
Friday, June 25, 2010

New England Assosication of Fire Cheifs 2010!

Okay, my dad sells fire trucks for Rosenbauer America, and every summer there is a fire truck show in New England for the fire truck. So yesterday dad, Bro #1, Bro #2, and I all went and helped set up the show for dad's company. We all met at dad's work and rode in different vehicles down to the Better Living building at the Big E over in West Springfield, MA. The show actually just opened up today, but set up is a lot of waxing of trucks and cleaning of trucks and organizing, so most vendors had to set up yesterday. I have to say, the show is amazing, and yes I helped clean eight trucks, but that just makes it more fun! I actually found my baby, the most amazing new fire truck that Rosenbauer carries, and of course I rode down in the North Brookfield fire truck. Can you say awesome? Well I'll be at the show this weekend helping my father out, but if your in the area come stop by and check out the show it's really fun!

My really awesome fire truck, which I will be getting for my touch-a-truck!!

North Brookfield's really awesome fire truck!!!

Cae ♥

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