree/Ornament link up, and you should go and check it out and participate!
Oh my goodness, this is beautiful! You took this post to another level, for sure! Thanks, Cae for participating!
Linda - I hoping to get my whole family to say what their favorite Xmas ornament is tonight :) I loved your idea :)
You cracked me up and inspired me! Fun post! I think I'll tote along the video camera to catch our family in the action tomorrow. Why not catch all that arguing on tape for posterity, right?!
I loved the tree choice. Great job!
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