
Friday, October 8, 2010


I figure that I should let my voice be heard since DD posts way more often than I do and technically this blog is supposed to be both she and I.  You all seem to love all her posts and comments, but I have to tell you that you are missing out on the many other positives of DD. 

She has actually grown up to be quite a young woman and finds ways to inspire me everyday.  In fact, right now she is waiting for me to get my act together so that we can go for a walk.

Having a daughter is an amazing thing - I would say I recommend it highly, but unlike a dog it is not like you can just go out and buy one. . .So what I will say, is that if you have one, enjoy her.  Listen to her dreams. Talk to her about her interests.  Share in her talents.  Having a daughter somehow allows you to stay a little younger than you really are.  Somehow, you parent yourself and can be a bit of a child yourself.

So if you haven't yet today, perhaps it is time to sit down and have a cup of tea together.  As for me, I'm going to go get my walking shoes on and be prepared to listen for the next couple of miles.

By, Mom

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