
Friday, March 26, 2010

"I've Been Inducted into Adult Life"

So today at work this morning, I'm opening up the library, and the internet isn't working. Okay so I reset just about everything. I call C/W MARS to see what the problem is, so they called Verizon. Come around 2:30 Verizon comes and fixes my internet. All in all there is some thing wrong in the man holes in-between two places, so they'll have to send a crew into the man holes to fix it, but they did the best they could, and when they left I had internet. So I called the director of the library after I got home from work to make sure that she got my email explaining everything, and with a fundraising update. She told me "Cae, you've officially been inducted into adult life."

So with today being my first day at work, which had a huge issue, how was your day?

Who ever said being a librarian was boring?

Cae ♥

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