
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Parents Do Everything For You. . .

Well I just had an audition for a show today, and my mom and dad have been talking about it the past couple weeks, because our family life has become very busy, and they didn't really know if I could do it. But sure enough after church my mom told me that she was bringing me somewhere. I had no clue where she was brining me, but it ended up, that she brought me to the audition. I was so happy, and mom and dad are trying to do everything for everyone in my family. My mom is trying to get me to a library, church, choir, work, hair cut, orthodontist, shopping, deliverying cookies, CT, and to friends. That's all just for me. For my brother J, she brings him to Boy Scouts, CT, church, shopping, rifle, and anything else that's important to him. For my youngest brother Z she'll bring him to his doctors (weekly), boy scouts, Shopping, eye doctor, orthodontist, school (he can't be homeschooled since he's a warden of the state), and church.

My parents try to do everything for all three of us, and I guess I never realized it, but there's a lot of stuff that they need to drive us to, and pick us up from!

Thanks mom and dad!

Cae ♥

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