
Monday, October 4, 2010

Put Your Heart Into It!

I was talking to my boss S, the other day at the library's annual Fall Book & Bake Sale. We were in the library doing library stuff, she was mainly adding magazines and book on cds into the collection and I was just keeping her company, and we got onto the subject of the library. The one thing I never realized was how much, or little, S got when she became the director. She got a little collection and a huge task to make this library as big as it is today. If you walked into my library today, you wouldn't know that the YA section was non-exsistant at one point, that we lost our whole collection when the library burned to the ground several years ago, that the children's section was S's little project, that this little library is fighting for it's life. I believe that if you love something with all your heart and you want it to succeed then you have to show it, you need to be there for this cause or building, you need to be there to support it, and you need to put your heart into it. When I walk into my library, I see how much of S's heart that she put into the library, and let me tell you. It's a lot! Noticing how much of S's heart went into this library and is still going into this library, shows me how I want to be when I'm a library direction.

Now, I've always thought of the what if's in my life, what if I didn't go to the library that day, what if I was never a good reader, but just recently have I asked myself a new what if.

What if S wasn't the director of my library?

Cae ♥

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