1. Do you prefer to read the book or see the movie? Read the book, then watch the movie if it was a really good book and the previews look really good.
2. What is your favorite holiday and why? Thanksgiving, because it's a time to give thanks to God for what you have and realize that if you have a roof over your head, a bed to sleep in, and heat to keep you warm, you're doing okay.
3. Which do you like better - the mountains or the beach? For vacation the beach, to live the mountains preferable the verde montis (green mountins) over in Vermont, such a beautiful view.
4. If money were no consideration, what vehicle would you drive? My baby, a 1968 Stingray Corvette, red of course.
5. What is your favorite cold-weather beverage? Mocha Hot Chocolate, mix some coffee with the hot chocolate and you're all good. Or some hot apple cider from one of the many local orchards, yummy :)
6. How do you communicate most often with your friends: phone, email, text, face-to-face, or Facebook? Most of my friends would be Facebook or email, then again most of them are all in CT. My MA friends usually face-to-face, phone call/text, or an email it all depends
7. How do you receive your mail? Mailbox on the porch, at the end of the driveway, down the street, or post office box? Oh, well in my lovely stupid town we clearly don't believe in mail delivery, so we have to get our mail from the post office, at our po box, stupid, I know!
8. Of the four basic personality types - sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic, and choleric - which is your strongest? Which is your least evident? (See definitions below.) Can I state that these are all SAT words? Well I'm going to, these are all SAT words! Anyways, I'm most sanguine, even though it's definition is cheerfully optimistic, I'm most sanguine than any of the other, but my personal favorite is phlegmatic ;)
9. What do you miss the most about being 20? Can I do 10? I'm not 20 yet, so I'll do 10! Ummm, not caring what the world was doing around me, and of course horseback riding!!
10. How long from the time you get up, does it take you to get ready to walk out the door in the morning? It depends what I'm doing in the morning, if I have to leave maybe 10 minutes, if I have some time about an hour depending how long it takes me to dry my hair.
11. Who handles the car maintenance and pays the bills in your family? Ha, Mom does all of that fun stuff :)
12. For those in the US, how many states have you visited? For those outside the US, how many provinces/other countries have you visited? I'm around 24 give or take a couple states, I can't really remember ;)
If you enjoyed this weeks Random Dozen stop by Linda's blog and answer your own and then link up!
Nice answers! This one was fun for me as well.
I grew up in a very small country town, and we had to go to the post office to get our mail. It was a huge pain, especially if you didn't get there before it closed!
When I clicked on your page, I thought "She can't even answer the age 20 question!" LOL
Enjoyed your answers.
LynnMaire- Thanks :)
Auburnchick- It's a very small town, and although the post office is open a lot, the post master takes a 2 1/2 hour lunch! If we get a package you need to get there before 11:30!
Linda- Ha, sorry about that, but I changed it up to 10! Thanks :)
Cae :)
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