
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Writing, Working, and Weekend!

Well, I've been on a complete "forget about blog" moment, and it doesn't help that I'm half awake at 4:31 in the afternoon.
Writing, The past couple months, since I moved I've been writing a novel, well actually a fictitious memoir, but novel for short. This novel is about me moving and it's come to be almost done, the only issue, is how to end it! Part of me wants to end it, so I could start a sequel, but the other part, is "You know how hard it is to write a 200 page book, why do you want to do it again?!" Have any hints?

Working!! Okay, so I don't get paid- - -YET! I've been working at the library since May, and now that I'm a librarian the child labor laws come in effect, since the director is trying to get me a paid position, just for an hour or to, so I could take my Basic Library Technicians (B.L.T).

Weekend, okay, so I was trying to think of another "W" for the title, and since it's almost the weekend, well not really, I figured I would use "Weekend" the past couple weekends have been filled with basketball games, church, meetings, movies, and reading. What do you do on the weekend?

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