
Sunday, September 25, 2011


My faith is a lot like this ring. It's been batted and bruised. Lost and found. Loved and forgotten. Ran over and twisted. Dropped and missed. But never once has it been broken. Never once has the love of God let me lose my faith in him forever. Not once have I ever lost this ring forever. I'll through a rough patch in my life and I'll start to lose faith. Question God. Why is this happening to me and my family. But like my ring, I will always find it again.

Last winter while walking my dog, Max, the snow wasn't very deep and was very fluffy. Well, I made a snowball with my right hand, and tossed it in the air. While I was trying to get the snow off of my bare hand, I was flinging my hand around, the ring slid off and into the snow. I searched everywhere for it. I couldn't find it.

I cried for losing the ring, and so it sat in the snow.
It's probably been pooped on.
It's been ran over by both bike and car.
It's been dropped.
It's been twisted.
It's been looked at.
It's been over-looked.
It's been lost.
It's been loved.
It's been missed.
It's been found.
It's been forgotten.

This ring is a symbol of my faith. My faith has been through the same things that this ring has. I didn't plan on wearing the ring, I found it by accident this morning and when I looked at it, and it was far from perfect I thought of how it represents my faith, and I slid it's battered-self onto my finger.

No matter how many time you may lose your faith or your way, Jesus is searching for you. He will find you.


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